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� #1
Old 03-07-2009, 12:37 AM
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Default Psoriasis "may be" linked to cardiovascular disease

I'd say, you can expect doctors to start treating psoriasis with statin drugs after reading this article. It goes in circles and all it really says, over and over, is that psoriasis may be related to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Oh, and I suspect they might up the sales on insulin too, since they are all related. This article is way too obvious!

************************************************** *******
Dermatologists Caution That Severe Cases of Psoriasis Can be Associated with Other Serious Medical Conditions

SAN FRANCISCO, March 5, 2009 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- On the surface, the thick, red, scaly, itchy plaques of psoriasis - which have been shown to have a significant negative impact on a person's overall quality of life - may not appear to pose a serious health risk for patients. However, a growing body of research suggests that psoriasis patients are at an increased risk of developing serious medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes, particularly when their psoriasis is severe.

Speaking today at the 67th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Dermatology (Academy), dermatologist Joel M. Gelfand, MD, MSCE, FAAD, assistant professor of dermatology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine in Philadelphia, spoke about this complex skin condition and its relationship to other serious medical conditions.

Dr. Gelfand explained that for the last two decades, research has shown that excessive inflammation is a critical feature of psoriasis. This discovery has led to innovative approaches to treating psoriasis, with therapies targeting selected areas of the immune system that are over-active in psoriasis patients. Excess inflammation also is present in other common conditions, such as hardening of the arteries, heart attacks, stroke, obesity and diabetes - which may explain why some psoriasis patients may be at an increased risk for developing these other serious conditions.

Studies show the link between patients with severe psoriasis and diabetes, heart attack and coronary artery disease occur independent of traditional risk factors for these other conditions - such as obesity, smoking or high blood pressure.

Furthermore, Dr. Gelfand's recent research suggests that patients with severe psoriasis may have shorter life expectancies than non-psoriasis patients. Specifically, he found that those with severe psoriasis may die three to five years earlier than patients who do not have the disease.

"Patient education is critical in the early detection and management of these related conditions, many of which can be controlled with proper medical care," said Dr. Gelfand. To minimize the risk of developing associated medical conditions, Dr. Gelfand recommended that psoriasis patients lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid smoking, maintain an ideal body weight and get routine screenings for cardiovascular risk factors - such as blood pressure and cholesterol checks.

"We need to educate psoriasis patients about the increased risk of cardiovascular disease so the prevention efforts can be instituted," explained Dr. Gelfand.

Experts in the dermatology and cardiology communities have issued consensus statements advocating that physicians educate patients with psoriasis - particularly if the disease is severe - about the potential association of psoriasis with other serious diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Dr. Gelfand added that further research is needed to better determine how skin disease severity and activity affect the risk of developing these associated conditions and whether successful treatment of psoriasis alters the risks.

About Psoriasis

Psoriasis affects nearly 7 million Americans and can start at any age, although it most commonly starts in early adulthood (20s and 30s). Psoriasis has a genetic component, as approximately 40 percent of patients with psoriasis have a family history of the disease. While the exact cause of psoriasis is unknown, it is believed to occur due to an interaction of multiple genes, the immune system and the environment, according to Dr. Gelfand. The disease can be localized, affecting only the elbows or scalp, or can involve skin on the entire body.

To learn more about psoriasis, visit the PsoriasisNet section of, a Web site developed by dermatologists that provides patients with up-to-date information on the treatment and management of disorders of the skin, hair and nails.
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� #2
Old 03-07-2009, 06:31 PM
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Psoriasis is a fungal disease.

When yeast/fungus produces mycotoxins, they cause this skin "condition".

If these mycototoxins get into the joints, they cause gout and arthritis.

In the digestive tract, they cause Gerd, IBS, and Chron's.

In the brain they cause memory problems, brain fog, Alzheimers, and Dementia.

In the respitory tract, they cause Asthma, and COPD.

They also cause insulin resistance, thus Type 2 Diabetes, Thrush, Athletes Foot, Rashes, Dandruff,Ringworm, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, ALS, weight gain, ear infections, sinus problems, and most cancers, and that is only the beginning.

(Now you know more than most doctors)
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� #3
Old 03-07-2009, 07:46 PM
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I think all of the members here know more than most doctors

I have thought for some time that I have a fungus or yeast infection in my sinuses, mouth and lungs. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning my mouth is dry and almost glued closed with gunk. If I get an irritated throat and start coughing up mucose I get out my colloidal silver and nebulize it into my lungs, ears and sinuses. But I rarely get a cold or sore throat that I can't chase off in a day or two with my Vitamin C to tollerance, echinacea extract, Astragalus and Sambucol elderberry extract. I chew gum with xylitol constantly to replace nicotine, after almost 10 years without a cigarette!

