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I pulled this from another forum to share with you guys because its a great story and just a sample of what ozone can do. This womans friend who has had the same condition with the same cause is on her way to Alaska for treatment this week. Will let you know how it goes with her as soon as I find out.
Arrow >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I wanted to post some information on what I went through for the last three years so others may have some tools to combat problems with the Fluoroquinolone antibiotics. I'm sure that this won't be relevant to most of you who read this, but it is something to think about before you let your doctor put you on Fluoroquinolone antibiotics. The Story: In May of 2003, I had a kidney infection and was treated with Cipro. This was the second time that I was given that antibiotic and didn't have a noticeable reaction the first time. When I took it in May, I was on a seven day 500 mg twice a day dose. Right after I finished the round, all of my joints started to swell and I was suddenly in a lot of pain. I went back to the doctor and he did some blood work. My liver enzymes were off the charts and my CRP or C-Reactive Protein (inflammation level) was at 20 when it should have been below 0.8. My doctor told me that he had never seen numbers like that in anyone except severe accident victims. He put me on a round of steroids which seemed to be a miracle. All the pain went away and we went camping. I took my last steroid while we were out camping and I was on the beach when the pain set back inand OH MAN did it set back in. My husband had to carry me off the beach a mile back to the car. I went BACK to the doctor and they put me on a second round of steroids which didn't seem to help as much as the first time they gave them to me. Now mind you, I heard MUCH later that quinolones and steroids DON'T mix! This could have been part of the problem with the length of time that my problem lasted. With my liver enzymes being where they were, they tested me for hepatitis (all variants of it), liver disease, etc All came back negative. The only symptoms that I truly had were high CRP and liver enzymes. My doctor was baffled and sent me to see an internist. The Internist: In July of 2003, I made my first trip in to the internist. My liver enzymes were STILL off the charts as well as my CRP level. He ran the usual tests as well and was just as baffled as the first doc. He told me that there was nothing that he could do and suggested that I go to the pain clinic and referred me to them. The Pain Clinic: In November of 2003, I started going to the pain clinic. They prescribed morphine, hydrocodone and some other anti-inflammatory. This got me to the point that I could at least walk. I really wasn't able to do much before this. They ran nerve conduction tests, sent me to see a rheumatologist who told me that I had Fibromyalgia. I had a hard time swallowing that I had fibromyalgia since the pain didn't seem to be in my muscles at all. It felt like it was really deep in the joint, but I could move my joints passively without much pain. When I used the joint itself on its own, it seemed to hurt a lot. Sometime between November 2003 and July 2005, the pain started roving. It went from being in mostly weight bearing joints to my hips, then my back and then up into my arms. When it hit my arms, I became COMPLETELY immobilized. All I could do was lay there and cry. I was on 1000 mg of morphine and 6 10/350 hydros a day. I still couldn't move. The suicide effect: When the pain started roving around, I became very suicidal. I live in Alaska and as most Alaskans, I have a few guns. I actually got to the point where I took one out, emptied it and dry fired it at my head to see what it would feel like. I came so close to killing myself I can't tell you. I ended up checking myself into a psych clinic which only made matters worse for me. They were terrible and apparently had no medical expertise with suicidal tendencies due to severe amounts of pain. I won't get into that one as that is another REALLY long story in and of itself. Getting Floxxed AGAIN: Anyway, after being on morphine and hydro for so long, my immune system was in the garbage. On September 9th of 2005, I woke up really sick. I knew that I had pneumonia since I was crackling when I breathed, but I had never had this other new pain. It was in all the muscles, in the bones, everything. I was also severely sick to my stomach. My husband came home from work to watch the kids and I had my son take me to the hospital. He was only 15 at the time and couldn't do much other than drive me there. I really didn't think there was anything severely wrong other than the Cipro tox and pneumonia. I walked in and immediately passed out. Come to find out I had double pneumonia and was in septic shock. I had a blood pressure of 10/5. They were immediately giving me dopamine and they were afraid to move me from ER to ICU. Everyone there was sure I was going to die. They made a clean room around me and ran an IV into my jugular vein. I told the doctor that I thought that I was allergic to Cipro and he told me that if he didn't give me a fluoroquinolone I was probably going to die as it was the quickest acting antibiotic, according to him. So, my choices were to get floxed again or die.hmmmm..I took getting floxed40 day regimine of it! I was paralyzed in pain after that. My liver enzymes went back up AGAIN and I