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� #1
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Who is responsible for payment?

Should the dentist pay?

Hi there, I had four porcelain veneers fitted at the front of my mouth 12 months ago. I went to the same dentist today for a check up and they tell me there is too much excess cement in between the veneers meaning I cannot floss. This has resulted in bleeding gums and potentially gum disease and receeding gums. They say they have to remove the cement which may dislodge the veneers and in which case I would have to pay to have new ones fitted as they are not under guarantee. But surely this is their fault in the first place and I should not have to pay? Also, whilst cleaning the dentist chipped a veneer which means this one will have to be replaced now - again, they say, at my cost. Should I really have to pay?!

Would really appreciate some advice here, as I can't help thinking this is all very unfair. Thanks, ClaireC
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� #2
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Tim Dixon
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Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

Why don't you let them post their own questions instead of hijacking their post like a common thief.
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� #3
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Tim Dixon
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

I am Sue. Someone posted this on Dentalcom.net. I am very interested in hearing dentists' opinions on this.
And if you are really interested ask the question, but quit hijacking and cross-posting other peoples writings.
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� #4
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

I am Sue. Someone posted this on Dentalcom.net. I am very interested in hearing dentists' opinions on this.

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� #5
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

I'm no expert, but I know if I were the patient in this case, I would demand the dentist pay to make it right, and if he refused I'd sue, in small claims court, if nothing else.
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� #6
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Tony Bad
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Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

As usual, I agree with Steve...if the problem is related to something that should have been addressed from day one, it certainly seems like the problem is one the dentist made and should therefore take care of. I am guessing this doctor hasn't taken any risk management seminars lately!!

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� #7
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Tim Dixon
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

are you sue? claire? or someone named chrlie?
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� #8
Old 12-08-2005, 01:40 PM
Mark & Steven Bornfeld
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Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

If the veneers are broken by attempting to remove excess bonding material, IMO this is definitely the dentist's responsibility. How can he/she say otherwise? How can charging the patient be rationalized?


Mark & Steven Bornfeld DDS
Brooklyn, NY
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� #9
Old 12-08-2005, 11:23 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

I'm no expert, but I know if I were the patient in this case, I would demand the dentist pay to make it right, and if he refused I'd sue, in small claims court, if nothing else.
Thanks all for the input.

To Tom Dixon, it takes too much time to recompose the Q and/or try to get Claire to come over here. Since Claire posted her question on an OPEN forum... HIGHLY open.... WORLD WIDE open on the INTERNET, a forum that has GOOGLE spiders broadcasting this information all over the internet, I highly doubt that Claire will mind.

I posted the link to SMD for her, should she want to come over here to check for answers.

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� #10
Old 12-08-2005, 11:26 PM
Tim Dixon
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

Its Tim Dixon, not Tom. Thats not the point. We don't like posts from other places ending up here. Get it? You go play over there and we'll play over here, Get it?

Quit being a burglar and either come up with your own topics or get out of town, Get it?
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� #11
Old 12-08-2005, 11:47 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?


Who is "we?" Dr. Bornfeld, TonyBad and Jimsocal don't seem to mind.

Why are you so selfish about sharing your knowledge?

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� #12
Old 12-08-2005, 11:50 PM
Tim Dixon
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

Why are you selfish about stealing other peoples posts?

This is sci.med.dentistry, not some web based, google groups, yada yada yada.. get it?
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� #13
Old 12-09-2005, 01:14 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?


No I do not get it. This post was posted on a dental forum that check into daily. There were no answers other than my input.

I was interested in hearing what dentists had to say about this case.

I also directed the poster to this forum, but apparently this poster has not come over here.

What the heck is your problem with that? Is it so diffuclt to comprehend that this information is useful to others, no matter who posts the question?

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� #14
Old 12-09-2005, 09:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

What the heck is your problem with that?
Aren't you the same Sue who gratuitously called me a liar a few weeks ago? If so, go away!

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� #15
Old 12-09-2005, 10:57 AM
Tim Dixon
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Who is responsible for payment?

What the heck is your problem with that? Is it so difficult to comprehend that this information is useful to others, no matter who posts the question?

Oh please, what are you some kind of dental groupie? Why in the world would you be interested in what dentists have to say about that post.

You have been warned of this in the past and yet you continue to drag junk into here from who knows where.

Go back to where you came from.
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