I use Krill Oil I order from Dr. Mercola. I do not use it specifically for Cholesterol because I do not have much faith in the low cholesterol theory. Especially for women. There has never been a study on high Cholesterol and Women and they obviously are not the same as men. The oldest women in the world have high cholesterol.
Either way, the Krill Oil will bring the cholesterol into something closer to what they want, and it will also correct the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio which is usually out of whack nowadays.
I use it for the above reason and to help my skin. It also is inti-inflamatory which is important given I have Crohn's disease. The anti-inflammatory effects are probably the real reason cholesterol drugs work, in the minuscule amount of people that need them, in the first place. This only applies to a very small percentage of men with a certain medical condition.
Krill Oil also does not accumulate Mercury which can be a problem with Fish Oil.
I use Krill Oil I order from Dr. Mercola. I do not use it specifically for Cholesterol because I do not have much faith in the low cholesterol theory. Especially for women. There has never been a study on high Cholesterol and Women and they obviously are not the same as men. The oldest women in the world have high cholesterol.
Either way, the Krill Oil will bring the cholesterol into something closer to what they want, and it will also correct the Omega 6 to Omega 3 ratio which is usually out of whack nowadays.
I use it for the above reason and to help my skin. It also is inti-inflamatory which is important given I have Crohn's disease. The anti-inflammatory effects are probably the real reason cholesterol drugs work, in the minuscule amount of people that need them, in the first place. This only applies to a very small percentage of men with a certain medical condition.
Krill Oil also does not accumulate Mercury which can be a problem with Fish Oil.
Most diseases are caused by 3 main reasons:
1 > Yeast/Mold/Fungus
2 > Radiation from depleated uranium, xrays, CT or MRI scans
3 > Mercury poisoning from dental fillings.
The human body is designed to remove a small amount of mercury. Once a person gets ONE amalgam filling, the body can no longer keep up this toxic removal, and if that filling is not removed, the mercury will eventually cause disease and kill you. Some people can tolerate more mercury than others, but it has been proven that as little as 1 part per billion, thats with a "b", will do major damage in the body. That equals one grain of salt in a swimming pool.
Its true that fish oil can be contaminated with mercury, but that is nothing compared to what leaks out of an amalgam filling.
If you get migranes, or just feel tired all the time, its because of these fillings.
I am never wrong.
Let Food Be Your Medicine And Medicine Be Your Food.(Hippocrates)
Dan, what is krill oil and where does it come from? Does it have DHA in it, and is it hypallergenic?
Pinballdoctor, I agree with all the reasons you said above, especially the mercury in the amalgam fillings. I have about six in my mouth for 16 years. I found a biological dentist from out of town, there isn't any where I live. I'm getting it all remove sometime this month or the next, depends on our schedule. I think about the damamge it does everyday, especially when I chew and brush. The older I get, the more unexplain health problems I encounter. Still trying to figure it all out.
I eat alot of brown rice, I wonder if mold and fungus is an issue. I put my rice in the fridge in it's original packaging.
Krill are just small sea creatures. If you are allergic to shell fish you should not use it. I do not know if it has DHA in it. Small critters do not accumulate Mercury like bigger fish.
Supposedly it has everything that Fish Oil has but it is more concentrated, so you do not have to take as much.
I am slowly getting my many Mercury fillings replaced as they need it. I do not know what effect it will have, but there is not much reason to use the Mercury ones now that other materials are available.
It is well known that mercury will store 1st in the kidney, 2nd in the liver, 3rd in the neurological tissue, 4th in the GI tract, and then in the rest of the tissues. Symptoms related to mercury are vast; however, even the American Dental Association (ADA) admits to the following symptoms:
Stomach cramps
Loss of appetite
Digestive problems
Frequent bloating
Frequent heartburn
Immune System
Candia Albicans
Swollen glands
Chronic Fatigue
Epstein-Barr virus
Environmental illness
Hodgkins disease
Immune deficiency disease
Susceptible to flu, colds, etc.
Oral Cavity
Bad breath
Bleeding gums
Mouth ulcers
Swollen tongue
Loosening of teeth
Loss of teeth
Bone loss around teeth
Increased flow of saliva
Enlarged salivary glands
Burning sensation in mouth
Metallic taste in mouth
Periodontal (gum) disease
Sore throat – persistent cough Central Nervous System
Dim vision
Facial twitches
Voices in head
Hearing difficulty
Mental disability
Muscle paralysis
Muscle twitches
Multiple sclerosis
Ringing in ears
Speech disorders
Difficulty walking
Chronic headaches
Unexplained leg jerks
Failure of muscle coordination
Noises or sounds in head
Narrowing of field of vision
Numbness of arms and legs
Tremors of hands, feet, lips
Tingling of fingers, toes, lips, or nose
Loss of ability to perform hand movement
Endocrine system
Increased sweating
Diabetic tendency
Thyroid dysfunction
Slow healing
Leg cramps
Weight loss
Kidney stones
Pain in joints
Cold hands and feet
Decreased sexual activity
Chronic low body temperature
Frequent urination – especially at night
1) Tremor observed in fine voluntary muscle movement, such as handwriting, eventually progressing to convulsions.
2) Depression, fatigue, increased irritability, moodiness, nervous excitability - especially when criticized
3) Inability to concentrate, loss of memory
4) Insomnia or drowsiness
5) Nausea and diarrhea
6) Loss of appetite
7) Birth defects in offspring
8) Nephritis or symptoms of kidney disease
9) Pneumonitis
10) Swollen glands and tongue
11) Ulceration of oral mucosa
12) Dark pigmentation of marginal gingiva and loosening of teeth
Other documented symptoms that affect various body systems include the following:
Psychological & Behavioral
Emotional Instability
Inability to concentrate
Psychological disturbances
Lowered intelligence
Fits of anger
Manic Depression
Lack of self-control
Short attention span
Short-term memory loss Skin
Sleep disturbances
Excessive itching
Difficulty making decisions
Rough skin
Unexplained suicidal ideas
Skin flushes
Your Dr. said, “It’s your nerves” Energy Symptoms
Dan, what is krill oil and where does it come from? Does it have DHA in it, and is it hypallergenic?
Pinballdoctor, I agree with all the reasons you said above, especially the mercury in the amalgam fillings. I have about six in my mouth for 16 years. I found a biological dentist from out of town, there isn't any where I live. I'm getting it all remove sometime this month or the next, depends on our schedule. I think about the damamge it does everyday, especially when I chew and brush. The older I get, the more unexplain health problems I encounter. Still trying to figure it all out.
I eat alot of brown rice, I wonder if mold and fungus is an issue. I put my rice in the fridge in it's original packaging.
You might want to take a look at Safety Considerations for the removal of mercury amalgams and Natural ways to aid detoxification of mercury from the body in the following article:
I found one in Houston, TX, he's a biological dentist and also a member of IAOMT--which trains and teaches dentists how to properly remove mercury fillings. He's pretty pricey. I will be seeing him in a couple of weeks for a two-hour exam.
I have been doing heavy metal detox with Metal Magic from Baseline Nutitionals about a year ago. I do it every two months since I have more than a few amalgam fillings. I'm due for another detox in a couple of weeks.
Mia, there is also a dentist about an hours drive straight south of houston, that is also a naturopathic doctor, that might be able to help you.. Im not sure what side of houston you are on, but if you might be interested, send me a private message and i will send you his name and phone number
__________________ God is and all is well
~John Greenleaf Whittier~
I think you should bring your toddler to the doctor for a check-up... It is so necessary because your toddler is too young to bleed almost every time he uses the bathroom..It's not a good thing..