literally couldn't move at all. I then ended up with pericaridits (fluid in the sack around the heart). Felt like I was having a heart attack. Finding "The Cure": I knew after getting floxxed again that I wasn't going to be getting better anytime soon. My CRP levels were well over 20 at this point and moving at all just wasn't an option. I ended up overdosing on morphine so that I could get up and move to try and do something about this. The only thing I figured that I hadn't done was see a naturopath. Every traditional doctor wasn't willing to tell me that it was the Cipro that started all this. They told me that Cipro wouldn't do that to you. BULL SHIZNIT!! They were trying to tell me that I had Reiter's disease, Ankylosing Spondyloarthritis (or something like that), etc�but not the Cipro. Well, when they gave me Levaquin that last time and my symptoms were identical (mind you, I never recovered from the first floxx attack) I was pretty much able to conclude at that point what the problem was without anymore guess work. I went to see a naturopath. I crawled in there crying that nobody would help me and he said that he wanted to try an ozone treatment. This involved having an IV put in my arm, removing blood from me, ozonating it and then putting the blood back in. He also did some acupuncture. After about a week or so, all the pain just seemed to go away. I was still on the morphine and hydros so I started to feel strung out. I dropped my morphine and hydro intake down to the lowest that they had (30mg 24 hour pills) and the pain never came back. I went back in for 4 more ozone treatments (for good measure) since but have yet to have anymore problems. My doctor was amazed as was I. Almost three years of this crap and to have it go away so quickly (especially after being floxed for 40 days right before this) was like a miracle. My doctor had another patient that came in with the same problem and he called me to see what I did to get rid of it. I told him, he told her and it worked for her too. It could just be that it was our "time" to get out of pain or maybe this really was the answer, at least for us. I hadn't heard of anyone before this that had tried ozone treatments to deal with this problem. *After three years of severe pain, pain pill addiction and nearly blowing my head off, I think that I may have found a solution to this problem. Epilogue I'm terrified of ALL antibiotics now. I better be dying before they give them to me again. Same goes for pain pills for that matter. Took me 3 months to completely withdraw from the pain pills. I'm still on Effexor and Xanax but will taper off of them in time. I'm finally to a point where I feel better than I can ever remember feeling. I'm about 50 pounds overweight now, but that is quite minor compared to what I've been through. I didn't get here overnight and I'm not going to get back to where I started over night. I was only 34 when this started and I'm almost 38 now. I was 105 pounds then, 155 now. I missed the early years of both of my girl's lives and they are now learning what it is like to actually have a "Mom". My girls are 8 and 5 now. My son is almost 17. They were all in very precarious ages when this was all going on. I feel robbed and blessed equally. I have thousands of dollars in medical bills in collections right now but at least we didn't lose our house through all of this. The medical bills are just going to have to wait. This was the first month that I actually paid all of the utilities and have them all current at the same time in almost three years. It felt so good to not see disconnect notices in the mailbox this month. Well, this is a long story, so I guess I'll wind it up with the positive. I think I've licked the problem as I have not had a reocurrence. I hope that it stays that way. I know this seems like such a simple cure for such a complex thing, but it really did work for me. I hope that anyone else who is having similar problems and doesn't know what is wrong with them finds this post. It was a long, sucky ordeal. Things are good now though! Thank God for small favors! Jacqueline -------------------------------------------------------- Dear Jacqueline, You are not out of the woods yet. You need to do a series of liver cleanses, and a long course of vaginal insufflation in order to get rid of the 50 lbs of fat with toxins that you added to your body throughout your ordeal. Much of fibromyalgia is iatrogenic (doctor caused). Fortunately, with ozone and the liver cleanse we can reverse the damage. Best of Health! Dr. Saul Pressman Tue Jul*4,*2006 12:55*am Show Message Option ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
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Amazing story! But what I found most amazing was the following sentence.
My doctor had another patient that came in with the same problem and he called me to see what I did to get rid of it. I told him, he told her and it worked for her too. That she had a doctor who realized that she might have found something that worked AND he recommended it to another patient, why this might start a whole new trend. ![]() |
#3 �
Wonderful story, Arrow.
![]() ![]() ![]() And great about the Doc who had the guts to admit he didn't know, and passed on Jacqueline's successful remedy. ![]() ![]() I can't take Cipro either - it made my skin feel like it was on fire, plus hurt my stomach. ![]() ![]() |
#4 �
I think this is the story of Peter Jovan. If anyone knows for sure correct me, please.
