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#31 �
This was written during that time period of the bird flu scare.
All of these are good ideas but the Herbal remedy, garlic, beta glucan. MMS and colloidal Silver and Vitamin C will be the best and can be done at the same time, (except vitamin c and MMS) The treatments for flu in general are the same, whether swine, common, or bird flu. You want to use the most powerful and effective treatment that you can find. None of this has been studied, except for maybe vitamin c. Studies on these protocols are far and few between, ha! Ditto for flu vaccine and tamaflu. When the flu comes: I recommend that you prepare well in advance for if you wait till the last minute these products will be gone. Many people know about these alternative treatments and the stores will be rushed upon. Deciding which protocol to use comes from personal knowledge, personal preference and past experience. Vitamin c 1 to 2000 mg every hour until diarrhea occurs then back off some This is called reaching bowel tolerance. When the body has all the vit c it can use diarrhea occurs. After diarrhea happens wait a few hours and start again. In major emergency just start out with 10 grams (People with chronic health conditions like cancer, COPD, who are on a number of drugs, who have immune diseases should start with 20 grams) that may be repeated every 2 hours through the day and if you awaken at night take it then also. One should test what their bowel tolerance before they get sick so they will have knowledge of a starting point. There is wide difference in the opinions on how to get to bowel tolerance. The most important thing is to get there and fast. Visit. The Vitamin C Foundation for details. Garlic Eat 2 to 4 cloves of raw garlic a day Increase the dosage as the flu Comes closer into your area Lugol’s Iodine 10 drops in water or juice 3 x day during acute flu. To prevent 6 drops 1 x day just before or after contact with a carrier. This can be done daily to prevent. Grapefruit seed extract. purchased at any healthfood store Gargle with it. 4 gtts in about 4 ounces of water 3 to 4 times a day Drink it. 1 drop per 10lbs body weight. 4xday You may also purchase this in pills. Take at least 3 pills 4x day. With pills increase or decrease dosage according to size of person. GSE is nontoxic in even the largest dosages olive leaf extract standardized to at least 15 percent but use any you can fined if you can't find this. Average adults 3 caps 3 x day Increase or decrease dosage according to size of person and seriousness of disease This is a nontoxic product Beta Glucon from NOW products Search - betaglucans - iHerb.com Start taking this as soon as you hear about the first case or better yet start in October and keep at it till flu season is past. Colloidal silver purchase at healthfood store 1 ounce every hour if condition is severe otherwise 1 ounce 3 x day gargle with it and hold it in your mouth up to one minute before drinking it This is a nontoxic product Or learn how to make your own With the Silvergen Or Silverpuppy machine A brand I like and use is called NutraSilver - Skin Disease & Infection | Morgellons & Lyme Treatments 3600 ppm. Nutrasilver - 30 drops three times per day when flu symptoms begin And A Herbal Healer Academy - natural medicine, herbs, vitamins, correspondence courses drherbs , and internet company that sells a Variation and good product, about 500 ppm Hydrogen peroxide Purchase at any drug store or supermarket several drops in the ear 3 x day do one ear then the other only effective as a preventative upon the first hours of suspected contamination. This is not a cure but a possible prevenative according to Dr Douglas. Herbal Formula Will probably treat 5 or 6 people. I purchased 1/4 ounce each of these, except the mushroom blend where I purchased 1/2 lb. Mix all ingredients and soak in glass jar covered with vodka for 6 weeks. Strain. put into dropper bottles. Start using as soon as flu hits the state, I mean the very first minute. Carry it with you. Will build immunity and attack virus, anti inflammatory properities. Herbal Advantage Product Name Product # Price X Qty = Total Astragalus Root Powder 11-035P1 $4.50 1 $4.50 Echinacea Ang. Root Pwd 11-187P1 $21.95 1 $21.95 