� #1
Old 09-22-2006, 09:56 AM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 5
Kristofer is on a distinguished road
Default cancer research article

This is an updated version of an article published in the Townsend Letter in PDF format:


Please note that Galen Knight's current email address is:

[email protected]

At the time this article was published, the appeal process was still underway concerning the federal lawsuit UNM filed against the inventors. The technology is still being held hostage, in effect, by the Regents of the University of New Mexico, but some other avenues are being explored that may make it possible to get the R&D back on track soon. The slow yet "fine" grinding of the wheels of justice provide little consolation for those dying of cancer and others left in their wake, but raising public awareness of the problems the scientific community faces may eventually result in change for the better both socially and politically. Until then, we must bear the brunt of corporate greed and political corruption and hope our own families survive the ordeal. It has been two decades since the advent of this research, and over a decade of the patent coverage, and yet the "system" has yet to conduct appropriate human trials to determine the efficacy of this promising technology while tens of millions of Americans, who helped to publically fund the initial research, have died of heart disease and cancer alone. Since immune stimulation is not a disease-specific treatment, there could be many other uses for vitalethine as well, but not until the underlying problems of stupidity, greed and corruption have been dealt with or side-stepped in some fashion. Public awareness and political pressure could help speed this process, hence my participation here. The history of the vitaletheine modulators is intimately entwined with the rise of corporate dominance and the loss of individual rights that has wreaked havoc upon the American people (not to mention countless millions around the globe). To quote the recent movie The Ice Harvest, "As Wichita falls, so falls Wichita Falls"...


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� #2
Old 11-08-2006, 07:12 AM
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 506
Marcus is on a distinguished road

Vitalethine and Its Importance To Clinical Oncology?
Vitalethine is a naturally occurring chemical component in mammals that is �vital� to healthy
immune function. Laboratory researchers discovered a related family of compounds called the
Vitaletheine Modulators and demonstrated therapeutic control over cancer during animal studies
supported in part by grants
from the National Institutes
of Health. Clinical trials on
humans are being
structured at prestigious
medical research institutes.
OK, so Vitalethine is a natural substance. What are these Vitaletheine Modulators made from? Any Idea?

Do you know what "prestigious medical institutes" are conducting this research?

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� #3
Old 11-09-2006, 07:57 PM
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 5
Kristofer is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Arrowwind
OK, so Vitalethine is a natural substance. What are these Vitaletheine Modulators made from?
Here's a starting point: https://www.vitaletherapeutics.org/vtlchmup.htm

Here is a proposed explanation for the formation of natural vitaletheine: https://www.vitaletherapeutics.org/vtlpo4ps.htm

This is the proposed structure of vitalethine: https://www.vitaletherapeutics.org/nomncltr.htm

Various forms are discussed here: https://www.vitaletherapeutics.org/vtlchmst.htm

I'm not a scientist or a chemist, so technical questions should be directed to Dr. Knight. In general, it is my understanding that making vitalethine in the body requires adequate amounts of pantothenic acid (B5), cystine (an amino acid) and melatonin (sleep hormone). Because vitalethine is relatively stable and can be recycled, it does not take very much of it to perform its regulatory function. This also makes it vulnerable to metal toxins and subtle malnutrition, among other things. The synthetic forms used in mAIDS (with ramifications for diabetes) and cancer experiments have produced promising results, confirming the proposed immuno-modulating capabilities of these compounds when used to treat disease. BTW, other researchers are finally beginning to understand that it is possible to fight cancer with the immune system:


Of course, they are pursuing a tangent that maximizes dependancy upon (and profitability for) the pharmacopulate, as per usual...

Do you know what "prestigious medical institutes" are conducting this research?
No, I am not involved with that process. Dr. Knight can be contacted for further information via the options posted on the VitaleTherapeutics, Inc. website: https://www.vitaletherapeutics.org

Currently, Drs. Knight and Scallen (the co-inventors) are awaiting the return of the patented inventions to them from UNM, as specified in the controlling agreements and intellectual property policy. Like God, bureaucracies move in mysterious ways. Presumably only the regents of the university know why it was deemed more expedient to waste vast amounts of time and money shirking its responsibilities rather than honor the inventor agreements and enforce the licensing requirements. Perhaps development will move forward soon, unless the regents decide it is somehow necessary to waste even more time and money. Who knows? Time will (hopefully) tell...

Kristofer Dale
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