MMS and clay
Hi all
If you have been reading lately you will know I have been preparing myself to take MMS orally again after a break for a few months. I had only been taking it breifly but had a nasty and painful cleansing crisis that lead to me having to stop and restrategise.
Well I have a plan in place but kind of both fortunately and unfortunately I have found a new job which I start immediately. Fortunate for obvious reasons. Not so for I am concerned I no longer have the time to take MMS and cope with any cleansing symptoms - namely diahoerea at home. And this wont loo good on a new job.
But I have read elsewhere about Bentonite Clay being consumed can help alleviate this and also Terramin clay I read annecdotally would be just as good or better. Can anyone confirm this as I would still like to take MMS but clearly dont wish to disrupt the new job,