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Conversation Between Arrowwind09 and stickerweed
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. stickerweed
    11-21-2010 04:34 AM
    Thank you again Arrowwind, for the Nattokinase links! Mom revealed yesterday the problem in her legs about walking was mainly knees. Said doctors had told her tissue lining knee bones had deteriorated. Last year I told her to try Knox Gelatin to hopefully build up tissue. Says she's been taking it...will find out Thanksgiving how much. One site says 1 packet/day..stir in 4 ozs. cold water & drink once/day..twice if really bad off. Maybe she's not taking enough. I've heard magnets in knee wraps can help but can they if tissue lining bones isn't there? My guess it would have to be something nutritional to rebuild the lining. Would any other foods/nutrients, poultices rebuild this lining? Thanks again.
  2. stickerweed
    11-20-2010 10:07 AM
    Thank you so very much Arrowwind09, for the time and knowledge that you gave my question! I will show it to Mother. I'm looking forward to your info. regarding Nattokinase. Thanks again!