Originally Posted by fuzduzit
I ran across this product recently, Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol) D-3-50 (50,000IU) 100ct at $30.00 usd. This product is being used in Studies conducted at Sloan Kettering, Mayo Clinic, and Cleveland clinic. Nuff said in my book as for my selection of a D3 supplement
You can find the same stuff made by biotech a bit cheaper if you look around.
This place does free shipping and there are some other places that do an own brand name version that comes in the same pots and is made by Biotech.
These are not oil based gel caps. They contain a fine white powder. It may be a good idea to consume with a fat containing food, although you may find you can get away without. I take mine before breakfast then I don't forget.
You can slide the capsule covers apart and drop the fine white powder into hot or cold meals. Vitamin D can be baked, so add to biscuits cookies cakes etc (nice pressie for granny) or added to home made ice cream (that will tempt the kids)
But expose vitamin D3 to light and it will degrade. So keep them in the pot they came in, in a drawer.
If you make your own vitamin D3 in your skin for free the same applies.
More UV light degrades the vitamin D near the surface of the skin. If the light doesn't contain UVB then no Vitamin D is made to replace it.