How Vaccines Are Made


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
A little insight into the making of vaccines...

Tragically, even with all of the strides made in modern medicine, vaccination preparation has actually gotten worse. Original vaccinations were contrived by using the infected matter from another human being and introducing it into the body.

Trouble began once animals began to be used as hosts. Enter Dr. Jonas Salk and the race to develop a commercially viable polio vaccine. Salk and his peers concocted from a mad scientist brew of ingredients including the minced up spinal cord from a 9-year-old deceased patient, water, blood, flies, feces, and human cell matter. This mixture was injected into the brains of monkeys, most of which died instantly or became paralyzed.

Undaunted, Salk plugged away eventually creating the commercial version of the polio vaccine, developed in part from "the feces of three healthy children in Cleveland."

Ironically this infamous father of the polio vaccine just recently was exposed for his role in illegal experiments on mental patients.

While today's formulations don't contain feces, they are still derived from live hosts including cows, monkeys, pigs, chicken embryos, and human diploid cell.

Cell matter is extracted from these hosts, combined with toxic chemicals like Thimerosol (mercury), formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide and a variety of other substances, before being injected into our bodies. The side effects are autism, diabetes, asthma, MS, SIDS, and more.

Vaccine Pollution

The viral cell matter presents a significant health risk due to the plethora of dangerous animal viruses, RNA, DNA, and other foreign material that can't be filtered out of the final preparation.

Award winning journalist Janine Roberts, author of Fear of the Invisible and a host of other papers developing into the truth behind vaccine development, discovered that "vaccines are not filtered clean, but suspension from the manufacturers incubation tanks in which the viruses are produced from substrates of mashed bird embryo, minced monkey kidneys, or the infamous cloned human diploid cells only scanned for a few known contaminates - while the unknowns remain just that -- unknown."

Even worse, the government has provided legal protection to the vaccine industry and their polluted products via FDA regulations, more specifically 21 CFR.

