By this company providing a resource library for medical uses that is considered equal to promoting medical use
No, it is not. Geez Louise, doesn't ANYONE know what the FDA's rules are regarding claims of efficacy?!
The FDA may not operate perfectly, but the reason the rule about claims of efficacy came about is that so much frikken wild hyperbole surrounds anything not pharmaceutical in nature. Carnival barkers stand on street corners claiming to cure everything from hangnails to diabetes. "Here, just drink this stuff every day; we'll get it to you on auto ship!" For cryin' out loud, do you think this is the right way to approach health care and ensure the safety of things we ingest?!
What needs to happen is not the abolishment of the FDA--otherwise, snake oil salesmen would run absolutely rampant--but to shake out the vested interests and paid in-house informants at FDA.
I don't want to return to the days when any Tom/Dick/Larry could concoct something in his barn and claim that it cured everything from a boil on your ass to cancer invading your body.