Arrow >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Part 1 ..."The doctors and I embarked on a very aggressive course of ozone modalities in an attempt to save this mans life. It was touch and go, no two ways about it. The more we applied the protocols, one small improvement and then another surfaced. After a couple of weeks of ozone applications by direct IV injections, *Recirculatory Hemoperfusion combined with ozone insufflations and hydrogen peroxide baths, Festus was able to move a little. His countenance was better and he started to have a confrontational attitude known to African men. Unsightly, peeled skin was being replaced with fresh, baby like skin. The color of his eyes returned, and one and all joked that this was not really Festus."... ..."Ozone works - this is a scientific fact. If we could only remove human ego from the equations we would leap ahead in removing unnecessary settings on a mass scene and be able to save millions of lives." The above is an extract from the forth coming 2nd edition of Ed McCabe's book "Flood Your Body with Oxygen" The full book extract below is a 'graphic' demonstration on how far reaching non drug modalities are usurped one way or another at great personal expense to those trying to use these to help others. Peter Jovan, through his long standing experience in dealing with near terminal patients, mostly in the third world, has refined ozone therapies to an fine art. His very success has taken a toll on him and currently he is left penniless. He should like to start this work again but is unable to do so as without any funds... Oxidative therapies are extremely effective when they are used with proven protocols. This is amply demonstrated, from the following excerpt. Peter is more than capable of moving these highly efficacious, cost effective and needed technology forward. His refinement of *RPH technology and/or advanced use of oxidative knowledge should be an asset to any one or any practitioner wanting to learn and use this technology and protocols. Ed McCabe, through the inclusion of the following in his book, and I should really like to promote this endeavor and help Peter get back on his feet. Those interested in using his services or helping in anyway can get in touch with him via email at: [email protected]. More exposure to his work should really help as the whore mainstream media surely will not promote such effective technologies so it is up to us. Please distribute far and wide.... Many many Thanks, Chris Gupta *(It's called Extracorporeal Recirculatory Hemoperfusion, RHP", or Polyatomic Apheresis". kind of like Dialysis machine except it oxygenates your whole bodies blood while cleaning it. "This is the best form of ozone therapy without doubt and Ed agrees as well as others in the field. However putting it in application in this world will be nothing short of a battle like no other. So, onward we go in our quest for a better healing modality." PJ) See also: Another Banned book - in Miami -------------------------------------------------------- Ozone, the Observer of Human Ego Theres no better way to describe the power of medical ozone than relating my experiences with Festus, an African man who was dying of full blown AIDS. His wife Edith and her sister begged me to treat him at the ozone clinic in Mombassa, Kenya where I was working as Head of International Affairs. Edith moaned and groaned, gestured wildly, beseeched Allah and threw herself upon our mercy as her husband was brought to the clinic on a stretcher. The man had been bedridden for some time. He was barely able to move or speak and as I pried his eyes open I noticed a cloudy, grey film. His body had the appearance of a man with one foot in the grave. I had never seen any person so close to death and I was convinced that this guy was never going to make it. Out of compassion for the family's hysteria I tried to placate their distress by assuring one and all that he was going to be just fine. His condition was in fact extremely critical. Lets face it, AIDS is a hot potato and once it gets to its final stages there is little that anyone can do except make the patient as comfortable as possible. Seven days of nail biting and anguish engulfed me as watchful eyes monitored his vital signs and my handling of the case. Still, I was determined to allow this man to die with the dignity that should be accorded every man. Sure, I wanted to fix him up, and keep my word that he would be okay. By now I knew ozone was the crown jewel of medicine and capable of accomplishing miracles. I had seen so many sick bodies heal with its virucidal and bactericidal power, but this was beyond saving. The doctors and I embarked on a very aggressive course of ozone modalities in an attempt to save this mans life. It was touch and go, no two ways about it. The more we applied the protocols, one small improvement and then another surfaced. After a couple of weeks of ozone applications by direct IV injections, Recirculatory Hemoperfusion combined with ozone insufflations and hydrogen peroxide baths, Festus was able to move a little. His countenance was better and he started to have a confrontational attitude known to African men. Unsightly, peeled skin was being replaced with fresh, baby like skin. The color of his eyes returned, and one and all joked that this was not really Festus. After three weeks of treatment Festus was up and about and eating normally. He started to argue with the staff and was merrily beating his wife at every given opportunity. The African staff tried to assure me this was just normal male African attitude, a good sign of virility and the regaining of his health. After four weeks he started to go a little stir crazy so I let him out to ride my Mountain Bike on the compound. By the fifth and sixth weeks of treatment he was jogging, walking two kilometers, and swimming in the water. We chided him that he was not quite ready and he told us in no uncertain terms that he was now Superman and ready to climb mountains. I must admit he was looking good. In fact it was time for him to leave and for me to let go of my small miracle. Life resumed to normal in the clinic as we compiled the data to this astounding case of AIDS