Irritating and persistant rash on my finger.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
Over summer I had some skin peel off due to being dry on the inside of my middle finger. I thought nothing of it. But it developed into something of a heat/sweat rash.

Unfortunately it has been quite some weeks and it rather seems to be both peeling and slowly spreading with itchy lumps. It still remins on the same finger and has not spread to anywhere else on my hand or to the opposite finger. So an infection seems unlikely. And I have no history of excimoor, which somehow seems unlikely again anyway.

So it seems to be nothing more than a heat or sweat rash that refuses to shift on its own. I would be appreciative of any advice anyone can offer to help get rid of this particular sore and irritating rash.

athletic dept

New member
Mar 15, 2010
It's probably psoriasis. It is most likely caused by a fungal infection in your colon. You need to go on an antifungal diet which means no carbs whatsoever for at least a month.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
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You mean like I did for almost 3 years up to just last year?

Hmm... seems unlikely after all that work to bounce back like that and this includes a useage of MMS. Like I say if it were fungal I would have thought it spread to my other finger it was touching.

Would not rule it out though.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
Original Poster
Nope, not convinced of that either. again would ringworm not spread to the opposite finger it was touching? I would take a pic of it to show if any of the pics on my phone cam would successfully upload.

It just seems to have been developed as a result of my rubbing the dry skin I had between my fingers there. And for whatever reason now seems to be spreading. Likely because every now and then I have peeled the skin off thinking it was starting to get better. Just looks pink and dry now. Overnight and during excercise sometimes it does become itchy and start to swell in parts just as heat rash can.


perpetual student
Dec 3, 2007
Texas, USA
Sorry. No other guesses. If I had something like that, my first attempt at cure, would be iodine. I would use the drug store external use only kind. I would also ask the pharmacist for recommendations.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
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Hmm Ill give that a try. I don't feel it is anything terrible or bad at all. Obviously since I left it for so bloody long (yes typical man, finger was not falling off so I left it). Now I think time to stop ignoring it is all.

I will show it and explain it to my pharamcist. And yes I do mean the rash before any of you get the wrong idea. :p


Standing at the Portal
Oct 16, 2007
Who could possibly say what it is. Even dermatologists won't be able to tell you and if they do they would likely be wrong. It could be an eczema also.

Lugols iodine is what I would use.

I have gotten rid of rashes with lugols and mms topically, not used together, separate cases of treatments

It could possibly be time for another cleanse for you too.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Two connected problems?

Lodestar, I've had both the bumpy itchy skin and the itchy ears you describe. In both cases my GP diagnosed eczema (and he specialises in skin problems), so maybe you should get it checked out by your doctor (although if it IS eczema you will get a prescription for steroid cream and I believe there are better ways to fix it).
I have always had trouble with my skin, had to be careful what I put on it in case it flares up as contact eczema, but now I think the problem has been dairy products all along. I think you should stop putting soap of any kind in your ear and try the olive oil instead, it worked for me. Have a look online for info about pompholyx, or dishydrotic eczema, as I think your hand symptoms sound just like it. I've got it on my feet and I thought I had reacted to the boots I have to wear at work, but I stopped wearing them months ago and the eczema didn't go away. So I had another think about it and realised that the onset coincided with me trying whey protein. I have now stopped having dairy products at all and I think it's working - no fresh blisters, and the dry, sore skin seems to be healing.
If you do have pompholyx you need to moisturise the skin as much as you can to keep it soft. I use coconut oil at night, which is very soothing.


Standing at the Portal
Oct 16, 2007
Many things that are diagnosed as eczema are in fact a microbial problem. True eczema will have an allergy component to it... then then, hey, lots of allergies are caused by leaky gut syndrome which once again comes down to a pathogen causing that

If it is true eczema homoepathy can work wonders. But try the simpler stuff first.


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
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My internet was down so I had not the chance to update you all. I did indeed at first decide to bite the bullet and go to chemist. I was just after Iodine and presented my rash, she went straight to the steroid cream which I was not to pleased about. I was still going to go with it when she said to use it again if it comes back. I thought on that and why it would come back and of course it made sense. Steroids supress your immune system, they heal nothing so I would possibly play whackamole with it.