I don't know for sure how to fight fungus, other than with sodium bicarbonate. How much of that can I take without having water retention? I took a spoonful mixed in a small amount of water once and it wasn't too bad. Also, one time not long ago I added a pinch of soda to my nebulizer for my lungs. I also have reduced glutathione capsules that have a small amount of soda. I break one open and dissolved the powder in a little distilled water to use in my nebulizer. So, I'm not real consistant but I have my little arsonal and I rotate them. With fungus I should be more consistant I suppose, but with autoimmune problems it seems I get resistant if I take one treatment too long.

Thanks for all you help. I'm sure you're right...I just need to be reminded once in a while. I have so many things going now that I go 24 hours without sleep a lot of the time. Just can't stop till I accomplish what I set out to do. But it's definately not good for me, or anyone! I've always been a "nightowl".
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� #4
Old 03-07-2009, 08:19 PM
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Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
I think all of the members here know more than most doctors

I have thought for some time that I have a fungus or yeast infection in my sinuses, mouth and lungs. Sometimes when I wake up in the morning my mouth is dry and almost glued closed with gunk. If I get an irritated throat and start coughing up mucose I get out my colloidal silver and nebulize it into my lungs, ears and sinuses. But I rarely get a cold or sore throat that I can't chase off in a day or two with my Vitamin C to tollerance, echinacea extract, Astragalus and Sambucol elderberry extract. I chew gum with xylitol constantly to replace nicotine, after almost 10 years without a cigarette!

I don't know for sure how to fight fungus, other than with sodium bicarbonate. How much of that can I take without having water retention? I took a spoonful mixed in a small amount of water once and it wasn't too bad. Also, one time not long ago I added a pinch of soda to my nebulizer for my lungs. I also have reduced glutathione capsules that have a small amount of soda. I break one open and dissolved the powder in a little distilled water to use in my nebulizer. So, I'm not real consistant but I have my little arsonal and I rotate them. With fungus I should be more consistant I suppose, but with autoimmune problems it seems I get resistant if I take one treatment too long.

Thanks for all you help. I'm sure you're right...I just need to be reminded once in a while. I have so many things going now that I go 24 hours without sleep a lot of the time. Just can't stop till I accomplish what I set out to do. But it's definately not good for me, or anyone! I've always been a "nightowl".

Congratulations on the 10 years without smoking.

A few months ago I discovered that cig tobacco is full of mold and fungus, so depending on how long you smoked/inhaled, that could be alot.

The supplements that you take will help control, but won't kill the fungus. The colloidal silver might, but it must be at least 10 ppm and the particals must be small enough to penetrate the tissues. Most silvers are 0 to 5 ppm and the particals are too big to do any good.

If you want to kill fungus you need Nystatin and Diflucan. Nystatin kills fungus in the intestinal tract while Diflucan kills fungus in the blood.
Diflucan is quite expensive, but I think they make a genaric brand that is just as good but is much cheaper. Both drugs are reasonably safe.
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� #5
Old 03-08-2009, 01:16 AM
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Thanks for the compliment about quitting was probably about the hardest thing I ever did, but once I made my mind up, no one could even tempt me to smoke. I stayed at my daughter's house for one week and she was dead set against cigarettes. I had Bob take all my delicious Pall Malls home, over 60 miles away and get rid of them. I went to a Bible study that my daughter belonged to and she cried (sobbed!) as she told them how proud she was of me after only about 5 days and she was so afraid for me to go home because she thought a week was too soon. A lot of very religious people prayed for me and I believe it helped. When I went home, the same night, Bob went off to bed and left his open pack of cigarettes sitting within arm's reach and I didn't even have the urge to take one. I haven't smoked at all, except when he was so sick with cancer, I lit a couple of them for him, and enjoyed the taste in my mouth, but I didn't inhale like you-know-who! I did use a nicotine crutch for a while. A little plastic applicator like a cigarette holder with a nicotine cartridge inside. Doctors said you could use up to 12 or 16 cartridges a day, but I only used one. Mainly it satisfied the urge to puff and relax as you exhale, and also to have something in your hand.

I'm sorry I got carried away about that, but once in a while I like to tell people in hopes that it will help them to know that once they make up their own mind, nothing can stop them from quitting. My favorite statement then was "I'd love to have a cigarette...but I WON"T" and I meant it!