by means of ozone. In many regards it was par for the course. My 5 years of ozone research and treating people with its applications had assured me that if any medical substance could achieve greatness, ozone was definitely going to be it. As for Festus, we heard from the villagers that he had become so strong he built his wife a gas station (in between the beatings) in honor of her love and for saving him. After it was built, the gas station was legally transferred to her name. She returned the favor by poisoning him. His death was a bitter pill to swallow. I had lost quite a character in my life as well as my flesh and blood evidence of a grateful AIDS victim. Despite continued successes with ozone at the clinic, it was a hard to stomach. Kenya is a land of many contradictions. Love and hatred; breathtaking beauty and swollen-bellied children dying in the gutter, extreme poverty for the masses and wealth for the privileged few. Morality, immorality and an undercurrent of greed grips its population. Thats the spell of Kenya; you fall hopelessly in and out of love with its tenderness and cruelty. It extends the kisses of a lover whilst holding a dagger to your back. And there was a big dagger poised at mine. It was time to get out of Mombassa and fast. Circumstances were such that it was becoming impossible to work at the clinic. The reason for the clinics existence had been corrupted, and the Police, FBI, and CID were making investigations. The most creative sensationalism I ever witnessed was mustered up by journalists out to expose ozone irregardless of its innocence! It was time to leave the ghosts and go to the clinic in Malaysia. This was to be one of many countries that I was to introduce the applications of clinical ozone into, as well as the new Recirculatory Hemoperfusion technology and delivery system I had been perfecting. I had been in Kenya for 2 years and I needed new pastures. I was yet to realize that they were to bring me closer to death in more ways than one! Airports are a wonderful place for drama. A huge entourage welcomed me to Kuala Lumpur with outstretched arms, excitable gestures, tears, blessings of good fortune, omens of plenty babies, and just for good measure luck one million-fold. My task was to set-up the first ozone clinic in Malaysia and I immediately got to work on desperate AIDS patients. We applied |
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Part 2
Recirculatory Hemoperfusion like never before. It was reminiscent of my success with Festus and patients recovered to the astonishment of all concerned. My sponsors immediately instructed me to go to all the major areas of Malaysia and discuss my technology. The traveling circus had begun! A series of Ministers, serious looking officials, and elite businessmen, waived contracts in the air and avowed that if they were broken, the maggots would eat out their very eyes. For good measure, blessings to my loins for plenty more babies, were thrown in with the deal. A successful technology lights up eyes fast and is perhaps a better description of what maggots can do when there is a lucrative proposition on the table! My two weeks in Kuala Lumpur came to a close. Once again, corruption entered the picture and I wanted no part of it. I did gain a lot of experience in those two weeks and I was now ready to tackle an invitation to the French Colony of Benin. I had boarded the plane with a letter from President Kerekou in my hand and my chest stuck out with pride as I landed. My relationships with airports were ever expanding. I had not expected an airport the size of a large house to greet me. My Serbian/Canadian background and ozone technology held me in good stead and I was ready to tackle the usual airport fanfare. As I looked around there was nobody in sight. My ego was deflated. The silence was broken by a military looking gentleman who ushered me to a room with trained precision. His brown eyes looked right through me as I waved the Presidents letter of approval up and down. My passport was stamped with a thud. It was the type of thud you always wished you had the authority to do but what the heck, I was off to a new adventure. I understood what a young school girl on her first prom felt like as I was led into President Mathieu Kerekous building. It was huge, palatial, marbled, dazzling, and also deserted. I was impressed with its cleanliness and mesmerized at the graciousness of the President. He was warm and his inviting manner settled my nerves. Time passed quickly as we talked about the ozone. He was engrossed with the subject of ozone and wanted to proceed for the sake of his people. The President is a genuinely nice, God-fearing man and his qualities stood out as he expressed the need to help his people. Out of all the dignitaries I had met, he was undoubtedly the most gracious and sincere. After our discussion the mood lifted, and he asked if I had ever seen the area where the slaves were taken out of Africa. With barely a nod, he ordered I be taken in his personal SUV for a tour. With royal cane in hand he waved me goodbye and went back to his solitude. My tour of the countryside in the SUV escorted by an entourage of cops, screeching sirens, onlookers stopping in their tracks, and plenty of speed, completed my week in Benin and remains one of my fondest memories. The successes of ozone and my technology were catching on in many different lands. An influential Malaysian businessman was in Nairobi and wanted to meet with me to discuss the RHP technology for India. His introduction was brief and to the point as he offered me a good business opportunity. His traditional medicine clinic had dissolved due to a disagreement with his partner, and he wanted to start over with ozone. The premises and doctors were already in place. All that was needed was for me to join the team and turn it into a first class hospital. For the privilege, I was being offered an astronomical amount of money. He massaged my ego by assuring me that India was now a superpower, the true Mecca and that I was being held back in Kenya. I could utilize my talents to the full in India and everything would be laid at my disposal. It was a very appealing proposition. Before the