Saw Palmetto

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Saw Palmetto
Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens, sabal serrulata)


Saw Palmetto Berries
Saw Palmetto is a small palm tree which is native to North America. Its name is descriptive of the saw toothed stems which can be located on each individual palm leaf. It is also referred to as the American dwarf palm tree and the cabbage palm. The berries, which are most valuable medicinally, are deep purple in color.

Constituents & Actions

This herb is composed of fatty acids such as caproic, lauric and palmitic. It also contains phytosterols (beta-sitosterol), polysacharrides, galactose, arabinose, and uronic acid. The berries are rich in essential oil. It acts as a diuretic (increases the secretion and flow of urine), anti-inflammatory, expectorant (loosens and removes phlegm from the respiratory tract), urinary antiseptic and endocrine agent.

Medicinal Benefits & Uses

Saw palmetto has been widely used in Europe, and is gaining popularity in other areas of the world as a prostate supportive herb for men. It is best known in the prevention and treatment of the condition of enlarged prostate gland (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH). It also helps control side-effects of BPH, such as difficult or frequent urination. Here are just some noted benefits and conditions in which the Saw Palmetto herb may help:

  • enlarged prostate
  • urinary tract infections and inflammation
  • testicular inflammation
  • aids sexual vigor
  • strenghtens the thyroid
  • coughs and respiratory congestion
  • tones and strenghtens the male reproductive system
  • hair loss and restoration

Forms & Side-Effects

Available forms of this herb are ground, dried, whole berries, liquid extract, tablets, capsules, infusions or teas.

Saw palmetto does not have any notable side-effects. Some people may experience slight stomach upset when using this herb, but this can be avoided if taken with food.