infection causes autoimmune, cardio
I summarized this article. I left out the excellent charts, and haven�t yet figured out how to make a link.
Authors: Dipl. Ing. Emil Bazala, V�tězn� 588, Litovel, Czech Republic
Dr. Vet. Med. Jaroslav Renda, in memoriam, Czech Republic
Do doctors know the real cause of diseases in many people?
Almost all people experience in the course of their lives a number of diseases. These are most often various infections like influenza. Such short-term health problems are unpleasant within the period of their occurrence, and unless they leave long-lasting negative aftereffects, they are soon overcome and forgotten. There are, however, worse cases when one suffers from permanent, long-lasting, cumulative or intensive health problems. Many people, especially with advancing age, complain of long-lasting or even permanent problems complicating their lives to various extents. When evaluating health from the point of view of valetudinarianism and average life expectancy, we can get reliable statistical data.
Nevertheless, a number of people have put emphasis on a category, which is not included in any statistical observation: the suffering of the ill. A healthy, or at least relatively healthy, person may find it difficult to realize the extent of suffering many ill, though seemingly healthy-looking, people experience. To be able to enjoy a full life one needs good or at least acceptable health. This makes health an irreplaceable value in the life of an individual and in the whole society.
When doctors, statisticians and ecologists discuss the causes of poor health, they usually list major causes of mortality, which are cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Environmental pollution, bad nutrition, lifestyle, genetic factors, are presented as the most common factors influencing their occurrence.
Some experts (and some politicians in the Czech Republic) claim that people are to a considerable extent responsible for their own health. Certain prominent psychologists even blame bad mental condition (supposedly people just imagine their health problems), which they attempt to support with the fact that medical examinations often find no abnormalities in many patients.
I spent years with Dr. Renda researching the health of people working in agriculture, specifically in animal breeding, and we discovered interesting facts that can be directly linked to the health of the whole population. People working in agriculture get exercise, have a healthier environment, and eat higher quality home-grown food, and yet as our research and other sources show, they suffer from considerably more serious health problems than the rest of the population.
Farmers often suffer from strikingly similar range of health problems, such as pain and ankylosis, weariness, languor, lethargy, prickling and tingling of the limbs, rheumatism, allergies. Scientific sources world-wide prescribe these to hard work, airborne dust, draught, various gases in barn air, infections obtained from animals, pesticides. These problems also occur in the farmers� family members not involved in agriculture, as well as in employees of biological services (animal breeders, veterinarians) and their family members.
After twelve years of intensive research, analyses and consultations with experts in both human and veterinary medicine, we narrowed down the cause of a number of health problems and diseases to latent chlamydial infection. (NOTE: This is not the famous sexually transmitted Chlamydia. It usually spreads as a respiratory disease.) It persists in an infected organism for the rest of its lifespan.
After penetration into the host organism, Chlamydia permanently survives as intracellular parasites in the cells of a number of organ systems of humans and animals. In addition to the direct effect on the host cell, they release an endotoxin. This induces permanent, most often subjective, painful and unpleasant health problems in humans, often simultaneously occurring.
The findings of our research were published in veterinary journals in the Czech Republic and Germany in 1992. Due to persistent and deteriorating health problems in a majority of the examined people, we decided to continue in our research efforts and consequently discovered similar symptoms in people from urban, non-animal breeding communities, whose tests were also in many cases Chlamydia seropositive.
As early as 1992, we analysed and published our research into the 27 most common and widely observed health problems in 746 workers from 31 farms around Moravia and eastern Bohemia and 146 randomly selected members of a control group from the same region, but working outside agriculture. In the group of farmers, the frequency of symptoms per person was 7.1 while in the control group (teachers, policemen, bricklayers, physicians) it was only 3.0.
Of the people examined, 70.6% of farmers and 19.5% of non-farmers suffer from more than five of the above mentioned problems. Imagine what people suffering from six, seven, ten or even more simultaneous health problems feel like. These alarming facts clearly show that farmers experience poor health conditions and the situation in the rest of the population is not ideal either.
The course of the disease in afflicted families:
In newborns, infections may sporadically occur in the ocular region or in the lower part of the respiratory tract. There may rarely also be health problems of a more serious character. Babies generally seem to be healthy but sometimes they are restless, crying, and with sleep and appetite disturbances.