meeting concluded he cleared his throat and hurriedly requested I build him one of the RHP ozone delivery machines as he had some spare parts, but if that was not possible one on the cheap would suffice for now. My loving wife Sylvia was in agreement with the move, so my sponsor and I met the next day to work out the terms and conditions. He impressed me as he outlined a solid business plan. I was to be sent to a place called Coimbatore. Once there, I would receive $800,000 and $10,000 a month plus expenses as the appointed head of the hospital. This was divine intervention because there was a trail of creditors, police, CID, businessmen, and ordinary people, out to lynch my former British partner and I wished to disassociate myself from him and their wrath as far as I possibly could. My wife and I flew business class to India. Upon landing in Bombay, we were taken aback by the miles and miles of shanties on both sides of the landing strip. It was unnerving. Yet, the smells of rotten fish, dirt and garbage, and frantic crowds with elevated screams distracted us from our exhaustion. I reassured my wife for she looked suitably horrified. The hotel took away the edge and we forgot about flights, queues, smells, heat and the bumpy ride which roared with competition at every vehicle and person in the city. We slept soundly in preparation for our trip to Coimbatore the following day and it was welcome relief. An array of friendly Indians greeted us with arms full of flowers. They were bobbing up and down as they surrounded us, smiling and laughing, and staring at us as though we were people of great importance. Thankfully, they held off from blessing my loins to produce one hundredfold, as the Kenyans had beaten them to it. Sylvia was now pregnant with our first child! Initially Sylvia was unwell with the pregnancy. She remained in the hotel which became our home for 2 months. I attended the clinic each day to ensure that qualified doctors were thoroughly trained in ozone therapy and make sure the governmental authorities were fully informed on our project. This clinic was small and set-up to gauge the progress of ozone therapy. Its intent was to be used as a show piece for government officials and interested parties so my sponsors could create clinics in other parts of India. The doctors and I started to work on all types of cases, from CFS to cancer, from AIDS to skin conditions; leukemia, bone cancer; you name it. People came in droves. We routinely treated them with Direct IV ozone, RHP, ozone insufflations, ozonated saline drips, ozonated saunas, hydrogen peroxide baths, enemas and exercise. We appointed Ed McCabe as Senior Consultant and conferred with him almost daily on our methodology. A dietary protocol was created to ensure the correct nutritional foods were eaten. At last I had the resources and support to research deeper, adjust the protocols, and perfect the equipment which had become my baby. Better still, Coimbatore gave me the time to turn a basic and crude RHP machine into a truly superior technology that worked better than ever. Without exception all of the patients improved. Some were so well that they never had to return to the clinic. This astounded the doctors and authorities to such a degree that they were in complete in awe of the healing power of ozone. With proof before their eyes and success cases on their own territory it was decided a hospital be built in honor of ozone. One of the doctors at the clinic was a skilled ortho surgeon and his father was a man that had a great deal of money. He practically owned the town and seemed very influential in the state of Tamil Nadu, which in local terms means he had passed quite a few palms with silver. The family was insistent I create a hospital for them. A beautiful four story building in the centre of town that almost resembled the Starship Enterprise was chosen. Its high ceilings, rich d r, glass and chrome, spiral staircases extending to the top floor could be utilized for a hospital There were no glitches in securing it as it was already owned by the surgeons family so we immediately went to work on creating the first ever ozone hospital in India. This was a time-consuming project. It was agreed we were to make good use of the technology to train the appointed doctors in India and surrounding countries while the building was being completed. For this, I was offered 5 million dollars as the Technical Director in charge of the hospital. In addition to my salary of $10,000 a month, a house and car was provided and all expenses met. I agreed, contracts were drawn up, and construction was underway. Our budget was set at 2.5 million dollars. In India this is an extreme amount of money but they were so enthusiastic and glad to be in the deal it didnt matter. This was to be the most advanced hospital of its kind in South India, and they were going to have their masterpiece come what may. The executive offices were constructed first which enabled me to get on with technical matters while going back and forth to check on the patients at the old clinic. As fast as the patients were recovering, more would arrive at the door. It was an incredible sight to behold as a daily line of Indian men, women, children, and babies nursing every type of ailment queued for hours. Our popularity created its own set of problems. As more crowds gathered, people started pushing and shoving one another to get treated. The cops were called and had to direct the traffic around the melee. Our clinic was now packed. Heat, flies, hungry patients, and exhaustion led to a frenzied atmosphere and staff started to lose their composure. They were running around in vain and attempting to calm the agitation. It was apparent that the building was going to be stormed. Panic took over and I had to take immediate control of the situation. I ordered all doors be closed and people made to come in one at a time or there would be no treatment for anyone. I prayed that the hospital would soon be completed. Our staff quickly grew to 150 and I was regularly training doctors, nurses, and support staff on the use of the ozone modalities. By now, the hospital had labs, ER, a maternity ward, two state of the art operating