thare are more studies on pubmed.. but I had to go to pick up my son. and I've been watching what is happening with wall street and debates on CNN..
I really liked the protein powder that Sally recommended, - even though I would like it a bit less sweetened.. or not sweetened at all (I prefer to do my own sweetening). I do plan to get it again:
I like the fact that it has the greens and protein and some fiber, and doesn't taste bad. This makes it something that perhaps I can use to fix something for my husband, or son (well, I can dream).
I really like the whey powder that you recommended, but I am finding that I do better with more fiber, so lately, I have been upping the vegetables, and looking at the fiber in everything. so, I'm thinking of trying adding some inulin when I use the whey. These 2 would go together.
I am now using the Manitoba Hemp powder... great for fiber: 7 gms per tablespoon.. but it tastes like dirt.
LOL.. I guess it is ok for shakes. I have just been adding water and gulping it when I need something fast.. and it definitely takes away the hunger. But I might try another brand. I don't mind "tasteless".
I don't have to have it taste wonderful. I prefer something I can blend with other stuff anyway.
anyway.. I've lost about 12 lbs on my "weird little diet" as I call it.
so, the hemp, I think it has definite possibilities. But I wish there was more information on it.