Lung cancer


New member
Oct 29, 2013
My weak, frail grandmother, I think age 77 has squamous lung cancer. There will be no surgery or chemotherapy but they want to do radiation. She has pneumonia caused by this cancer and is on oxygen and all that. A lot of antibiotics and does breathing treatments. She can go off the oxygen for an amount of time but if it was something that would take a long time would need the oxygen again, has a home and portable ones now. I want to cure her and have been reading a lot about 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Does anyone have any experience with anything I have stated in this thread? Please help. I need to know in simple terms how to start the H2O2 therapy.


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
I personally would not attempt to use hydrogen peroxide therapy on an elderly woman who is frail and in a weakened condition. I know you want to cure her, but you would never forgive yourself if you accidentally killed her instead. The website from the first link I'm giving for the Laetril treatment, also has info on H2O2 is you're interested, but it is very involved, and too harsh for this situation, IMO.

Laetril, also known as vitamin B17, and is found in apricot kernels is a very effective cancer treatment. Also Essiac Tea or Tonic, but the Essiac must have Sorrel Roots...many formulas sold in health stores and online will not be effective for cancer if it lack any crucial ingredients.

Here is a page with info about Laetril...

Here are two sources where you can purchase a quality Essiac Tea/Tonic...

If my husband or myself had cancer, these are the first two cures that I would try, just going by user recommendations. Best wishes for your grandmother, I hope you can help her with her cancer. I'm not an expert, just sharing what I would do.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Glastonbury, England
An excellent post, K2C.

I'm inclined to agree with you. The acid:alkaline balance is pivotal in maintaining good health. Most degenerative disease originates from an acid state.
The great temptation is to go in 'all guns blazing' with hydrogen peroxide and as you say that might not be beneficial for all people and in all cases.
One factor in the value of vegetable juicing in cases of cancer is that they have an accumulative alkalising effect. Sometimes 'slow and steady' is the better option.

However, as I mentioned on the 'Carrots and Cancer' thread, I doubt at 77 and frail the poor lady in question could follow that regime to the degree required.
Observing a sensible acid:alkaline balance (It's not a case of good guy, bad guy. Both are good guys and necessary, it's only when there is an imbalance - which is the case with most Westerners diets - that the problems arise.) in her diet is to be recommended. 30:70 is normal ratio.

If it was me, in that situation, I would go for the Essiac. No guarantee of course, but many testimonials. 90 years of recorded use since Rene Caisse first used it. And for a reason...

A herbal tea. Easy to take. The best option in this case I'd say.


New member
Jul 24, 2010
Glastonbury, England
Further to my previous post: (A Natural Boy)
I thought you might be interested in seeing these testimonials...
The word Essiac is actually a trademarked name. Though many herbalists use it anyway. In this instance they call it the '4-herb formula'...
These are unsolicited testimonials. This is why Essiac is still 'flying high' after 90 years and considerable persecution....

Remember. Whatever 'alternative' treatment 'you' try it is necessary to drink suitable amounts of water to flush the system out and keep the bowels regular to eliminate toxins.

Also, going back to the dietary side of things. Ditch sugar and sugary/sugared foods. 'Sugar feeds cancer'...


New member
Oct 29, 2013
Original Poster
I personally would not attempt to use hydrogen peroxide therapy on an elderly woman who is frail and in a weakened condition. I know you want to cure her, but you would never forgive yourself if you accidentally killed her instead. The website from the first link I'm giving for the Laetril treatment, also has info on H2O2 is you're interested, but it is very involved, and too harsh for this situation, IMO.

Laetril, also known as vitamin B17, and is found in apricot kernels is a very effective cancer treatment. Also Essiac Tea or Tonic, but the Essiac must have Sorrel Roots...many formulas sold in health stores and online will not be effective for cancer if it lack any crucial ingredients.

Here is a page with info about Laetril...

Here are two sources where you can purchase a quality Essiac Tea/Tonic...

If my husband or myself had cancer, these are the first two cures that I would try, just going by user recommendations. Best wishes for your grandmother, I hope you can help her with her cancer. I'm not an expert, just sharing what I would do.
What I was going to do is four cups of carrot juice daily, H2O2 inhaling as suggested by Bill Munro, and maybe the H2O2 bath and just the drops in water. BUT she does not want to do any of it, sadly. She just wants to do the radiation.


...elusive dreamer
Apr 5, 2009
What I was going to do is four cups of carrot juice daily, H2O2 inhaling as suggested by Bill Munro, and maybe the H2O2 bath and just the drops in water. BUT she does not want to do any of it, sadly. She just wants to do the radiation.
That sounds like it would have been a good plan. Don't feel too disappointed about her only wanting to do what the doctor orders, as many folks her age are not ready for change, and have absolute trust in the medical doctors. It's so kind of you to care for her like that, you're a good grandson. ;)


New member
Dec 12, 2013

Bio-oxidative therapy (the treatment of the body with extra oxygen) has been used by many medical practitioners to treat a variety of conditions from cancer to gangrene. This extra oxygen is delivered in a number of different ways including adding ozone (O3) to the blood, the use of hyper-barric oxygen chambers (breathing oxygen (O2) under pressure) and through either the intravenous or oral use of hydrogen peroxide.
We have learnt that many people purchase our food grade hydrogen peroxide to take orally, so thought it best to provide as much information as possible about the oral use of hydrogen peroxide. Although we do not recommend any particular method (because we’re not allowed to!!) we have set out below a number of ‘protocols’ that have been used safely by people wishing to try and rid themselves of various ailments.


New member
Jan 7, 2014
One common treatment for lung cancer is through surgery. This type of treatment is especially beneficial for those who have non-small cell lung cancer that has not spread to other areas of the body. Examples of surgery include wedge resection, where the surgeon removes a small section of the lung, or a lobotomy, the most common type of surgery during which the surgeon removes a lobe from the cancerous lung, and finally, pneumonectomy, or the removal of an entire lung. Just like other answers her I am also against H2O2 therapy, if you are not satisfied with your grandma's doctor, you can have a second opinion. Hope your grandma will be okay.


New member
Jan 15, 2014


How is your mother? Has she gone through surgery? well I hope she is doing well. I wanted to tell you about MMS. You can start on the lowest doses and she can start feeling better. It is a mineral and has had great results. You can breathe the gas of MMS but it is actually better to just drink it with water and let it heal from the inside instead of doing direct attacks to the cancer. Imagine the cancer as a toxin balloon. You want to slowly pop it and clean it out SLOWLY or else all the toxins would be circulating in her body at once and that's not good. Go to and read about it. I hope she is well.