I understand the bronchial inhalers I've used over the last 16 years can cause thrush or fungus in the mouth and throat. With that added to smoking fungus for well over 41 years, I should be a real mess inside. Yet, my biggest complaint other than shortness of breath, is no energy and being tired most of my life. I don't get a lot of indigestion and never get the flu.

I will try to convince my doctor to let me try the drugs, Nystatin and Diflucan. Do you think my naturopath would be more likely to prescribe those? I'm really tired now so will look this over better tomorrow. I really appreciate all of your suggestions!

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� #6
Old 03-08-2009, 03:51 AM
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Surely your naturopath, if he understands the fungal connection. But oregano oil can kill fungus also. You want the water soluble oregano oil
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� #7
Old 03-08-2009, 05:11 AM
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Thanks Arrowwind09,

I'll have to make an appointment. I usually do 20 minute telephone appointments to discuss my thyroid tests and renew prescriptions, but he'll probably want to see me for that. How long do patients usually need to take the drugs?
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� #8
Old 03-08-2009, 12:59 PM
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Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
Thanks for the compliment about quitting was probably about the hardest thing I ever did, but once I made my mind up, no one could even tempt me to smoke. I stayed at my daughter's house for one week and she was dead set against cigarettes. I had Bob take all my delicious Pall Malls home, over 60 miles away and get rid of them. I went to a Bible study that my daughter belonged to and she cried (sobbed!) as she told them how proud she was of me after only about 5 days and she was so afraid for me to go home because she thought a week was too soon. A lot of very religious people prayed for me and I believe it helped. When I went home, the same night, Bob went off to bed and left his open pack of cigarettes sitting within arm's reach and I didn't even have the urge to take one. I haven't smoked at all, except when he was so sick with cancer, I lit a couple of them for him, and enjoyed the taste in my mouth, but I didn't inhale like you-know-who! I did use a nicotine crutch for a while. A little plastic applicator like a cigarette holder with a nicotine cartridge inside. Doctors said you could use up to 12 or 16 cartridges a day, but I only used one. Mainly it satisfied the urge to puff and relax as you exhale, and also to have something in your hand.

I'm sorry I got carried away about that, but once in a while I like to tell people in hopes that it will help them to know that once they make up their own mind, nothing can stop them from quitting. My favorite statement then was "I'd love to have a cigarette...but I WON"T" and I meant it!

I understand the bronchial inhalers I've used over the last 16 years can cause thrush or fungus in the mouth and throat. With that added to smoking fungus for well over 41 years, I should be a real mess inside. Yet, my biggest complaint other than shortness of breath, is no energy and being tired most of my life. I don't get a lot of indigestion and never get the flu.

I will try to convince my doctor to let me try the drugs, Nystatin and Diflucan. Do you think my naturopath would be more likely to prescribe those? I'm really tired now so will look this over better tomorrow. I really appreciate all of your suggestions!


The inhalers that you speak of contain steroids, which cause/feed fungus. This could be the cause of your lack of energy. However, that could also be due to mercury fillings, or problems with thyroid or adrenal glands.

Your naturpath should have no problem prescribing Nystatin and Diflucan. I'm not sure of the dosage of Nystatin, however, the Diflucan is 200mg and is taken once per day for a few days (to "load") then is taken every third day for a week or two.

You could take the oil of oregano as Barbara suggested, but its been my experience that fungus is difficult to kill, and takes at least a month or longer. With the drugs, there will usually be a Herxheimer effect, so you will feel lousy for a couple of days before you start to feel better. That is because the body is transporting dead yeast/toxins in the blood.

I don't usually recommend drugs of any kind, but when it comes to yeast/mold/fungus, I make an exception.
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� #9
Old 03-08-2009, 07:29 PM
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I've fought my doctors on using steroid inhalers. I mostly have used Atrovent and Albuterol, and it's my understanding that they don't contain steroids. The doctors get pretty frustrated with me, not having too many drugs in their arsonal but I know that steroids make the skin thin and I don't want to add that problem to my delicate lung tissue! I am still using Foradil now and even though it has a warning on it, I haven't had a problem. I don't believe that is a steroid, because my doctor knew I didn't want that.

I'll work on getting the drugs you suggested. I happen to have good oil of oregano so will take that in the meantime. Thank you for the advice.

