08-05-2010, 09:54 PM
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Suggestion for mental focus and strength?
I'm brand new to this forum and brand new to the idea of natural medicine. With so many choices out there, I have no idea what is best for me.
Here's my situation. I own my own business and work 6 days a week, often pretty late. I'm lucky if I get 6 hours of sleep, a night.
I love what I do. At work, it's easy for me to remain sharp and focused even with little rest.
BUT I'm also hitting the gym about 5-6 days a week. I try to do 30-40 minutes of cardio each time and even some heavy weight lifting with my personal trainer.
The other MAJOR problem is... I have ADD. I do a good job of controlling it, and haven't taken any medication for it since my freshman year of high school.
I know ADD has different effects with different drugs. I used to drink coke all the time growing up and could fall right asleep after chugging two cans! Even coffee, these days, has little effect on me. Somebody told me, awhile back, that caffeine has no power on people with ADD. I guess they're right? Needless to say, when I spot energy pills and drinks with caffeine, I sort of ignore the ingredient, thinking it's completely worthless (for me).
Still, when I'm lifting heavy weights it's important that I focus on the weight, for safety reasons. My brain tends to wander though, thinking about work and my schedule and what I have to get done. I would love to be able to focus on my workout and see it through to the end.
I've tried a few products to give me that extra push, such as NO-Xplode and mostly what I seem to get out of it is a placebo effect!
I went to the vitamin shop tonight looking for an alternative to NO-Xplode and the lady at the store suggested Jack3d. The container said to take 3 scoops 30 minutes before my workout. I did. Except 30 minutes later, I was running late and couldn't start until 45 minutes had passed. Thinking the Jack3d would ware off, I drank an additional 3 scoops of NO-Xplode.
Obviously, you would think this would make me wired out of my mind!! Problem is, I noticed I hardly noticed any focus. Mostly I felt jittery and dizzy, about an hour in. I even hard a hard time urinating, which was strange.
As far as my workout, I just hit the elliptical for 30 minutes, nothing too intense. I tried to run for additional 10 minutes but I was burnt out.
I'm looking for some suggestions, based upon my goals and my situation.
I'm only mentioning energy shakes because that's what I've taken. If somebody else would rather recommend some sort of pill or natural herb as an alternative, I am all ears.
Thank you for your time.

08-08-2010, 07:24 AM
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Hi csk2501,
I'm not really sure what your question is but if it is to focus on your training I don't think that the products you are speaking of have much to do with that. In my humble opinion, I don't believe ANY products have anything to do with focus.
It seems to me that you need to find a way to get your mind away from other aspects of your life during training, whether that is a mantra of some sort or a process you follow before training that puts you into the "zone". You know like the pro athletes who have a set thing or things they do pre-game.
I have trained in many disciplines but am primarily a tai chi instructor and I think that, like everything else, work and "play" need to be balanced. Being self employed requires a lot of intense focus and because you alone "hold the ball", you have to stay on top of everything...as in, it is very difficult to separate yourself from work for fear of failing or slipping but, at the same time, you need to consider your overall health and the effects that stress may have on your long term health.
I also believe, from philosophic perspective, that when you use supplements that increase energy and so make your mind race, that your mind goes in many directions; exactly what you do not want.
Have you tried training without supplements? Since you have ADD it seems as though you would want something that provides the opposite effect from those that you spoke of and may want to go natural for a period of time and see if there is difference.

08-08-2010, 08:50 AM
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I would try supplement with magnesium malate, and some Fish or Krill Oil for the Omega 3 fatty acids.
These may or may not help. It depends if the ADD is due to a lack of Magnesium and/or an imbalance of omega 3 to omega 6. They both can have affects on the brain function.
It can't hurt, so may as well give it a try.

