I've only done a liver/gallbladder cleanse which involved Extra Virgin Olive Oil, grapefruit juice and Epsom salts. The result was passing around 150 "gallstones". There was a debate going whether these were really gallstones, or just a result of the olive oil mix looking like stones.anyone have a good result doing a kidney detox ?
i need to flush out my kidneys, i know spring water for a few days helps, but what about any others i can do?
i had a kidney stone, its come out now, but i dont fancy creating any more.
Kidney Stones
Vitamin K may help to prevent the formation of kidney stones. (It is interesting to note that vegetarians, who tend to have a high vitamin K intake, rarely have kidney stones.)
No, because they weren't passed through the urinary tract.did it hurt? i know mine did, and they were real ones alright!