I make my own salve. Cansema can be made with alternate products--bloodroot or another one or two. The formula and instructions are on my
https://truthquest2.com site. The home page has links to the formula, scientific studies, and many, many photos, including of my husband's mole only I stupidly didn't take a picture of it before we started, and I have a very big, graphic page of my thigh "lump" that I did about 3 rounds of black salve with, because I kept bumping the scab (eschar) and breaking roots at a critical time before they were killed off. When that happens, you have to go back after them. It's been several years now, and though the scar was upsetting at the time, it's nearly faded away to skin color and hardly noticible. I also removed a small lump under the skin near my mouth. That one went crazy, with a lot of white foamy stuff coming out, but afterwards, teeth that were hurting me didn't hurt any more, so I'm thinking that had something to do with infection in the teeth or jaws. I have a thin white scar from that, but it was worth it. Over a year ago, I used the salve on some abnormal looking spots on my hands, and got a strong reaction. They weren't age spots, they were more raised skin-colored spots but didn't look normal. With those I watered down some salve and just dabbed a little bit over the tops of my hands to get everything and wow--there was a lot there. On the other hand, I tried salve on a normal-looking mole and it didn't even get a reaction, but sometimes you probably have to do the pin-prick method of using a needle to score the surface to get it to react with just a mole.
I have heard of the iodiand ine treatment, and there's another really old method of mixing caster oil with baking soda. I was trying that on my young granddaughter,who had an unsitely mole in the middle of her chin, and it started to go away, but she wouldn't leave the bandage on so I ordered something from England specifically for mole removal, and that was a mistake. It removed the mole but smeared and left a raised scar that will need some dermabrasion or something when she gets old, although she prefers that to the black mole that kept growing as she did. I didn't want to use the black salve on her face but she probably have been better off than the $100 one-application salve I used instead.
The salve is easy to make. The hard part is getting zinc chloride. I have an online place to order from on the website, so it isn't that it's hard, just expensive. They charge hazzardous chemical fees and extra charges for land mail. The $30 bottle I ordered cost about $125, and that was many years ago. It's about triple that price now, but one bottle will make enough salve to treat a small city. I still have half a quart in my fridge, and yes, the stuff lasts forever. I don't think you even need to refridgerate it.
Greg Caton has the ingredients and instructions for making Cansema on YouTube, but it would be so much easier just to buy it from him if you don't need a lot. It wasn't available when I started making it in the late 1980's. I didn't even have a computer then. I got my formula from local people. It came out of a 150 yr. old book a chiropracter had. It's an odd story. He gave the formula to someone to use, who helped other people make it and use it. The authorities got wind of it and the newspaper ran a sting operation with a real cancer patient who went to the chiro and asked him if he knew anything alternative to try, so he referred her to the woman whose terminal cancer was cured in one application and who was offering her free services to help others who wanted to do it. For that he lost his license and the woman (a friend of my husband's) was threatened with prison for "practicing medicine without a license" if she even talked about it again. The newspaper ran the story about the sting operation...and then published the formula and instructions along with it so thousands of people had the formula and how to use it. One of the people who got it from the paper in 1981 gave it to me. We didn't even know about the friend who got in trouble with it. So, we are a community with pockets of quiet salve use.
In fact, I only know of one death. The woman was days from death when she wanted to try the salve. According to the friend's partner (he talked to us even when she wouldn't) the cancer spread was so massive that cancer was coming out in the friends hands from the opening the salve made, but she was too far gone with organ involvement and couldn't be salved. Otherwise, I've never heard of anyone around here who didn't remove their cancers with it.
I am about to do another treatment on my husband. After 60 years of chain smoking (he is 73) his lungs are getting bad--at least he coughs a lot, but this time I want him to see a doctor for some documentation, and if he has lung cancer, I will document the whole process and put it on YouTube, but I want proof of what we're dealing with first. We don't do biopsies--too easy to spread it that way. X-rays are different (not that the radiation is good).
By the way, I made my own because that's all we had at the time, but also because we use it for so many things. I've been waiting for an animal to get a tumor or cancer, but it might be a long wait. We don't do vaccines and they don't get tumors and cancers.
They do get horrible illnesses though--some kind of wasting, respiratory thing going around. For that it's MMS. (Another thing to document with videotape the next time I catch a sick one).