08-08-2010, 11:05 AM
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I just went and looked at no xplode. I can't say I know a lot about these types of products and someone else here might. Off hand I don't see a problem with it. Where I see the problem is in asking this product to do it all for you.
Good nutrition requires many things. What about your glutathione? what about your detox pathways? what about vitamins and minerals?
You might want to look at adding whey. Jarrow whey is good quality at reasonable price. You can probably mix it with what you are using. It helps produce glutathione and is a good protien source.
Also look at a product called Greens8000. This product is known for giving people energy... of course most people I know are not into weight lifting but it will supplement you on a totally different level than what you are using. They also have Berry Greens8000 that tastes better in my opinion. you can get it at www.iherb.com
Use code BAR967 for a possible discount on first order. Find it and take a look at the ingredients.
Vitamin D3 supplementation, Biotec D3 from iherb also may promote general overall health. Iodine supplementation 25mg per day is also essential for hormonal strength. Use Lugol's iodine. We have lots of info on iodine supplementation on this forum, as well as D3, if you do a search and read you will start to understand why I suggest this.
Of course if you body build you need huge supplies of protien and carbs. If you eat meat grass fed beef and wild caught salmon are the way to go. Grass fed beef is hard to find and costs more but may be worth if for you. Get your carbs not from sugar but from complex carbohydrates. No white rice, brown only. No fried potatoes. No fried foods of any sort but lighly sauteed is ok. No trash milkshakes from fast food places. Potatoes are excellent for fast carb release. No chips. Potato salad, baked potatoes. Sweet potatos also are excellent for you.
Do not use marjorine or sunflower or soy oil or canola oil. Only whole butter, olive oil, cococut oil, grapeseed oil, walnut oil for your fats. Use only the coconut or grapeseed oil for sautee. The others should be raw.
Of course if you stop working out you must reduce your diet immediately or you will gain weight.... as your muscle mass goes down so does your metabolism so watch out for that. We have some champion swimmers in our family. Shortly after their competition days were over they bloated up. They never learned how to eat for the new lifestyle.
You also need a day of rest, where you are not working at a job or working out. If you really need to be active for your mental state do something simple, like walking in the park, walk your dog, take short hikes with picnics, plant a garden... go to the lake, go fishing, whatever, but it should promote relaxation not a power surge. Bodies deserve rest and relaxation, even if you mind is driven.
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08-09-2010, 03:11 PM
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Originally Posted by tcguy
Hi csk2501,
I'm not really sure what your question is but if it is to focus on your training I don't think that the products you are speaking of have much to do with that. In my humble opinion, I don't believe ANY products have anything to do with focus.
It seems to me that you need to find a way to get your mind away from other aspects of your life during training, whether that is a mantra of some sort or a process you follow before training that puts you into the "zone". You know like the pro athletes who have a set thing or things they do pre-game.
I have trained in many disciplines but am primarily a tai chi instructor and I think that, like everything else, work and "play" need to be balanced. Being self employed requires a lot of intense focus and because you alone "hold the ball", you have to stay on top of everything...as in, it is very difficult to separate yourself from work for fear of failing or slipping but, at the same time, you need to consider your overall health and the effects that stress may have on your long term health.
I also believe, from philosophic perspective, that when you use supplements that increase energy and so make your mind race, that your mind goes in many directions; exactly what you do not want.
Have you tried training without supplements? Since you have ADD it seems as though you would want something that provides the opposite effect from those that you spoke of and may want to go natural for a period of time and see if there is difference.
Excellent! And I mean E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T advice tcguy
The only two things I would suggest csk, would be for you to do as much as your cardio outside in the fresh air as much as you possibly can.
Get more sleep.
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08-15-2010, 10:32 AM
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As a former bodybuilder and having self-diagnosed with ADD as well, TCguy is correct. I will say it's a psychological thing and focus is a huge helper as well. I've caught myself having my mind wander and what I've done is I'll tell myself "no stop it, concentrate on this... once this is done then you can go to the next thing."
I kinda miss the discipline I had when I used to bodybuild and it's taking those same principles and applying to everyday life that makes it even greater. The supplements are used to enhance your training sessions and optimize growth, not necessarily as a way to make you more "focused."
I will also say that I am in the process of creating my online business (the antioxidants site) and I am getting into the real estate business (which is also like owning your own business) so I understand totally as far as getting minimal sleep & having ADD to want to do the most productive thing at every possible time. I would go as much to say stop taking supplements (maybe only the ones to help enhance your workouts).
That might help clear your mind. Hope this helps.

08-15-2010, 12:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Cookie
Excellent! And I mean E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T advice tcguy
The only two things I would suggest csk, would be for you to do as much as your cardio outside in the fresh air as much as you possibly can.
Get more sleep.
I feel so smart now cookie, thanks! I also agree with you about outside training. All the old tai chi masters swear by it and by osmosis, so do I. Just something about outside...

10-13-2010, 08:02 AM
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actually, a really good and easy way to control ADD and lack of focus is to get regular exercise.
this changes the chemical composition in your brain so that your neuro transmissions work a lot more optimally. you will find yourself with much greater self confidence as well which will keep up the positive momentum

10-13-2010, 09:46 AM
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Coconut Oil?
As stated in some of the previous posts on the benefits of coconut oil in the area of neurological function.

10-13-2010, 09:58 AM
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thanks kameron - I dont know much about coconut oil - was never really a fan of the taste, but I think you can get flavoured varieties for the oil methinks?
will give it a try just for general health benefits - Im always open to suggestion
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