j. peary asked "Can somone tell me how to relieve or cure
an hiatus hernia?"
I'll probably get some static for this, but, yes, depending on the severity of the hernia. Often times a person who has trouble venting anger will develop a hiatal hernia. I don't know if this is you. I also don't know your age, etc.
I will suggest a couple of methods Steven Horne AHG teaches and which I have suggested to a couple of clients.
Steven says, in the morning before you eat, on an empty stomach to drink about a pint (or more) of room temperature water with a dropper full of lobelia. Then standing on your toes drop to your heels several times. He suggests that doing this regularly will help pull the stomach back down. He also suggests a couple other moves. If you go to
www.treelite.com and order his DVD on Fibromialgia he shows these exercises.
As for the sphincter valve itself I don't know if there is much short of surgery that can be done. These exercises should bring relief, however.