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� #1
Old 09-10-2010, 07:05 PM
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Default 911 & the burning of the Koran

Burning the Koran.

Isn�t it interesting the outcry over the Florida pastors plan, of a 50 member church, to burn a few Korans? Oh the moral indignation the outrage from the MSM is just amazing. AP and Fox won�t cover it. Obama says call it off and sends his �best wishes� to Muslims. Their website is shut down. Commentators from around the world are fearful that this could incite violence from this peaceful religion of Islam. But of course this is just the sort of thing we have come to expect from this so called �peaceful religion�.

Meanwhile in Afghanistan a soldier was prevented from passing out Christian bibles send to him from his church and translated into the local language. They were confiscated and destroyed, burned I believe. Of course even the thought of building a Christian church in some Islamic countries could get you beheaded. And even privately practicing Christianity can be a death sentence.

So while burning a few Korans is obviously not one of this pastors better ideas still it is equally obvious that we have a very serious double standard working here. Freedom of speech is meaningless if you are not allowed to say something that someone else might not like.

But is there more going here than just some crazy pastor coming up with a dumb idea? Could he have been recruited to promote this idea? If so what has this controversy accomplished? Has it not focused everyone attention around the supposed fact that �radical� Muslims were solely responsible for the 911 attack? Thus if the majority of people can continue to be convinced that someone hiding in a cave was able to plan and carry out this attack then all other possibilities will be ignored. We certainly do not want people to start questioning the government�s official story and to me this seems like a perfect way to keep the public diverted from asking embarrassing question of government.

Cause imagine what would happen if large numbers of people became fully aware of just some of the information that the 911 truthers and architects & engineers for 911 truth have uncovered. If this were to become widely known it would probably result in something like the Nuremburg Trials and that in turn could cause the elites entire hidden power structure to collapse.

Thus I believe to prevent that from happing during this year�s anniversary that the Koran burning and the flap over the ground zero mosque are being exploited as a way to keep everyone from thinking about the alternatives.


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Old 09-11-2010, 01:33 AM
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I'm no fan of the Koran, but I find this idea insane and disturbing.
If the pastor in question was truly a man of God he would be preaching love, peace and the brotherhood of man, not this hate filled agenda.

And has he considered the grave danger his plan, if carried out, will place American service personnel and civilians, and it should be noted Christian minorities, in Islamic countries?
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Old 09-11-2010, 06:48 AM
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His arrogance is supreme. He is thinking only of his own misconstrued "christian" indoctrinations. He is no christain. He is a hate monger with no ethicial consciousness. He will incite the deaths of many. if someone took him out before he did his planned agenda I would weep not, except for the insanity of humanity.
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� #4
Old 09-11-2010, 09:15 AM
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As a christian and a conservative (I am not a christian conservative), I find this burning thing disgusting. All it will do is cause violence overseas. But I do wish Obama and others would slam people who burn Bibles and the Flag equally.
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Old 09-11-2010, 11:15 AM
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Cause imagine what would happen if large numbers of people became fully aware of just some of the information that the 911 truthers and architects & engineers for 911 truth have uncovered. If this were to become widely known it would probably result in something like the Nuremburg Trials and that in turn could cause the elites entire hidden power structure to collapse.
This is the thing that really gets me. I was watching the reruns just last night (hard to miss) of the whole event and it was just so incredibly obvious as the videographers just before each tower fell said they heard an explosion. You just cannot look at those towers collapse in the manner that they do and not wonder how a plane crashing into them could cause that kind of 'implosion' which looked exactly like the controlled implosion of other buildings we have watched such as hotels in Vegas. And....you are never allowed to SEE the actual plane that crashed into the pentagon or that crashed in Pittsburg. All you see is the hole in the ground....what happened to the planes?
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� #6
Old 09-11-2010, 01:13 PM
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Scientists from Brigham Young Universty and from overseas as well found explosives material in the dust from the WTC. The newest version of LOOSE CHANGE , available from Netflex tells the story of the science behind it.
One man who spoke to loudly about the explosions he heard in building number 7 is now dead.... kinda like Matt Simmons talking about the gulf current not moving anymore. Those who rattle the wrong cage and too loudly don't last long.

There is plenty of video footage of puffs of smoke coming out of the buildings way down low, as the towers start to collapse.

I am sorry for the hundreds of thousands of innocents who have died both American and Iraqi because Bush wanted war, and their puppet masters
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Old 09-11-2010, 01:19 PM
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But where are there pictures of the plane that crashed into pentagon and in PA? Why are they hiding those pics from us? If there are any, I've not seen them. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.
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� #8
Old 09-11-2010, 01:35 PM
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Apparently that jerk of a "christian" minister called the buring off. The death threats were probably getting hot and heavy. Could someone so profoundly stupid see the light? Maybe it takes being inundated with a couple million objections for him to review his conscious?

here is a Muslim point of view on the topic.
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Old 09-11-2010, 01:38 PM
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Really, mountainrain, get the movie "Loose Change." Older versions that do not discuss the thermite explosive materials found are available on youtube.
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� #10
Old 09-11-2010, 03:55 PM
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I think it is wrong to burn any holy book, regardless of the religion. But eveyone still has a right to their opinion. I am a strong Catholic and I once dated someone who liked to burn bibles. Of course, it bothers me...but he had a right to his opinion and I was not going to tell him not to do it if it was something he believed in.

Freedom of speech means that everyone is allowed to voice their opinion. This freedom is taken away when you are told to be "politically correct." If you are allowed to voice your opinion, then why are you being told not to? If someone comes up to me as a Christian and tells me "Happy Haunikkah", I have a choice to either say it back or to say nothing at all...and if I want to say "Merry Christmas" to someone, they don't have to like it and they don't have to respond. I will respect their opinoin. If somebody wishes to do the "Happy Holidays" thing, that's cool with me...but when you try to FORCE Happy Holidays down my throat, tell me that I don't have the right to express my views for my religion...then you are hindering my freedom of speech! If I told you that you must use a specific religion when greeting people, I would be hindering your freedom of speech.

