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My investigation of MMS

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Posted 01-02-2009 at 05:16 AM by bensimo

I have been investigating how to get healthy ever since my wife contracted cancer in 1990 and I had to admit I was only worth moral support. So I have since done many, many hours of investigation. This is what I have learned lately.

Jim Humble's MMS may be a cure for most diseases because diseased tissue is almost always a mold, fungus, bacteria, etc that can only exist in an oxygen deficient environment.

"When normally alkaline tissue doesn�t have enough oxygen (i.e., negative ions, free electrons, energy), it becomes diseased as cells die off, just like we will when we don�t get enough oxygen. The fundamental problem that we face when the body chemistry gets out of balance (and low on oxygen in certain areas), is the over abundance of organisms that congregate in those areas, which don�t require oxygen (since the normally oxygen-rich environment is depleted), and in turn produce acidic waste by-products. Chlorine dioxide, as delivered through the MMS protocol, reduces that microbial and antigen overgrowth through oxidation. It�s also important to introduce the various vitamin, mineral, enzyme, bacterial, and amino acids, the depletion of which brought on the overgrowth in the first place."

MMS is very reactive and provides a blast of oxygen very fast to cells causing diseased tissue to die off, sometimes very rapidly. Humble does not sell MMS, but has told anyone how to make it. There are suppliers listed at his website.

Best explanation I have read includes why MMS is totally safe w/o side effects. If nausea occurs, it is a good sign, a herxheimer effect of the body sloughing off diseased tissue so fast that it overloads and causes nausea and/or vomiting.
MMS Australia |What A Retired ND has to say about Miracle Mineral Supplement |

Here is another excellent written explanation that includes a video
Alternative Medicine Network � MMS (Chlorine Dioxide)

Free download of part one of Humble's book, part two isn't necessary unless you want to make your own. Part one is Humble's entire story of how he developed MMS and how he and others have used it.
Miracle Mineral

Using MMS on eyes while also drinking it to overcome Macular Degeneration
11. MMS & Eyes:
I mention it in my book about using in the eyes. I would suggest making a 2 drops dose, using the citric acid (not lemon juice), wait 3 minutes, add 1/3 glass of water, and use that to wash the eye out twice a day, but after 3 minutes then wash the eye out with clean water or eye wash."

Several people on the Internet have good nutritious items for macular degeneration. I'd follow the wash in the above paragraph and then after one week only do it once a day and go to the Internet and find one of those macular degeneration nutrition's and take it to make sure you can rebuild your eye. You should also be taking MMS by mouth."
MMS FAQ's Miracle Mineral Supplement

"It is now known that MMS can be used to overcome the symptoms of AIDS, Hepatitis A,B&C, malaria, typhoid, most cancers, herpes, pneumonia, food poisoning, tuberculosis, asthma, colds, flu and a host of other conditions. Even conditions not directly related to pathogens seem to be helped due to the huge boost to the body's immune system, i.e., macular degeneration, allergies, lupus, inflammatory bowel disorders, diabetes, snake bites and fibromyalgia. Dozens of other diseases were successfully treated and can be controlled with this new mineral supplement. It also works with sore throats, warts, mouth sores, and even abscessed teeth (it's the only thing that controls and cures abscessed teeth)."

Want more info on cancer and oxygen? There is a ton of info about oxygen and health on the internet. Here is one
Cancer and oxygen

Best regards, Ben
Author "Leading People to be Highly Motivated and Committed"
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  1. Old Comment

    are you here Jim Humble?

    Hi, just signed up Jim, simply wondered if your really up here answering questions. I have seen several websites claiming to be your "new" official website. Am in the process of sorting that out. Any suggestions from you or other members would be greatly appreciated!
    Posted 02-05-2009 at 08:57 PM by GPAAGold GPAAGold is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Arrowwind09's Avatar
    Jim Humble is not here, never was, likely will never be.
    Posted 06-05-2009 at 11:05 AM by Arrowwind09 Arrowwind09 is offline
  3. Old Comment
    I had a girlfriend die 12 hours after taking MMS for a Malaria preventative. Be careful out there!!
    Posted 09-25-2009 at 05:54 PM by pooinoroa pooinoroa is offline
  4. Old Comment
    Hello. I was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS several years ago. I started taking MMS1 in late September 2009. I initially used the originally protocol building up to 15 drops very shortly (three weeks) before changing to 9 drops every hour for 8 hours and then in January 2010 reducing it to 3 drops every hour for 8 hours. On Feb. 21, 2010 I've added MMS2 (65%-70%) in 0 size capsules. I am on entering my 3rd week with MMS2. It is a real challenge to take both together and have a life. MMS2 is real easy, I only take it 4-5 times a day with 2-3 classes of water to avoid the burbing. MMS1, I usually drink without food to avoid burbing as well. I consume my mega vitamins at night with dinner to avoid introduction of Vitamin C. This also means I don't eat fruits, or vegetables that contain Vit. C unless evening as well or two hours after my last MMS1 dose. I was buying MMS 1:1 from the internet at $30 plus delivery cost; this is way too expensive in contrast to making it for less than $1.00 per 4 ounce bottle. I put my MMS2 in 0 size capsule for less than 40 cents a capsule compared to $1.50 a capsule sold by vendors. I have yet to see or read any definitive evidence regarding resolving HIV/AIDS to a curative state. Should I get cured, I will gladly report this and tell all of my friends of my experience.
    Posted 03-16-2010 at 07:39 AM by dougG dougG is offline
  5. Old Comment
    Arrowwind09's Avatar
    Hi Doug,

    You should be able to do much better on price for mms on ebay, usually under $17 including shipping

    I helped a young man with HIV and after 2 months on mms his viral load went way down. His T cells also went down intially but then back up. I suspect the mms was knocking out sick t cells, and then in a few weeks the body builds up again. I lost track of him quite a while ago now.

    Are you not having these levels followed? Others who have have reported similar evidence.
    Posted 03-16-2010 at 08:14 AM by Arrowwind09 Arrowwind09 is offline
  6. Old Comment
    I am taking medications and fortunately my viral load has non-detectable for years. I am trying to eradicate, of course, not minimize the HIV. I will get my blood tested soon after the third week of MMS2. The T Cell count is for the healthy cells. The viral load is for the infected cells. If this is a powerful and effective anti-oxidant, my T cell counts should be dramatically higher, as the treat agent (virus) has been removed. I don't see anyway else on this site where anyone alleged cures of their ailments. Please correct me if I am in error.
    Posted 03-17-2010 at 10:01 AM by dougG dougG is offline