Hello Jim. Nice to meet you.
No, you're okay. No offence taken.
Absolutely no sarcasm there Jim. Taking the aspirin is just a holding job, its not a cure. If 'you' have had or think you're having a heart attack, you should seek medical help as soon as you can - wouldn't want to give the impression otherwise.
Of course, the root cause of how 'you' came to reach such a poor state of heart health in the first place needs to be addressed, be it bad diet or stress or both, but that's another issue.
I'm no fan of aspirin I must say. I have to be in a pretty miserable state before I take one, but in this instance it's a life saver.
Just a simple aspirin, it sounds almost too good to be true, but it does work.
Incidentally Jim, some time back the journal of the American Heart Association stated that up to 10,000 more people annnually could survive a heart attack simply by chewing a 325 mg aspirin at the first chest pain or other heart attack symptom, so ...