Ginger Ground 11-260P1 $3.42 1 $3.42 Licorice Root Powder 11-395P1 $4.56 1 $4.56 Mushroom Blend of 4 Powder 11-6105X2 $31.56 1 $31.56 Olive Leaf - Powder 11-4905P1 $3.86 1 $3.86 Cat's Claw Bark Powder 11-100P1 $4.89 1 $4.89 Total about $74 dollars with about $5 for shipping. Vitamin D3 Make sure your serum vitamin d3 levels are at least 50. If you have chronic disease between 80 and 100. It may not prevent or cure the flu but it may help you to survive it if it is a killer strain. During acute illness take 50,000 IU 3 x day for 3 days. MMS : go to Health Salon to understand its use. This should be in your first line of defense. Have it on hand because you will not be able to get it if a severe flu strikes. I guarantee, it will be almost impossible to get. This cannot be used with vitamin c therapy as they will counter act each other. 20 drops of MMS in a spray bottle can be used to disinfect sinks, door knobs, etc. Phenocaine https://www.donsbach.com/arthritis.htm may help with pain and inflammation associated with flu 1 or 2 caps 2 to 3 times a day If it is a dangerous flu Tylenol and aspirin may Weaken your defenses. Ozone Protocol If you have ozone equipement follow the ozone protocol. but vitamin c will inactivate ozone so do not use together. At the end of the day after all ozone treatments give Vit c 10gms. Separate ozone treatments by several hours from vitamin or other drug therapies. It is unknown if ozone affects drugs. Stop all unnecessary drugs you may be taking while combating the flu. You will have to determine the risk of stopping drugs for a few days. It you decide to take a drug just for the flu I can not say the effects that ozone may have on it. In Germany they give ozone intrmuscular injections to fight flu. Disinfecting your environment Grapeseed extract, 50 drops to a quart spray bottle. spray all surfaces a contaminated person is in contact with keep a bottle each bathroom, kitchen and near front door after washing your hands spray your hands or put about 10 drops of GSE in your liquid hand soap or dish soap Add 10 drops to your dishwasher 50 drops to your laundry I recommed that you purchase ozonators. They are about $40 each from this site. https://www.ozone.enaly.com/EOZ-300Y.htm you will need 1 medical grade and 2 room air ozonators. Use one ozonator for the room of an infected person Use the other ozonator near the entry door and use it to make ozonated water also. The medical grade is for respiratory treatments and insuffalation. See the next page for more details. A note on Using Elderberry I’m working on getting into this site for more details but have not gotten there yet. A warning on Dr D'Adamo's forum [www.dadamo.com] quote: Elderberry should be used only by people under 15 or over 35 during active infection. It can be used by others as a preventive. Yes, it has to do with it having the potential to ramp up cytokines, which increased the inflammatory reaction. This is more of a problem with people in that age group (older and younger people have a more moderated immune response) end quote
This is not medical advice. Just opinion. Whatever you decide to do your your health is strictly your business and your choice. Visit www.HealthSalon.org Last edited by Arrowwind09; Yesterday at 10:28 AM. |
#32 �
The first death was announced earlier. It was in Houston, where my brother lives. I sent him this link at 7:09 AM PDT.
U.S. swine flu cases surge to nearly 100 - Swine flu- msnbc.com |
#33 �
We may be dealing with something more than an epidemic. Everyone was so afraid of Bush declairing Marshal Law...but any president can do the same thing, and if I remember right, all it takes is a declaration of a state of emergency...like California just did. Next may be to quarentine people and lo and behold...the FEMA camps are all set up. This show is being produced and directed in Switzerland today with a virtual meeting of the WHO. It appears that it will be organized by a world organization and we will have little choice in the matter. Sorry to sound so negative, but just want everyone to be prepared, just in case my hunch is right.
msnbc.com Video Player |
#34 �
This comes from Dr Brownstein's Blog. remember, he's the guy into promoting and teaching iodine therapy. Note what he says about vitamin C.