We should not force people to say or not say anything, we should not force people to express or not express an opinion! Yes, I believe that burning the koran is wrong. It's very wrong and I have the right to express that I feel this way. But whoever decides to burn korans has a right to do so because he is expressing his opinion. He can tell me I am out of my mind for not hating the muslim religion...that's fine.

On another note: Islam itself, along with any religion, is not bad. It is certain people who make it bad. You can take religion either way. You can make it bad or you can make it good. I choose to make mine good and not to bother anybody. You can choose to make yours bad and kill people because of it. It's not the religion, it's you.
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� #11
Old 09-11-2010, 05:58 PM
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Originally Posted by mountainrain View Post
But where are there pictures of the plane that crashed into pentagon and in PA?
Shortly after the plane(?) hit the pentagon a CNN reporter is filmed saying that there is a small hole in the building and very little wreckage to be seen. Much latter when asked what he recalled seeing that day he said that there was wreckage scatter all over. Was his first observation in error? Or was he now just following the official story?

A large twin engine plane crashes into the building and the relatively thin and light fuselage punches a hole into the wall, but the heavy engines just bounce off and are sucked into the hole. Where upon the entire plane we are told is virtually consumed in the fire. But the passengers were identified by their fingerprints.

There was a picture of a couple cleanup guys standing next to what is obviously the turbine of a jet engine. This turbine was maybe knee high to these workers.

I have also seen a picture of the same type of plane with a maintenance guy working on one of its engines, he was standing inside the air inlet shroud with plenty of room to spare. We seem to be looking at two different engines, how can that be?
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Old 09-11-2010, 06:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Kelly Thundercloud View Post
On another note: Islam itself, along with any religion, is not bad. It is certain people who make it bad. You can take religion either way. You can make it bad or you can make it good. I choose to make mine good and not to bother anybody. You can choose to make yours bad and kill people because of it. It's not the religion, it's you.
I would have to disagree. If you study the Koran or read about what those who have studied it have to say about it, the consensuses is that it is any thing but a peaceful religion. The true follower, the fundamentalist, the one who is accurately following its teaching is taught that it is OK to kill anyone that will not convert to Islam. Fortunately not all Muslims are fundamentalist.

But those who seek to destroy our society will use any rouge group that suits their needs. Thus providing an us verses them mentality.
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� #13
Old 09-11-2010, 09:13 PM
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You said it yourself. Not all muslims are fundamentalists. But what they believe in is still "religion". The koran was not written by God, but by people. It is still people who cause bad things to come out of religion, not religion itself. It is the Muslim's choice to either follow the koran exactly or to bend the rules. Someone could say the koran is bad, but the religion is neither good nor bad...it's how the people choose to live with it.
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Old 09-12-2010, 06:25 AM
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Whooo hoooo look at all those American flags getting torched overseas by loving Muslims! Isn't it amazing how one nutjob can invoke such pandemonium?

But, the one thing we are touchy about is not having one's constitutional rights stomped on. And it IS the pastor's constitutional right to burn whatever book he wants. That being said, would it ever happen giving the consequences?

He'd be 'taken out' before he had a chance to light the match

It's pretty obvious by how shaken up he looks, he was 'talked' to. hahaha

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� #15
Old 09-12-2010, 07:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Kelly Thundercloud View Post

We should not force people to say or not say anything, we should not force people to express or not express an opinion! Yes, I believe that burning the koran is wrong. It's very wrong and I have the right to express that I feel this way. But whoever decides to burn korans has a right to do so because he is expressing his opinion. He can tell me I am out of my mind for not hating the muslim religion...that's fine.

In the Muslim religion, first off, a Koran is viewed as a sacred object. People die to protect it, as obsurd as that would seem to the Christian mind, who would just not worry and go out and buy a new bibile. The OBJECT is viewed with extreme revernace.

It is more comparable to the holy sacred euchrist found in every catholic church acorss the nation in the tabernacle on the alter. Many people have died over the ages to protect this Euchrist as it is believed by many catholics to be the actual body of chirst. To assault this sacred object or just let it be subject to fire or other distruction is incomprhensible. this object, unlike the American Flag by our government or the Bible by any church that I know of, is deemed of such great value by the church that a priest is expected to protect it with his life. So it is with the Koran by Islam religion.

Where does ones personal freedom to blab off cross the line in the face of the death and distruction it may cause? If you go into a crowed auditorium and start screaming murder or rape or fire you Will go to jail.

This is a significant ethical and moral issue.

In our nation hate crime bears a greater weight than just plain assault. If a crime is done out of hate the the sentence is much more severe.

Obviously this minister guy is getting the message that words can be like weapons and they can cause massive distruction, and probably the biggest concern he is lately developing is for his own destruction and that of his family.

To me he has had no ethical or moral compass in this situation and the weight of public opinion is bearing upon him and so it should be. Although he may in this nation have the right to do this act all the peoples in this nation have the right to bear down upon him and try to silence him and this act is being moved forward though just about every media and public forum available to thinking people across this nation. Thank god we are being successful.

If you had a small child saying racist comments in the middle of a crowed park filled with black people you would take him by the hand and drag him out of the park. You would not just stand there and say he has the right to say these words.

The weight of saying Merry Christmas or not does not compare in gravity. You have thousands of muslim terrorists willing to make a cause of this and they will kill, they will move into action and they will kill and many innocents will die and the flames of war will rage.... and I do feel that this is the intent of this man.
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