I've done a little research to discover what is in supplements that I am taking. I really want to get my nutrients from food but not being a food scientist it is difficult and it seems food doesn't provide enough. How SAD is THAT!!!
I think safflower oil is what my vit. E is derived from. Safflower oil is full of omega 6's which I want to avoid but I want vit. E at 400 IU's.
I'm seeking health through diet and supplements and am exploring
www.healingbybee.com but she wants me on her full program before she believes I'll see any healing. The vit. E is part of her program as well as vit. C (gmo, non organic corn derived), fish oil, nutritional yeast (for B's), and sea salt.
She also wants us to take 4 g. of vit. C but I struggle with it being synthetic so I'm taking acerola cherry powder at a quarter of her suggestion. Maybe her program isn't for me but she offer's hope and tells her "people" that on her program it takes 1 month of healing for every year you are sick and she thinks we've all been sick since before we were born.
If someone has any thoughts on excellent vit. E or vit. C sources I will be most grateful. And any comments on her program would be great if you have time to explore it. If not no worries.