> Swine Flu Advice > > > My mother called me tonight (4.29.09) to ask if she should start taking Tamaflu for the swine flu. So, I told her that I would have to blog on this topic. I will give you my answer to her question below. > > The swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by the type- A influenza virus which is a variant of the usual H1N1 flu virus. The H1N1 virus is the same virus that causes the flu in humans. What is different about this virus is that it contains DNA from bird and pig flu strains. How does a virus have DNA from a pig and bird and yet be able to infect humans? Scientists do not know how this mutation came about. Whether it is a man-made virus (created in a lab) or a spontaneous mutation is not known. However, a spontaneous mutation causing this virus is unlikely. I am not sure how this came about, but, hopefully, when the hysteria subsides, we can have a proper investigation which will point out how this mutation occurred. > > But, let's get to the basics. What should you do? Number one, don't panic. The vast majority of the people ill with the flu have not died. Presently, no one in the U.S. has died of this flu. That is not to say it could not happen, but we must not let the media create a state of panic. > > Next, ensure you are taking adequate amounts of vitamin C. If I had one nutrient available to me, it would be vitamin C. I suggest taking 3-5,000mg/day of vitamin C. If you are becoming ill or are ill, I would suggest increasing the vitamin C intake to bowel tolerance. That is, take as much as you can until you have diarrhea. Then, lower the dose until the diarrhea resolves. When you are ill, your vitamin C requirements dramatically increase. Usually, you can tolerate much higher doses of vitamin C when you are ill versus when you are feeling well. > > In my office, we routinely do vitamin C IV's when people are ill. These nutrient IV's are a fantastic treatment for acute illnesses, especially the flu. If you have access to IV nutrient therapies, be sure to utilize these in times of need. > > Ensure you are taking adequate amounts of vitamin D. I frequently have my patients take short-term, larger doses of vitamin D (10,000-50,000Units/day) for 2-5 days at the first sign of the flu. > > Iodine is another nutrient that has potent immune stimulating capabilities to it. No virus has been shown to be resistant to iodine. It is important to achieve iodine sufficiency before you become ill. > > Also, eating a good diet, free of refined food products helps every condition, including the flu. Lastly, make sure you are well hydrated by drinking adequate amounts of water. > > These are the proper steps to take to prevent and treat the flu. > > Back to mom's question. What about Tamaflu? Tamaflu is fraught with side effects including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue and cough. Sounds like the flu to me. Furthermore, the FDA has put a warning label on Tamaflu stating that it can cause adverse effects such as delirium, hallucinations, or other related behavior. Tamaflu has been banned in Japan (for children 10-19 years of age) as it was shown to cause brain infections and psychiatric problems including self harm in some users. > > My experience with viral illnesses, such as the flu has been clear; it is best treated with a nutritional and common sense approach. Rest, keep hydrated and take vitamin C. > > That advice was similar to what I received from my mother when I was ill as a child. So, to answer my mother-I will recommend following her advice. Drink lots of fluids (preferably water), rest, and take vitamin C. It is a lot safer than Tamaflu and has worked great for my practice.
This is not medical advice. Just opinion. Whatever you decide to do your your health is strictly your business and your choice. Visit www.HealthSalon.org |
#35 �
Hey Arrowwind09,
just curious, could you explain why its not good to take vitamin c a mms together? Thanks, Mcstiggs |
#36 �
"7 Facts" (just read on a blog)
![]() ![]() ![]() The University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) is not very well know, but information they published years ago has now taken on an urgent importance. CIDRAP, along with the Canadian newspaper Canadian Press (CP), revealed back in 2004 that the CDC was launching experiments designed to mix the H5N1 (avian) virus and human flu viruses. The goal was to find out how likely it is that such a �reassortant� virus would emerge and just how dangerous it might be. Of course, it�s logical to wonder if they also worked with the addition of a swine flu virus. ![]() � Human influenza � Bird Flu from North America � Swine flu from Europe This is rather astonishing to realize, because for this to have been a natural combination of viral fragments, it means an infected bird from North America would have had to infect pigs in Europe, then be re-infected by those same pigs with an unlikely cross-species mutation that allowed the bird to carry it again, then that bird would have had to fly to Asia and infected pigs there, and those Asian pigs then mutated the virus once again (while preserving the European swine and bird flu elements) to become human transmittable, and then a human would have had to catch that virus from the Asian pigs � in Mexico! � and spread it to others.