Clean Energy Breakthrough


Lovin' life~
Mar 2, 2009

Researchers at Virginia Tech have developed a breakthrough in hydrogen energy, something that has always been known to challenge fossil fuel dominance. They have developed a process that extracts large quantities of hydrogen gas from plants in an eco-friendly and renewable way. This is yet another alternative we are now aware of that could end our dependence on fossil fuels
It's a really good article, to read more:


perpetual student
Dec 3, 2007
Texas, USA
I have always been excited about new energy developments. Something to get us away from fossil fuels. Something clean that won't take much away from the planet. Once upon a time, I read about a fuel cell that could run our whole house using grey water (pee-pee). That was never brought up again. Many laugh at Al Gore and Obama's push for more research, but these universities and labs cannot afford the extensive research without support and finance.

Your first article tells the story:
Unfortunately, the new energy sector is hard, if not impossible to break through. Governments, which are controlled by major corporations, support traditional energy production via fossil fuel subsidies. This isn’t much of a surprise, anything that has the potential to take down the energy industry and profit has always been ‘done away’ with. This isn’t a secret anymore, and many people are waking up to the fact that these companies have the ability and resources to suppress discoveries that have the potential to change the planet Earth forever.

Solstice Goat

Frater Aegagrus
Aug 7, 2012
Seattle, WA
I have always been excited about new energy developments. Something to get us away from fossil fuels. Something clean that won't take much away from the planet. Once upon a time, I read about a fuel cell that could run our whole house using grey water (pee-pee). That was never brought up again. Many laugh at Al Gore and Obama's push for more research, but these universities and labs cannot afford the extensive research without support and finance.

Your first article tells the story:

Grey water is not sewer, grey water is your sink, shower etc.

If you want to recycle your pee pee, get a bucket. It's the best organic liquid fertilizer on the planet.

It’s a golden opportunity.
Every day, we urinate nutrients that can fertilize plants that could be used for beautiful landscapes, food, fuel, and fiber. Instead, these nutrients are flushed away, either to be treated at high cost or discharged to waters where they overfertilize and choke off aquatic life.
When you rely on big government liberals to tell you how to live, you end up with this;
All of this means that Brabeck's future plans include monitoring and controlling the amount of water people use. One day, cities and towns may be forced by international law to limit each household to a set amount of water. People may have to obtain permits to dig wells or pay fines for collecting rainwater. Laws like these are already in motion in the United States.

Many laugh at Al Gore :

Nothing funny about ALGore, in fact, he scares me.

Al Gore's Energy Use

From the Tennessee Center for Policy Research comes this interesting information about Al Gore's energy use:
[Al] Gore's mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.​
