Coconut oil, raw butter & olive oil are NOT inflammatory.
The fats that do promote inflammation are corn, soybean, safflower, sunflower and cottonseed oil. When researchers look at the inflammation from a high fat diet they forget the contribution that refined carbohydrates are producing.
If you put saturated fat onto mice/rat chow and the animal suffers inflammation it's NOT necessarily the fat that's the problem, and I'm sure researchers don't get lard or dripping from organic free range grass fed animals that will come with inflammation resolving vitamin d and omega 3.
They will be using industrially produced lard/dripping from animals that may never have been exposed to natural sunlight or ever seen a field.
We have to remember that coconut oil is antiviral, antibacterial, and parasiticidal (kills parasites). If you are going to establish the type of environment in which anti inflammatory gut flora survive you have to first reduce the numbers of pro inflammatory gut flora, hence the need for coconut oil, vitamin d, omega 3, magnesium, curcumin etc. If we look at the diet of ancient cultures all the foods they ate and the way they fermented/preparted beans/grains reduced the potential for inflammation.
If you read
Stephans article on Kitavan diet it should be immediately apparent that ALL the foods consumed in Kitava, including loads of coconut, produce an absence of inflammation and the diseases of western civilisation all of which involve inflammation and the inflammatory process.
I accept that they are spared the inflammatory inputs from fine particles from urban pollution and gain from exposing lots of skin to lots of sunlight but fundamentally everything throughout their lives, enhances their natural ability to deal with inflammation.
Only when we see researchers testing the reactions to saturated fats derived from traditional sources and tested in humans who have had time to acquire the necessary anti inflammatory gut flora will we know the truth. But it is naive to think you can swap from an inflammatory background diet of omega 6 from birth through to adulthood and undo that damage with one slice of carrot cake made with coconut oil. (and no doubt with pro inflammatory wheat flour) If you've been consuming omega 6 seed oils all your life and stop eating them today it will take at LEAST 5 YEARS to reduce your omega 6 to omega 3 ratio to around 1 <> 1 and that would require you to ensure a daily intake of omega 3 + total abstinence from any commercially prepared food containing omega 6, NO bought MAYO, nothing with soya/corn oil at all.
Happy Healthy Long Life