� #1
Old 01-26-2010, 10:28 PM
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Default UFO's Seen In Sun's Corona

You got to watch this! What do you think it is?




On this one below, enlarge to full screen and be patient. It is amazing. You will see numbers, like a digital clock at the bottom under the sun. When this clock gets to 2010 22 02:03 you will see a ray of light shooting out from near where the numbers are located towards the sun. Now what the heck is that? . and not the only rays shot out on this film. Note all the globe like objects circling around and then the one very irregular shaped object that appears and reappers though the film. Now, please tell me why NASA has removed this file from their archives? Something they don't want you to know perhaps?

I copied down the nasa web addresses on some of these youtube videos and tried to go to the nasa site. They have already been removed from their files. Thank god for the watchers out there, they are so dedicated to getting this stuff out. Believe me. NASA watches all they can with their satilites. And the way things are set up the public has access. But when things like this show up it never stays in the archives. As soon as they see it its gone.
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Last edited by Arrowwind09; 01-27-2010 at 11:29 AM.
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� #2
Old 01-27-2010, 09:48 AM
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Default UFO's Seen In Suns Corona

Isn't anybody looking at these videos?

Come On Guys! This is it!

Here is a new one. Someone put special filters or how ever they do it to get clearer images on one of the films. Its a short view but probably the most telling.

"The nurse should be cheerful, orderly, punctual, patient, full of faith, - receptive to Truth and Love" Mary Baker Eddy
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Last edited by Arrowwind09; 01-27-2010 at 02:59 PM.
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� #3
Old 01-27-2010, 11:56 AM
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Yes I'm watching them Arrow. Will get back to you later. Still haven't seen the last one.
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� #4
Old 01-27-2010, 12:57 PM
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In one of the Ashtar Hellas videos I watched last night on You Tube there was a picture of something like the cluster of globes near the sun that, I think, were silver and purple. I tried to find it but it takes too long to watch them all over again. I don't remember the lighted green part, but I need to look closer.

To me it looked like there were many globes flashing on and off. I'm thinking that may be the ET's on their way here, like they promised.
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� #5
Old 01-27-2010, 05:47 PM
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They must be very heat resistant little buggers to be that close to the Sun and not be incinerated.

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� #6
Old 01-28-2010, 03:10 PM
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From someone I know who has much more experience with the entities and practices of such ships, it has been explained to me, that they are from a level II civilization. Their techology, as well as their consciousness, is beyond our wildest dreams. They do not interface with third dimension as we do, and time in the sense that we experience it does not exist. Some have the capibility of traveling faster than the speed of light. They do this through interdimensional travel. So haning out in the suns corona is probably childs play to them.
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� #7
Old 01-30-2010, 11:12 PM
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I don't think one can say they are near the sun. They could be small objects close up or very large ones far away. If near the sun they would be large planets to be that size, so they are probably not very far off.
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� #8
Old 01-31-2010, 06:41 AM
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This is it. RCannon is correct. Those objects which appear to be near the sun more than likely are earth bound satellites because they also can come into camera focus. I suspect one might belong to Fox News and is up there with the intent of knocking down a CNN news satellite.
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Old 01-31-2010, 08:09 AM
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BigAl and RCannon, the ET's are up there trying to save our lives..again, perhaps. Listen from the 3rd to the 4th or 5th minute in this video. It's a new audio of Drunvalo Melchizedec on Coast to Coast Radio posted January 30, 2010.

And this is from the latest, and probably most accurate, book about Nostradamus' predictions, "Nostradamus: The Lost Manuscript."

"Great luminaries live in the sun, the seat of the solar race that incarnates periodically on earth and that now returns to pick up the history it had left behind and to which it had contributed. This time the solar reign will last for seven thousand years, reversing the validity of the preceding catastrophic predictions and decreeing an end to them by its very existence."

Last edited by nightowl; 02-01-2010 at 10:59 AM.
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� #10
Old 02-01-2010, 06:23 PM
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Nostradamus has a lost manuscript?
Link Please!
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� #11
Old 02-01-2010, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by Arrowwind09 View Post
Nostradamus has a lost manuscript?
Link Please!
Yes maybe it will tell how to decode his writings so that we can actually know what he is trying to tell us.
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Old 02-01-2010, 09:30 PM
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That's the name of the book Arrow. Here is a link to it at Amazon.


It's a good book. If you scroll way down there's an article about the book, and also click the link below the book itself to look inside at a few pages.
Mine is in paperback. The History Channel on TV did a special about it, but they don't get into a lot of detail. I don't like that channel's views on anything. Don't confuse it with other Nostradamus books...only this one that mentions the manuscript, because, Yes Mad S., the author, Ottavio Cesare Ramotti, is the one that cracked the code on what the quatrains really mean, when he discovered an inscription left by Nostradamus on the stone of Turin. It doesn't tell about all the quatrains...only the major ones building up to today's problems, and also some about the ET's trying to help us.

I also added the actual quatrain about the moon and the sun in a personal email I sent you the other day.
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� #13
Old 02-02-2010, 10:55 AM
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the Drunvalo youtube you posted is quite good and he speaks of the sun, and likely related to all I have posted here.

I do think the UFO's are controlling the solar flairs of the sun so that we are not overcome with catastrophic earth changes
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� #14
Old 02-02-2010, 06:28 PM
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The last time I�ve read anything about Nostradamus was many years ago. In that book the author would first print out one Nostradamus�s quatrains and then he gave his interpretation of what it said. The problem was there did not appear to be any relationship between the two versions and how he came up with his interpretation was a mystery. As a result I never did finish reading that book and assumed that even if his prediction were correct by the fact that they were virtually indecipherable this rendered them worthless.

So now if this new guy has actually found a way to correctly decode them, then it could be worth taking a look at them again.
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� #15
Old 02-02-2010, 08:35 PM
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The whole Coast to Coast show was good, but some we've heard before. I made a playlist for the program but #1 was missing and I think there should have been at least one more as #8. Those probably had the best info on them and may have been purposely removed. I hope the playlist works the way it's supposed to...so you don't have to click to go to the next segment.


P.S. It works. Just click "Play All".
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