Anyone know how strong the genetic links are to diabetes?


New member
Sep 5, 2017
As someone with 2 parents with diabetes this is always on my mind. Does anyone know a good study that shows my odds and even my childrens odds of getting diabetes if we live a healthy lifestyle?


New member
Sep 6, 2017
If your both parents are having diabetes then then there is 50% chance that you will have diabetes. You can check this post on Healthline where everything is explained in detail. Apart from this, lifestyle also plays a crucial role. You should start cycling, jogging in the or go to gym. You can exercise at home. Bring home a treadmill, spin bikes or you can utilize a recumbent bike to control diabetes. I once read in news that how a person who was detected with diabetes started cycling and this kept his diabetes under control. So, stay fit and this can considerably reduce your chances of having diabetes.
