Certain foods can be considered toxic. Also, being on a site called "Natural Medicine Talk", I would assume that you would already know that the mind is part of the body, from a holistic perspective, and that toxins affect every part of the body, as well as the mind.The Clearer your body is able to think? Our your mind, then you would need to free your mind of toxins. But, what is a toxin? Who Decides?
"Further testing revealed that eating cilantro also increased urinary excretion of lead and aluminum. And when cilantro was used concurrently with antibiotics or natural anti-viral agents and/ or fatty acids like EPA with D.A., the above infection could be eliminated for good. (Acupnct Electrother Res. 95:20 (3-4): 195-229.)
All it takes is adding fresh cilantro to your everyday foods or eating a couple teaspoons of cilantro pesto a day for two or three weeks; either will give the dose Dr. Omura used in his research.