rooms, a live cell analysis area and anything money could buy. It became a spectacular hospital and our reputation spread. The media developed a consistent interest in the project. A flood of articles appeared in many newspapers and television stations in every language in India. They all featured our hospital. Dignitaries and the elite competed to be publicly associated with our success. Two VIP treatment rooms had been reserved for people of importance on the top floor of the building. They were all inclusive with balconies, personal staff, and the best bed a hospital could provide. The design was such that it wasnt necessary for dignitaries to set foot in any other part of the building for treatment. Elevators were discreetly situated so as not to be seen, thus protecting their reputations. The building resembled a tier system; the floor beneath the VIP section had an executive ward, a gymnasium, dining hall, and auditorium. Below that, a general ward. The ER, Operating Rooms, RHP facilities and other rooms were all air conditioned. All of the patients were treated with ozone protocols and modern medicine. Some were solely treated with modern medicine. Some were treated with Ayurvedic herbs or Siddah depending on their beliefs, income, and the doctors judgment. Nevertheless ozone was instrumental in all of the healing. During meetings the doctors, superintendents and Medical directors continually commented as to the outstanding effects of the ozone. They concluded that it had the ability to stand on its own as a healing modality or compliment every other modality. Bingo, the light went on. This is what we needed. I could see no reason why a combination of ozone and other modalities could not work synergistically. Meetings took place every day and I toured the wards with the head doctors twice a week to ensure that the therapies were being carried out as I had instructed. It was now easy to convince the pharmaceutical and oriental trained doctors of ozones efficacy. Once I got them past the point of disbelief they all |
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Part 3
seemed to inherit a sense of real hope, something they had never seen in their professional lives. It was moving. As a result, the doctors started bringing in people with the most obscure diseases and we used methods that were very unique to treat them. One of the most notable events was our research in the operating rooms. We would use an instant X-ray to lead our ozone-filled syringes to an area of the body that needed to be healed. It was a fascinating experiment and this was true progress. As far as I am aware something like this had never done before or at least had never been talked about. We kept up communications with the Russians as a lesser form of ozone therapy is commonly used as a treatment in their hospitals. I had taken a break from the clinic to visit Professor Petrygin, in Nhitsy Novograd. He was a real figurehead in the Russian ozone world and was willing to discuss their experiences. The Professor was very knowledgeable, answered every question and was very gracious in allowing me to look around his hospital. India had good political relations with Russia so it was advantageous to work with them. It was a good move. On my return passage to India I attended the Institute of Biology in Italy to meet another ozone expert Professor Bocci. He was amusing, extremely informative, and I learned a great deal as we discussed the theory and application of ozone. I went away from the meeting assured and ready to tackle anything that I would be thrown at in India. I had two good professional ozone allies and the third, the American, renowned best selling author and journalist and ozone specialist Ed McCabe, completed the team as our appointed Senior Ozone Consultant to the Aakassh Hospital. It was an exciting time. The ceremonial opening for the hospital had arrived. Half the town was closed for this special occasion, and the head Saint of Tamil Nadu had been invited to bless the hospital. A chartered plane was booked for him to travel in as it was regarded impure for a Saint to travel with commoners. I yelled blue murder at this costly arrangement. They quickly shut me up and I had no choice but to concede. After all, he was a Saint, and they needed his professional blessing on the place. The throngs were gathered as he arrived like the Dalai Lama and Pope all rolled into one. A huge following hung on his every move and he would periodically tease the crowds by turning to face them, gesture, as though they were receiving his blessing and continue on. Every move he made was met with a large group of hired people scurrying around and frantically clearing things out of the way so his saintly body would not be harmed. Others were working themselves into an ecstatic frenzy as they believed his appearance and blessing of the hospital was a direct sign from God. The crowd needed hope. The head Saint of Tamil Nadus piety took on a new level as he reached the hospital. With clasped hand he gave the nod of approval that the hospital organizers were banking on. How could he not. He was onto a good bet when his earthly mission was up. He could approach his heavenly sainthood surrounded in a luxurious hospital and go off with the bang that ozone provides. There was however one slight hiccup to his heavenly entrance. My sponsor had invited him to come to his private office. It was made very clear that this privilege was for a select few. We commoners were not entirely left out. Behind closed doors, we heard the clinking of glasses, raucous laughter, and swear words being bandied around. It was reminiscent of a midnight poker game in Vegas! The staff made more than their routine visits past the office and when the party was over this saintly figure disappeared discreetly. It was a good day for us all. The hospital had been blessed and the ex Minister of Health a very influential man in the Indian government also made an appearance. He heaped praise at the directors for this eighth wonder of the world and it was splashed in every newspaper and on every TV station. Things progressed very well for 6 months and my personal and secular life were rewarding. However, two of