Antacids okay with MMS?


New member
Oct 31, 2009

Is it okay to take antacid or even use less citric acid with MMS? Or would it work just as well to back off to a lower dose?

My acid stomach has been so bad it's hard not to throw the MMS back up, and that's not something I normally ever have. This is at 8 drops, and the citric acid is hard to even swallow - I've noticed the drops are harder to control/count, so it could even be too much, but not by very much. Otherwise I already have good results, and have only changed from not taking any on a really empty stomach, i.e. first thing in the morning.

I've looked through enough info to know that taking MMS totally unactivated is questionable, or may have some side effects, but twice this much citric acid is just kind of hard to imagine.


Standing at the Portal
Oct 16, 2007
You should back off to a lower dose.

Acid stomach is caused by insufficient acid in the gut and by the pyloric valve no longer working properly, which in my opinion may be due to microbes in the pyloric valve tissue.

Stomach acid is the first line of defense against microbes entering the body. When acid concentrations fall below normal levels indigestion occurs which can also put pressure on the pyloric valve to cause reflux up. Low acid levels allow microbes to thrive.

Also when acid concentrations are low you are prone to getting ulcers. H-pylori, which they know is a common cause of ulcers is also a very common bacteria which is found in many people. It causes disease when it is permitted to overgrow due to lack of stomach acid which keeps it in check. If one does have ulcers it is necessary to take antacids for a while at least until the infection is gone because your own stomach acid can it your stomach up if its protective lining is damaged as with an ulcer. When the ulcer is gone one should work to increase the acid content of the stomach either naturally or though supplementation with betain HCl.

oh the wicked web conventional physicians weave!

MMS can help to eliminate these pathogens but if you are having a hard time with mms due to digestive issues either back up and do a lower dosage for a longer time.
You can also do mms unactivated and there is substancial evidence that this does work, after all, Jim did his first malaria cure with unactived sodium chlorite in a product called stabilized oxygen.

If this still remains disagreeable to your stomach you can try lugols iodine. 6 to 10 drops in water 2 to 3 times a day may assist with microbes in the stomach. Meanwhile try supplementing with betain HCL with meals (with meals only) after doing the iodine for a week or so.

I have helped people cure ulcers and reflux with the use of ozonated water and grapefruit seed extract, so that may be another choice.

I think if you get your stomach in better balance you will be able to go on with the mms for a more total cleanse. You can search iodine on this forum for further details.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
Original Poster
Thanks! I've had to back up so much I worried about being stuck - it's great to know it makes sense. I wound up with nausea that led to a lot of vomiting too - quite a surprise, since I've rarely had that in my life.

While both the acid and vomiting are new, IBS certainly isn't, and knowing I've had a lot of damage from celiac + other autoimmune stuff, with testing severely reactive to most common foods. I take having digestive damage for granted by now, this is just a new way for it to show up, and with the SLE being unusually aggressive, it may be that much worse.

So I should treat gastrointestinal issues before trying to get farther with the MMS? I do seem stuck at 7 drops, and can't even handle that some days.


Standing at the Portal
Oct 16, 2007
If 7 drops gives you a problem do 6 and stay there for a while...maybe a long while. Its not a contest to see how high you can go.

Did you read the stickies on this forum? the first few threads?There are other dosing recommendations to be found there.

You may want to look at MMS 2. You can read about it here

Since you are likely deficient in HCL acid this may be the answer.


New member
Oct 31, 2009
Original Poster
Thanks again! I'll just relax and stop worrying about being stuck or failing with the treatment, and keep checking this out and learning more.

I'll be checking out everything I can, and keep copies of these posts. Since I'm atrocious at the "hard" sciences, there may be more questions anyway...

