Cant be.
This is what they say:
Fragile X is found in all races and at all socio-economic levels. Latest statistics indicate 1 in 3600 males and 1 in 4000- 6000 females are affected and that approximately 1 in 260 females are carriers.
I see fragile x as more a genetically inherited disease than an acquired disturbance as most cases of autism are in the USA. Many autistic parents say that there kids were just fine until one day something happened....
In the USA one in 75 boys and one in 150 girls have Autism now in some states...
Autism is a new development and barely existed 60 years ago. Autism increased as vaccinations increased, especially after the introduction of the MMR.
I do think that a number of things could cause Autism aside from vaccinations. I see autism as a syndrome, a spectrum syndrome which includes true ADD and ADHD as its lessor manefestations....although true ADHD may or may not look like autism. Anything that is capable of genetically mutating cellular function could cause it and in many cases there does seem to be a gut disorder, which certainly vaccinations are known to cause. BTW, some autism cases are curing with Homeoapthy, one of the few medical systems known to change genetics at times. I would not rule out heavy metals, radiation, pesticides, herbicides and other drugs.