the partners started to argue on the fundamentals of running of the hospital. To make matters worse, the Chairman of the hospital started to become abusive. We all knew he was loud, crude, stubborn, and devoid of the social graces, but his abuse was unacceptable. It started with demands and raised voices that turned into tantrums. The noise got louder until he got his way. His level of abuse was becoming unbearable to the staff and I was most concerned for their welfare. I was beginning to live in fear as his wrath was directed at me but decided the wisest course was to knuckle under in the hopes that it would eventually pass. The hospitals reputation had preceded itself and everyone was glowing with pride. There were plans to build two more hospitals. But, as always, when greed gets to run the show, money becomes an issue. The maggots had returned. A strict control as to how things were to be run was implemented. Staff cutbacks ensued and salaries were denied. As a rule, business owners in Southern India are not tolerant with staff. If they complained they are immediately terminated. The staff that was responsible for running the hospital was no longer available and the remaining staff could not possibly handle the treatments. A masterpiece had been created and torn down with investor incompetence and greed. The partner that had introduced me to the Indian project and made all the financial promises disappeared. He had cashed everything out including my share and was in hiding in Bangalore. The promise of the big come by my sponsors partner had been based on his fathers other businesses. However, the global after effects of 9/11 and a heavy Monsoon year seriously affected his export import profits. When the time came to pay me, they backtracked. Hellfire and torment replaced the routine blessings and they made it clear that they wanted out of the deal and right now! This became a drain on my reserves. The atmosphere was unbearable, and I found it too difficult to remain with such deeply ingrained ignorance. The threats to my life were not idle talk. I packed my bags and escaped to Bangalore. They were infuriated at this move and retaliated by taking all my personal goods and files containing my work from the shipped containers. I had lost everything. But my wife, son, and I were fortunate to escape unharmed. My original sponsor and I opened a second Hospital with one of the Ministers in the State in Karnataka. It was smaller in scale and promising enough. It had a dedicated staff and was all that was needed to continue with my research. I was out of funds and not in a position to negotiate and had no choice but to continue my research there. The knowledge that I had gained was now quite substantial. With no restrictions on the work and protocols I was happier. My original deal was still in progress, and I learned to like Bangalore. It was a bit more progressive, if that is possible in India. We moved into a house close to the clinic on the outskirts of Bangalore, and my wife and I were allowed to fill it with furnishings of our choice and it felt like home. My dog Oshi who had been my constant traveling companion had been rescued from the thieves who took her in Coimbatore and I was given two bodyguards and a driver. I went to work on establishing another ozone clinic in India. All patients were transferred to Bangalore as the hospital in Coimbatore continued to deteriorate. The ozone protocols had being altered and therefore the results were poor. The clinic in Bangalore became so busy that the staff doubled in size in a matter of weeks. It was off to a great start. We started processing clients with cancer, AIDS, hep C and a host of other diseases. Experimenting with chemotherapy and radiation and then combining it with ozone proved to be fortuitous. However, it was necessary to hide the new approach of not giving the full course of chemotherapy or radiation to our cancer patients and their doctors. In fact we only used 25%. I had been introduced to this protocol when I was in Russia. Routine protocols were making people too sick so I figured I should cut the dose and use ozone to take away the side effects. It was magical. There was a complete reversal of cancer. The traces of cancer dissipated and signs of the sickness created by these poisons died too. We celebrated and were quick to adopt this routine with every cancer patient. A new doctor, fresh out of medical school was hired. I spent 2 months training Dr. G with the ozone therapies. After such a short training period he decided he was now the God of ozone and was determined to take my job. As well he could, for by now he knew the basics of the therapy, if not all the subtleties, so non-medical superiors could be swayed into errors. Tensions arose. We would butt heads at every angle and attack each other with numerous letters. His clout as a qualified doctor was used to belittle my qualifications and he waved the M.D. certificates around to prove it. He then took it upon himself to change the protocols that I had instructed him to use. It spelled disaster. The patients started to get sicker and some died as a result. His belligerence escalated and my pleas fell on deaf ears. My partner refused to heed the warnings. It was time for me to cut my losses, leave India and go back to Canada. Being an expert in drug therapy training and with credentials behind you does not mean you know ozone. In fact, you must re-learn most of the way you think to understand it. And this doctor was not good in the thinking department. I had been beaten by a continual stream of corruption, and I was completely worn out with the stress. Trying to go after the people in Coimbatore was fruitless. I was sure to win in court but which cop in his right mind would serve the papers? When I found one to help me he was paid off so fast that it would make your head spin. Besides, I was continually harassed by the authorities and the parties in Coimbatore and they would bombard the government and police with complaints that had to be verified. It was a lost cause. This was not my country. It was the Wild West, all over again, where anything goes and influence and money rule. I resigned my post. It was better to