I'm a little distracted right now. When I put anything on a Google search and then click on any link that comes up, I get advertizing for some off-the-wall product that I've never heard of...actually they look like they could be European. If I click the back button it sometimes takes me to the right page, and other times it won't let me do anything but close. I usually buy a lot of products and supplements online but now I feel like someone is breathing down my neck. For some reason Norton 360 doesn't catch it so it makes me wonder if a setting has been changed. Oh well! This is the wrong place to cry! It really limits me in what I can do though.
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� #10
Old 03-08-2009, 07:35 PM
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How much oregano oil would someone use?
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� #11
Old 03-08-2009, 08:24 PM
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Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
I've fought my doctors on using steroid inhalers. I mostly have used Atrovent and Albuterol, and it's my understanding that they don't contain steroids. The doctors get pretty frustrated with me, not having too many drugs in their arsonal but I know that steroids make the skin thin and I don't want to add that problem to my delicate lung tissue! I am still using Foradil now and even though it has a warning on it, I haven't had a problem. I don't believe that is a steroid, because my doctor knew I didn't want that.

I'll work on getting the drugs you suggested. I happen to have good oil of oregano so will take that in the meantime. Thank you for the advice.

I'm a little distracted right now. When I put anything on a Google search and then click on any link that comes up, I get advertizing for some off-the-wall product that I've never heard of...actually they look like they could be European. If I click the back button it sometimes takes me to the right page, and other times it won't let me do anything but close. I usually buy a lot of products and supplements online but now I feel like someone is breathing down my neck. For some reason Norton 360 doesn't catch it so it makes me wonder if a setting has been changed. Oh well! This is the wrong place to cry! It really limits me in what I can do though.

I've had the exact same problem with my computer. I would try to search for something and it would take me to some "other" site. I ran two different kinds of virus scanners but that didn't help. I eventually discovered a spyware site that has a free program, that I downloaded and then ran. It said that you might have to run it a couple of times to get rid of the problem, but I only had to run it once. My computer has been working good since.

The product is called "SuperAntiSpyware" free edition, and is available here: - Downloads
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� #12
Old 03-08-2009, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Cookie View Post
How much oregano oil would someone use?
The active ingredient in oregano oil is called carvacrol. The higher the percentage, the stronger the oil is. I try to use 70% carvacrol or higher.

You can mix a few drops in juice or water but it has a wicked taste, and it burns the throat, especially if you aren't used to it. What I do is take some "00" size empty capsules, and fill them with an eye dropper. They will hold about 35 drops, and that is quite alot considering 4 or 5 drops will purify a bathtub full of water.

I would start with about 10 drops per day, and work up from there. To kill fungus or bacteria, I would take a full capsule in the morning and another before bed. If you burp after taking a capsule there is a bit of aftertaste, but no worse than fish oil.

If I was trying to kill off fungus, I would also take some other good antifungals such as olive leaf extract and grapeseed extract, while eliminating sugars and grains from the diet for at least 30 days. Also no CORN, PEANUTS, ANTIBIOTICS, and that goes for antibiotics in meat as well. It would also be very beneficial to take a good probiotic as well. One of the best is Dr. Ohhiras' at Essential Formulas
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� #13
Old 03-08-2009, 10:11 PM
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Originally Posted by pinballdoctor View Post
I've had the exact same problem with my computer. I would try to search for something and it would take me to some "other" site. I ran two different kinds of virus scanners but that didn't help. I eventually discovered a spyware site that has a free program, that I downloaded and then ran. It said that you might have to run it a couple of times to get rid of the problem, but I only had to run it once. My computer has been working good since.

The product is called "SuperAntiSpyware" free edition, and is available here: - Downloads
Oh, what a relief that would be!! I will try downloading the antispyware and run it tonight. Maybe my Norton spyware that I payed for will learn a lesson from it. Thanks!!...I was hoping maybe someone here would have the solution.

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� #14
Old 03-09-2009, 05:46 AM
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In a nebulizer I would only use one drop of water soluble oregano oil.

Orally I have used up to 5 drops in a gel capsule, two times a day, but you could do it three times a day. Start with only 2 drops and see how you feel. At five drops I can still taste it 2 days later.
__________________ I'd Rather Go Blind
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� #15
Old 03-09-2009, 05:51 AM
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In regard to searches...when I do a google search and click on the offered items it takes me to a weid google search area. If I cut and paste the address offered at the bottom then it takes me where I want to go.

For example I did a search on Oregano Oil. the first thing that came up was this:

Organic Oregano Oil
http//www. Bio-Alternatives Nutritional Supplements High Quality, Great Price. Buy 3 & Get 1 Free! FreeShipping.

if I click on the blue underlined item I get sent on a weird search. If I cut and paste the http//www. I get sent directly to their site. You can't just click on it you gotta cut and paste.
__________________ I'd Rather Go Blind
This is not medical advice. Just opinion. Whatever you decide to do your your health is strictly your business and your choice.
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