cholesterol, cancer, statins & more


Wellness Consultant
Feb 26, 2010
In my opinion, if we who do not trust western medicine, do not speak up about the bill of goods we've been sold, no one else will! I encourage all of you who believe in the natural approach to investigate the "science" behind the legal drug pushers and the billions of dollars being made by the heart and cancer industries.
The truth is our bodies need cholesterol and, in the time we live, we need more than our ancestors. Why? Because we are exposed to far more toxins than they! Both HDL and LDL help protect us from environmental toxins. It is the body's way of PROTECTING us! When serum cholesterol gets too low we loose much of our protection, so we become increasingly at risk for cancers. Here's a quote:
"Cancer risk for cholesterol levels:
Lowest risk- above 240
Average risk- 195-210
Increased risk- 190
High- below 160
Highest- below 140" Cholesterol: Fact & Myth DVD

Not only do we become more susceptable to cancer but we become more disposed to other things. Again a study of 11,500 patients revealed that lowered cholesterol was related to :
Increase in lung cancer
Increase in other cancers
Higher risk of cardiac death
Erectile dysfunction and infertility
Loss of memory and mental focus- European Heart Journal 1997

Other journals reveal no correlation between high cholesterol and mortality but correlation between low cholesterol and mortality.

Another thing we need to understand is that cholesterol does not build up in the artery walls unless there is damage to those wall. Things like floride, chloride, bromain, you know the stuff in your city drinking water, toothpaste, etc. The artery walls get damaged so the body sends out the repairmen (cholesterol) to patch it up. Now there's plaque but not before the damage was done by all those things the enviromental genius' and the societal "scientists" poison us with! I'm glad I live in the country and have clean, fresh, drinking water. Now if I could just avoid all the other junk that comes in packages: cans, bottles, boxes, and bags!

There is much more to be said, but you get the picture. Check it out for yourselves. We've been fed lies and drug companies have seen their profit margins balloon!

If your doctor wants your cholesterol below 175-275, in my opinion he is putting you at risk. And, by the way, do not be surprised if he is uncooperative with a natural approach instead of statin drugs. He's between a rock and a hard place...not a fun place to be:roll:


In seaerch of spicy food
Aug 8, 2009
The system is flawed! If you have cholesterol levels even of 210, the doc will give you a script for some type of statin because if he/she does not and you have a heart attack, he/she can be sued. The way I see cholesterol is that if your cholesterol is somewhat high, you need ginger, fish oil, turmeric to prevent inflamation of the blood vessels. If they are inflamed cholesterol will attach to them. If not, then no worry.