� ( natural news). ![]() ![]() But in the Czech Republic, reporters are investigating whether the contamination was part of a deliberate attempt to start a pandemic. The fact that Baxter mixed the deadly H5N1 virus with a mix of H3N2 seasonal flu viruses may be the smoking gun. The H5N1 virus on its own has killed hundreds of people, but it is less airborne. However, when combined with seasonal flu viruses, which are more easily spread, the effect could be a potent, airborne, deadly biological weapon. See this post : Were Tainted Vaccines a Conspiracy to Provoke a Pandemic?. ![]() At $100 per dose for questionable Tamiflu, lining the pockets of then Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld who was president of Gilead Sciences when they created the drug and few of his friends. Tamiflu, based on crushed Star Aniseed, is a weak product that cure only the symptoms but not actually a cure against any swine flu. In 2006, Gilead acquired two companies that were developing drugs to treat patients with pulmonary diseases. The run on the anti-virals Tamiflu (GILD and RHHBY.PK) and Relenza (GSK) has already started. �I don�t know of any biotech company that�s so politically well-connected,� says analyst Andrew McDonald of Think Equity Partners in San Francisco. You bet !! Former Secretary of State and long term Bilderberg member George Shultz, who is on Gilead�s board. Another Bilderberger regular is Lodewijk J.R. de Vink, who sits on the board of Hoffman-La Roche, Gilead�s business partner in their venture into therapies that treat and prevent viral influenza. https://www.roche.com/home/company/co...v_dir_vink.htm Roche declared towards the end of October that they would not produce enough Tamiflu unless the government agreed to buy more of their products. This was very well politically timed as it meant just as the hype was reaching a peak it APPEARED that there was a scarcity of Tamiflu. They then reversed their statement and just produced more, which is being snapped up at an astounding rate as the hype continues. I think that their worries are gone by now as the swine flu appears with perfect timing :-) ![]() |
#37 �
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#38 �
Lots of good info here.
Just heard that hyssop has a long history of helping bronchitis and congestion. Also White Tea has many anti-everything properties and is lowest in fluoride. I've read (Dr Russell Blaylock and others) that buffered Vit C is preferable, Calcium or Mg Ascorbate. And I think with all the excess calcium, I'd rather use Mg. Excess calcium precipitates in your brain and other places. (Study showed Vit D/Calcium supplement increased brain plaques). Vit C can increase acidity. Your body needs to reduce it and does this by leeching calcium out of your bones. You can neutralize it with backing soda too. And acidity has been shown to increase osteoporosis, and backing soda stops this (not just from Vit C- too much meat etc). Also germs and cancer like acidity. Germs like iron too- avoid red meat when sick or iron supplements. Elderberry- one reason it works is that it dulls the sharp points on the virus. I don't know if it would cause increased immune response any more than the virus- it should attenuate the virus. Vit D should also balance the immune response, and reduce the need for a massive immune response from a virus by not letting the virus advance so fast in the first place. One should always keep their Vit D levels up and take 2-5000 every day. See vitamindcouncil.com. However I'd avoid calcium supplements as the D may cause too much absorption of a free form of calcium that will not magically go to bones. Rebuilding bones is a slow process. Hydrogen Peroxide- I've taken std Walgreen version and diluted about 10parts water to 1 part Peroxide and breathed the mist for lung congestion. Seems to help. But I would not ingest it. It can be very toxic. If you were dying of flu however, it might be worth ingesting a dilute amount- your body kills germs with its own peroxide but it is highly oxidizing. But I've been very healthy, nothing last winter- after 5-10000 of Vit D all winter. Also heard fatty acids are good against virus'- fish oil is good. Also cholesterol is also very important against it and low levels are linked to high pneuomina etc. LDL is actually good for this! Do NOT take statins- see spacedoc.net. One more thing- SYMFRE- another herbal remedy. Heard a pilot call in and say he never gets anything anymore after taking this. Ingredients: Azteca (Cecropia prachystachya Trecul), Licorice Pepper (Piper dilatatum L. Rich), HoneyLeaf Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni). Last edited by RCannon; Today at 08:42 AM. Reason: add more info |
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