05-08-2008, 03:53 PM
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Walnuts May Protect Prostate
The effect of walnut intake on factors related to prostate and vascular health in older men.
Spaccarotella KJ, Kris-Etherton PM, Stone WL, Bagshaw DM, Fishell VK, West SG, Lawrence FR, Hartman TJ.
BACKGROUND: Tocopherols may protect against prostate cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD).
METHODS: We assessed the effect of walnuts, which are rich in tocopherols, on markers of prostate and vascular health in men at risk for prostate cancer.
We conducted an 8-week walnut supplement study to examine effects of walnuts on serum tocopherols and prostate specific antigen (PSA). Subjects (n = 21) consumed (in random order) their usual diet +/- a walnut supplement (75 g/d) that was isocalorically incorporated in their habitual diets.
Prior to the supplement study, 5 fasted subjects participated in an acute timecourse experiment and had blood taken at baseline and 1, 2, 4, and 8 h after consuming walnuts (75 g).
RESULTS: During the timecourse experiment, triglycerides peaked at 4 h, and gamma-tocopherol increased from 4 to 8 h. Triglyceride - normalized gamma-tocopherol was two-fold higher (P = 0.01) after 8 versus 4 h. In the supplement study, change from baseline was +0.83 +/- 0.52 micromol/L for gamma-tocopherol, -2.65 +/- 1.30 micromol/L for alpha-tocopherol and -3.49 +/- 1.99 for the tocopherol ratio (alpha-tocopherol: gamma-tocopherol).
A linear mixed model showed that, although PSA did not change, the ratio of free PSA:total PSA increased and approached significance (P = 0.07). The alpha-tocopherol: gamma-tocopherol ratio decreased significantly (P = 0.01), partly reflecting an increase in serum gamma-tocopherol, which approached significance (P = 0.08).
CONCLUSIONS: The significant decrease in the alpha-tocopherol: gamma-tocopherol ratio with an increase in serum gamma-tocopherol and a trend towards an increase in the ratio of free PSA:total PSA following the 8-week supplement study suggest that walnuts may improve biomarkers of prostate and vascular status.