come out with nothing than to stay and face ridicule, lies and harassment. I had decided that I would bring my knowledge to my adopted country Canada and share my research with the people using ozone. I formed a plan. A gentleman from the United States was suffering from HIV and I proceeded to work on his condition. I had three weeks to treat him before I was to leave. Could it be done? A little tricky, but possible. We attacked this poor guy with everything we had. He was on RHP ozone about three times a week and other treatments for most of the day. He was exhausted after the three weeks but went back to the States in good shape. It was quite the exodus out of India as we had to get clearance to leave and this was a big problem in itself. I had made friends in high places and they worked it so clearance was given, but we were not out of the woods yet. We had to go through Bombay! Luckily I made friends with a Police Chief in Bangalore and he escorted us to the airport and handed us to the security chief who took us through the security checks without any interference. When we landed in Bombay we were met by two intelligence officers and escorted to the plane right through security again. The plane lifted of the tarmac and so did the ton of weight on my shoulders. We landed in Dubai, I called my Police Chief friend and he told me the tale that people were looking for me at the airport in Bombay two hours after my departure. I thanked God that my wife, son, and I were out of the Third World. Since my departure, the clinic in Bangalore has also closed due to mismanagement. It would seem that all those years were a waste for me in financial and emotional terms. However, a wealth of experience and research came out of it all. The experience I gained in setting up new clinics and hospitals has been is invaluable. I still hold the contracts, bounced checks, certificates, reports and a few studies from my life abroad. Phone calls and promises from former partners still try to woo me into better business deals. After my 2 years of intense training of doctors in India and the surrounding countries, experimentation and research with the ozone modalities, I am proud to say I accomplished many miracles in the clinics and hospital. Currently, only minor research with ozone therapies is being conducted with those countries. I am now in Canada with my beautiful wife and my plenty baby, a beautiful, healthy, ozone child. We are all breathing the air of freedom. The man with the HIV that left India the same time as me has been tested twice. The US hospital thought they had made a mistake when the tests proved he was negative. As of this date he is still sero-converted. If you or your practitioner is interested in learning more about the RHP technology or the advanced use of ozone, please contact Rick Kroll at: [email protected] I look forward to your inquiries. Ozone works - this is a scientific fact. If we could only remove human ego from the equations we would leap ahead in removing unnecessary settings on a mass scene and be able to save millions of lives. ------------ |
#7 �
Quite a story! 8) I wonder if he will be treated any better over here???
#8 �
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#9 �
Arrow, I am so grateful you posted this, not that I did not know antibiotics are bad, but with all my bladder problems, especially the constant burning after my hysterectomy, I used so much cipro. Even before my surgery, I have used cipro so much for the past ten years, for bladder infections.. and my C-Reactive protien is 13! So clearly I saw some (small) similarity here between my case and this woman's.
One alternative doctor told me to take the Heel Detox kit (there are three in it) to get rid of all the medication residue in me.. I still have not done that , after reading this, I will start with that. Meanwhile I am looking around to find a practitioner who is an expert on ozone, I know this can be done on your own, but I am mixing too many things as it is. Thank you for this post, I needed to be reminded of the dangers of antibiotics. Josy |
#10 �
Please let me know if the result worked for your friend ......the ozone treatment
#11 �
Contact with this person is now long lost. Sorry.
This is not medical advice. Just opinion. Whatever you decide to do your your health is strictly your business and your choice. Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#12 �
I wanted to know the name of the facility that people are going to to get the treatmet so that I may do the same....
#13 �
You can get ozone treatment as described in this thread at the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Mexico. They have MDs there who are very open to proven therapies such as ozone. The hospital has been running for 45 years.
Of course, ozone therapy is very common in Grmany, but that may be a way away from where you live. The most open state in the US for ozone therapy is Nevada and I believe there are a couple of clinics there that provide IV ozone therapies. |
#14 �
You don't need to go all the way to Mexico for ozone therapy.
This thread will show you state by state the docs that do it. You can even do much of it in your own home if you want to get equipment as I have. Ozone Practitioners Found in the USA This site also has a wealth of info on how to do info and how do it yourself. Look in the Oxidative Therapies category found on the left side of the page.
This is not medical advice. Just opinion. Whatever you decide to do your your health is strictly your business and your choice. Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#15 �
This is great information. Thanks. I'll include a link to it in my blog.
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Thread | Thread Starter | Forum | Replies | Last Post |
Ozone Therapy | Marcus | General Discussion | 21 | 11-26-2006 09:29 PM |
MS Cured | Jack Pine Savage | General Discussion | 17 | 10-15-2006 06:43 AM |
Bladder infection cured with iodine | Marcus | General Discussion | 18 | 06-07-2006 06:15 PM |
AIDS/HIV Complex disease and Ozone therapy | Marcus | General Discussion | 5 | 06-07-2006 06:10 PM |
Flu Vaccine? Read this. | Marcus | General Discussion | 5 | 05-01-2006 03:47 PM |