Making Small Amounts of MMS/ Getting Dry Flakes
To Prepare One Small Four Ounce Bottle of 28% MMS Solution (Recommended):
Step 1: In a small bowl place 4 level tablespoons of sodium chlorite powder.
Step 2: Add 3 ounces of distilled warm water (max temperature - 150 degrees Farenheit).
Step 3: Stir with a non-metalic spoon and cover for darkness. Let the solution sit for 3 hours. Expect some some settlings to fall to the bottom.
Step 4: Pour slowly into a dark 4 or 6 ounce bottle for storage and future use. Leave settlings in the bowl - discard them.
also where to get bulk sodium chlorite in dry form:
Hi Arrow
I do have access to bulk sodium chlorite. 500grams a little over 1 lb for $50 plus shipping. About $9 should cover shipping depending on how fast you want it. I have a paypal account which I find is a good way to do transactions as it protects you the purhcaser.
Hear is my email address I forgot to put it on my message to you. Back in Thailand now. So I have my source for mms back.
sittalkstory is my paypal account if that works for you. Let me know if I can be of any help to you. I am still using MMS and it has deffinately made a big difference in my life. Rick
Step 1: In a small bowl place 4 level tablespoons of sodium chlorite powder.
Step 2: Add 3 ounces of distilled warm water (max temperature - 150 degrees Farenheit).
Step 3: Stir with a non-metalic spoon and cover for darkness. Let the solution sit for 3 hours. Expect some some settlings to fall to the bottom.
Step 4: Pour slowly into a dark 4 or 6 ounce bottle for storage and future use. Leave settlings in the bowl - discard them.
also where to get bulk sodium chlorite in dry form:
Hi Arrow
I do have access to bulk sodium chlorite. 500grams a little over 1 lb for $50 plus shipping. About $9 should cover shipping depending on how fast you want it. I have a paypal account which I find is a good way to do transactions as it protects you the purhcaser.
Hear is my email address I forgot to put it on my message to you. Back in Thailand now. So I have my source for mms back.
sittalkstory is my paypal account if that works for you. Let me know if I can be of any help to you. I am still using MMS and it has deffinately made a big difference in my life. Rick
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