High Risk Strain HPV in Men


New member
Jul 25, 2019
Hi All,

I am new to this forum. I actually had to search for quite a while to find a forum geared towards natural medicine but I'm happy to find such a site.

So here's my situation. I am a 32 year old male who has had a lot of sexual partners in my twenties. I had genital warts when I was 25 for the first time. This is when I first learned about HPV and was told it is very common among people that are sexually active. I went to the doctor, he froze it off, and after that I never got them again. I assumed I was in the clear as I workout regularly, don't smoke and generally don't have a lot of stress in my life. I have a pretty solid immune system. My ex girlfriend, who was a virgin before me, recently told me that she an abnormal pap test and they found precancerous cells. She has not been sexually active with anyone else after me. I know that there is no test out there for men to find out what strain of HPV they have but I've been worried sick thinking I'm going to give any girl I sleep with in the future cervical cancer. I don't know where to go to ask for help on this topic. I have done countless hours of research on the topic of HPV and "clearing" HPV but any source of information I find is geared towards women.

Some questions I have....
  • Is there any way I can be certain about what type of strains I currently have?
  • Is there anything I can do to "clear" it or at least make it not passable?
  • Are there any natural supplements that can help kill the high strain hpv?
  • Does this mean every girl I sleep with in the future will get precancerous cells and be at risk?
I hate my life at the moment. There has to be some sort of information out there to help the guys that are "carriers" of high risk hpv. If anyone has relevant information to share I would greatly appreciate it.
