I've tried WW, exercise, fasting, diuretics, laxatives and once tried to have surgery (insurance changed the policy)
Observations: I'm not hungry!! I don't get that starved feeling even though I'm eating less. The best part is that events and pressure that would normally having me raging for sweets and bread are just events and pressure! I firmly believe I have an abnormal sensitivity to carbs and I'm beginning to think the life I'm experiencing now is how non-sensitive people must live. This is liberation!!
OMG! 22.5 lbs lost now! And STILL no food cravings! After yard work we went to the movies yesterday and I felt a little sad about the goodies I wasn't ordering but I got a cup of hot tea instead and felt great!
23 lbs this morning! Yeah, yahoo, Yippee!! My dentist remarked on my appearance yesterday and when I told him the reasons behind it, he couldn't believe it. (especially the part about no food cravings, he's a carb nut, like me)
It's funny, every time I get on the scale I prepare myself for disappointment repeating all the things I know about weight loss: how it's a gradual thing, how the most important thing is eating healthy, not the numbers, how the scale doesn't have to rule my life....and then, most of the time, I get good news! Well, it's a good start and thank you all for being my cheering section.
That's 12 lbs in the future and obsessing about the future is something that always throws me for a loop so I'll see when that comes. Of course if I get there, you guys will hear me yelling without aid of the internet!!
Seriously, does anyone else have any "boundary" weights? For more than 10 years, mine has been 191. No matter what I did, or anything else, I couldn't get below that number and I certainly couldn't stay there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my expectations low until I'm safely below that number. But I'd like to hear what experience other people have had.
My computer's OS crashed when I installed an update and it was a nightmare recovering. At least I didn't overeat. Anyway, Weight Loss is 24.5 lbs as of yesterday. I was talking with DH (I think I got that right) yesterday and we both agreed that neither one of us thought, a few months ago, that I would be capable of this. This has really opened my eyes about "carb addiction" and I've got to say I feel healthier now than I have in a long time. Thank you all for helping me.
That's 12 lbs in the future and obsessing about the future is something that always throws me for a loop so I'll see when that comes. Of course if I get there, you guys will hear me yelling without aid of the internet!!
Seriously, does anyone else have any "boundary" weights? For more than 10 years, mine has been 191. No matter what I did, or anything else, I couldn't get below that number and I certainly couldn't stay there. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and my expectations low until I'm safely below that number. But I'd like to hear what experience other people have had.
Congrats on the weight loss, hun!
As for you question on boundary weights, I had a similar thing : my body wanted to be 175 and regardless what I ate, didn't eat, how I exercised or didn't exercised, I was 175. When I did drop to 169, it only took 2 or so days to get back to 175; however, rarely did I go over. I was there for nearly 3 years. Only problem was I wasn't comfortable with the weight, and no matter how I dieted, changed my habits, I was consistently 175.
Now, after a moment in time with hormone pills (in an attempt to regulate), I'm working on getting back to 175. My weight rocketed up to 185 due to the pills (I am fully blaiming them) and it's been a slow trek back to where, again, my body was comfortable. Once there, we'll work on where I'm comfortable...!
But again. 'nuff on me. CONGRATS ON THE LOSS! 24.5 is a good number ")
in the lbs dept. but My pants have dropped from a tight 22 to either a loose 20 or (wow!) a workable 16! Also my heart rate's dropped 21 points! So I suppose the body is adjusting again. All good things except I wonder...If anyone else takes communion, do you wonder about the carbs? I found myself thinking about that at church!
That's great news on the pants. I can't wait until the current jeans I am wearing fall off. They are loose in the legs, but the waist doesn't ever seem to catch up .
Well, after watching the scale meander up and down in a 2 lb range for about 2 weeks, it finally went below this morning to show a total of 25 lbs lost since I started Atkins the Thursday before Memorial Day!! I feel like I hit the lottery! I can't believe I'm having this wonderful breakfast while telling y'all this great news. And I'm learning, finally, that carbs are not to be eliminated but chosen and scaled carefully. I can't believe how good I feel!
Well, cross fingers for me gang, my husband says "Let's get out the motorcycle this weekend" so with any luck I'll have wind in my hair and bugs in my teeth before Saturday night.
Thank you all for helping me feel so good about myself and helping me keep "the eyes on the prize" I appreciate everything