
  1. kind2creatures

    Blackheads - Natural Ways to Get Rid of Them

    Here's an article with some natural ways you can treat your blackheads with things found around the house. Suggestions include baking soda, lemon juice, salt water, toothpaste, honey and raw eggs...
  2. D

    Skin Cleanser for Acne and Blackheads?

    With all the skin cleaning products being marketed to adolescents for acne and general skin care, I am wondering if members of this forum have any recommendations? Are some better than others? What distinguishes one from another? What should I look for in judging these products? I am also...
  3. kind2creatures

    Natural Home Treatment for Blackheads

    Here are some natural suggestions for the prevention and treatment of blackheads...
  4. kind2creatures

    Skin Care for Changing Weather

    Skin Care Treatments for Changing Weather As the weather changes, so do our skin care needs. Not sure about your skin type? Normal Skin You have normal skin if your skin... * Appears soft clear and supple * Has uniform texture and pigment * Has few or no blemishes, no oily sheen or dry...