In later childhood, these children can suffer from various allergies (atopic eczema, normal eczema). In periods of changing weather, they may show symptoms of fatigue, apathy, insomnia and bed-wetting until advanced age. Sometimes we observe anorexia, sporadic swelling of lymphatic nodes (most frequently on the neck) and minor nervous problems. Infected children also often suffer from neurological abnormalities such as light brain dysfunctions (LBD), manifested as reduced ability to concentrate, restlessness, torpidity (but in some patients also hyperactivity) and problems with learning. From time to time, children may also complain that they suffer from pain in various part of the body (abdomen, eyes, limbs, or neck) and such a condition is usually also associated with climatic changes, i.e. with the degree of biological stress. As a rule, these conditions occur suddenly and also disappear quickly so that the parents mostly do not pay much attention to them. From the long-term point of view, these children seem to be healthy. Rarely infected children show, similar to some adults, symptoms of other problems, including leukaemia, cancer, and multiple sclerosis. Some children also suffer from frequent infections of the lower part of the respiratory tract and of the urinary tract.
In later adolescence, some subjective, weather-related health problems may occur, such as pain in the back and limbs, or fatigue. Allergies are also more frequent, especially skin eczemas.
In adults, the onset of subjective problems is slow and the problems increase depending on the length of the infection, with the advancing age of the patient. Infected people show distress, anxiety, nervousness, irritability, apathy, insomnia, tinnitus, stabbing pain in the muscles, myoclonia and twitching in other body parts, lancing pain from the spine to various parts of body, trembling of the hands, and fibromyalgia. Back pain is a frequent symptom of latent chlamydial infection. Some patients may show various (for some physicians inexplainable) problems such as itching or even skin pain, aftertaste, a feeling of cold and itching in the bones that sometimes changes into a local pain in the bones (supposedly resulting from periostitis), occurrence of local, pressure-sensitive pain spots in various parts of the body, sudden feelings of cold or warmth not corresponding to ambient temperature, chapping of lips without an increase in body temperature. Some patients may show symptoms of aching conditions that may move from one place to another. These �moving pains� and other problems result from long-term irritation of nerves by endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides) produced by Chlamydia. Endotoxins above all cause irritations (pain, itching, burning and spasms) of nerve endings. Irritated nerves are sensitive to even minor climatic changes and increased biological stresses. The symptom of �moving pain� can be explained by specific effects of varying climatic changes on irritated nerves of respective individual body organs.
After a long-term, latent chlamydial infection, the irritation of nerves caused by endotoxins can result in a wide range of health problems and severe pain. Infection can cause various organs to fail and the occurrence of serious diseases during what should have been a patient�s most productive age. Infected people and their family members have a more frequent record of serious diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases (vascular incidents, conditions resembling angina pectoris, heart pain, functional disturbances and a sudden heart attacks due to enervation disorders), diabetes, asthma, cancer, leukaemia, blood manufacturing disturbances, psoriasis, periostitis, tendonitis, gout, neuritis and phlebitis, multiple sclerosis, mononucleosis, urogenital infections, functional disorders of the endocrinal glands, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer�s disease, Parkinson�s disease, epilepsy, serious chronic nervous diseases, psychiatric disease. A detailed, professional examination of this problem could reveal the causes of a number of serious diseases and change our attitudes towards the origins of �genetically conditioned� diseases (e.g. diabetes, asthma, atopic eczema). Chlamydial infections transmitted to children from their parents, and consequently Chlamydiae then initiate in the children the same diseases their parents suffer.
With advancing age, people suffering from permanent latent chlamydial infection become increasingly sensitive to even small climatic changes. In old age varying climatic changes can induce in them unpleasant, painful health problems. Some become permanently ill, suffering from long-lasting severe pains. It is not their biological age, but persistent chlamydial infection that causes these problems.
Blood tests may be accurate for detecting acute infection. Many people are carriers of Chlamydia, and blood tests are less useful for chronic and latent infection. People not mounting a successful attack against Chlamydia may have low levels of antibodies.
The production of endotoxins, the permanent irritation of nerves, the hypersensitivity of the infected organism, the autoimmune effects of antibodies, and the production of heat shock protein result in the occurrence of a wide range of diseases with long-term and severe problems, painful and intolerable. Short-term antibiotics will not eradicate it.