Originally Posted by WyoJim
What is the preferred Vit D?
Indeed but we have to understand how vitamin D is made near the surface of the skin.
The first question is if you take you clothes off and lay naked outdoors right now will your skin make vitamin d?
This calculator will answer that question.
but that time only relates to 1000iu and we all know the body uses about 3000~5000iu/daily so you have to aim for 5000iu to ensure today's needs are met and you need to allow extra to make up for previous insufficiency and extra to put by for storage for use later. So whatever the calculator says multiply by 6 to be sure or expose a lot more skin.
We also have to understand it is a heat driven process. Laying naked in the sun in the cold, even if the calculator says it it theoretically possible, at your latitude, at that time of day, with your skin colour, it won't make any difference if your skin does not heat up.
Similarly if you go for the 10% skin exposure option you have to understand that once the Cholesterol in your skin has been exposed to UVB and converted to D3 if it isn't absorbed straight away it will be processed on into substances the body doesn't use. So the amount of vitamin D you make from hands/face will be limited by the amount of cholesterol available and if you are able to absorb it before it's turned into suprasterols that are junked.
I'm sure you are all aware Vitamin D3 is fat soluble, and thus can work out what happens if you are running or exercising vigorously, you sweat and the oil content of your sweat will bring to the surface of the skin the newly made vitamin D3. So if you then shower, was or even rub with a towel it's likely that the vitamin D will not be absorbed.
Remember also that laying down exposes more skin surface to sun than standing up.
So while sunshine may be a good source of vitamin d3 it's certainly not absolutely certain that simply being outside in the sun inevitably means your vitamin D status goes up.
There are plenty of people who spend all day outside, in and out of their swimming pools, who end up vitamin d deficient.
The only way you can be sure you are doing what is right for your body is
to get 25(OH)D tested.
Much the same applies to UVB tanning beds. Here we have to be certain they have UVB (UK beds are legally required NOT to have high UVB content so unless you buy your own bed and put in high UVB output tubes it's probably not a good source of UVB, Then you must be careful NOT to combine your tanning UVB session with a swim, shower or massage as you may end up removing the D3 before you've had a chance to absorb it into your body.
While Arrowwind09 is correct in saying older people make less D3 from the same sun exposure they do still respond, so at every age laying naked in the midday sun is a good idea. It's just you also have to understand the process and even if you have been laying naked in the midday sun get tested to make sure your level stays above 55ng/ml 137.5nmol/l throughout the year, and perhaps a bit higher if you are pregnant , breastfeeding, have cancer, celiac, diabetes or any other inflammatory condition.