I then had an idea to go to the Chinese medicine store and showed the rash and she gave me something on the spot. The rash looked way better after a few days. I am left with a few small white bumps with what appear to be on occasion tiny black cores. But it certainly has no red around it and skin is no longer damaged. I will see if continued use shifts the rest. But, I am confident it is much better now at the worst case. If they do not go after a week I will look for something else. But you can not see them without close inspection.

EDIT: Polyanna. I like the way you think. For what it is worth, I think the ear thing could be linked to an anxiety issue which I also think is causing disruptive bowel issues. I do overthink and get lost in thought and have nerverous concerns. That could also be the source of the skin conern but it is a new one. However, you are correct that anxious people get skin rashes. I do get dry powdery and sensitive skin that I use a skin brush and shower each day before putting on an organic moisturiser. But this particular matter appears to be something else entirely. I am actually trying something new about this and have considered begginning a thread on this. I think I will now.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Lodestar, the bumps with tiny black cores are, without doubt, pompholyx. Have a look at If you get desperate you can use the hydrocortisone cream for temporary relief from the symptoms (your GP would probably prexcribe Betnovate which is stronger than the stuff you can buy over the counter; my own GP said that, as the skin on hands and feet is thicker, the higher strength is needed to get any effect). I don't think you'll actually get rid of the eczema until you manage to identify the trigger and eliminate it from your life. I have now gone gluten free and dairy free and I feel much better, scabby feet now healed completely and skin has stopped peeling, and even better, my migraines have stopped. This has all been in the past month, so I'm still not 100% sure I'm out of the woods, but I feel very hopeful. Good luck!


Oct 1, 2010
Lodestar, did your problem get resolved?

I am curious: what kind of work do you do? (Do you work with drywall or concrete?)


New member
Jul 1, 2008
Hull, East Yorkshire, England
Original Poster
Pollyanna. You were correct. It is eczema. I went back to the Chinese Medical Centre and spoke to the Doctor brefily himself. Now, for the interesting bit.

He basically told me it was the result of too much heat and moisture in my body, and this can lead to all kind of skin problems. The penny dropped big style. I have for as long as I can remember always been very hot and prone to sweating. Definately always felt that way. So I began to think on what could be causing those conditions within me. As I said earlier I do have anxiety issues, and so I wondered if that could have any significance.

Also remember what else I said about my ears, and I beleived that was the result anxiety, and you said they could be related. Well no eczema in my ears to date. But the over production of wax could well be a result of that heat and humidity.

Anyway, could not aford the medicine they offered at present because, and here is the answer to Davids question, I am unemployed.

Well, that is the update so far, the soreness and itchyness are just being kept in check with the cream for now. I am more interested in the source of the bodyily conditions. My suspicion is an energetic blockage of some kind.


Standing at the Portal
Oct 16, 2007
All disease comes from an energetic blockage of some sort, either in the immune systems or otherwise.

I have cured a number of skin afflictions that kind of looked like that photo link pollyanna provided with homeopathy. Leading remedies are graphite, natrium mur., but there are others. A visit with a classical homeopath is called for.

I had a very bad rash that spread from my feet to my hands and arms after the birth of my second. With it I became obcessive compulsive, with repeated washing and sock and glove changing, worried my baby would get it. The homeopath cured in in a matter of hours, yes, hours, not days or weeks.

Homepathy will eliminte the cause of the rash, as well as the rash itself. I was fully well in two days without even a trace of it remaining and it never returend.

That being said, MMS has taken care of stuff that looked like that for others that I have known. Apply topically as well as orally.


Active member
Oct 1, 2007
Saskatchewan Canada
My first "guess" would have been some type of herpes virus. However, since you were diagnosed with a form of eczema, the herpes could be ruled out... maybe.

"Too much heat and moisture in the body"??

Was he kidding? The body is 75% water, and a steady 98.6 degrees...

The truth is that eczema is caused by organisms, most likely a fungi, and can be eliminated by using some natural antifungal creams, such as olive leaf and D3, and by going on the phase one diet for at least 30 days. (No simple sugars or grains)


Oct 1, 2010
. . . and here is the answer to Davids question, I am unemployed.
Oh. So much for my theory.
I was going to suggest lemon juice or vinegar. The lye in concrete is like a powerful soap--and it dries skin out to the point it cracks and bleeds. Washing with an acid counteracts the base, just like we were taught in high school chemistry. In any case, I am glad to see you got it figured out.
