08-15-2010, 08:35 AM
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Ozone Applications
please do not venture into doing IV application until you are absolutley sure you know what you need to know.
That being said many people do IV applications at home
The first thing you need is a large mouth pediatric oxygen regulator that fits onto a welding tank. I beleive its called the CGA540. This link on my blog will tell you all you need to know on where to purchase one. https://www.healthsalon.org/250/learn-about-ozone-therapy/
"Ozonated oil on Line" is the best company and the owner is well informed on ozone use. Although Paul does not sell syringes and IV equipment he might be able to tell you where you can find it.
Although I have not done it, and Bocci, the ozone researcher says not to, I know that many many people have done direct injections of ozone into the vien, particularly by HIV patients for here in the US. Peter Jovan and I discussed this in detail during a phone conversation at one time. He has whitnessed countless applications of ozone IV direct into the vein... that is, no saline used, just pure gas injected. He is found through Ozone University if you should wish to discuss it with him and he also has a yahoo group, fairly inactive but he has always resonded.
When you fill your syringe with ozone gas be sure to hold the syringe upward so the hole is facing the sky. Ozone gas is heavier than air. If the syringe points downward the gas falls out and you end up with just air in your syringe. If you inject just air into a vein you could get into trouble with air emboli, but still not too likely if you injected slowly. No one knows for sure how much air will cause air emboli but surely more than 10 or 20 cc.
If you inject air into your saline you will not have an effective treatment.
When you fill your syringe with ozone either cap it immediately while facing towards the sky or attach it immediately to you line to the saline or the vein. Under no circumstances point your uncapped syringe downward.
You should know what to do if you ever suspect air emboli has occured. and I have to look it up cause I forgot exactly how to do it. It never occurs in hospital anymore due to the quality of the pumps they use. It is laying on one side or the other and I don't remember which side. With each beat of the heart the air bubble breaks up a little and is moved through the system. Eventually it is disappated. Knowing which side to lay on is the key and can mean the difference between life and death.
Ozone will not cause air emboli because the ozone immediately bonds with redblood cells as soon as it comes in contact with them. Even if you injects 30 or 60 cc of ozone it will not cause an air emboli. Ozone is not air and it will not cause an emboli.
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08-15-2010, 11:10 PM
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Thank you Arrow on such an informative post... much appreciated, but I have already decided not to do the direct injections of ozone due to what I've been reading about it lately, which concerns me that direct injections has no means for gauaging the amount of ozone that one is actually putting into their veins... too much at once or too little...it really sounds like it's guess work to try to fight a serious problem... so am trying to learn about the more proven protocols that's been used... and that sure can get confusing too!! :-}
I'm still trying to read everything that I can about it, as you've suggested, and have come to the conclusion that doing the saline drip with the ozone is the safest way as the amount of ozone can be better regulated within effective protocols with more precise measurements of treatment..
I just read an interesting description about the ozone:
"Ozone has been described as like a prairie fire; that burns off the dead grass, and allows for new growth, but constant scorching kills the roots." And "too much" 03 directly into veins can act like a blowtorch, so there are cautions to be considered doing that...
But I know if that was my only option...I'd try it and do the best that I could...
I've read that it's been proven that if ozone treatments exceeds 70ug/ml that it damages ones immune system... so that is something to watch out for... less than 70 is beneficial to the immune system.. and too little is not effective for any treatment.
I just ordered my new oxygen tank, 80CF, and LPM gauge yesterday, and got in my shipment of a case of 45% Saline bags, and a box of the Winged 25 gauge injection sets, [25 gauge is smallest needle size, 22 is larger],and a few of the Administration sets... So with the oxygen flow of 1/2 LPM @ approx. 38 up to 50 ug/ml flowing from the med. grade ozone machine, ~ into the long glass tube with the 500mg. of Saline in it, the ozone will bubble through the saline to ozonate it for the IV drip...which is 60 drops per min. 3 treatments per wk for first 6 to 8 wks. Another protocol called for 12 wks... another for lesser treatments after 8 wks up to 90 days to 6 months...
Makes me wonder which one is the best?? :-}
The glass tube is specially designed so that the ozone come out the defuser-filter at the bottom inside the tube and is vented out the top filter, with the side valve on the glass tube which you hook the IV drip line too.. The Saline of course is poured from the bags into the glass tube... The end result is suppose to be quiet effective... I'll find out soon....but as you've suggested, I do want to have the confidence of knowing beyond a doubt of the steps to the treatment for it's use... sure hope it works!!
It will be interesting to compare the results with all the months of experiences I've had with taking the MMS too...

08-16-2010, 09:16 AM
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A ug at or above 70 will lyse red blood cells so it is never used.
I am wondering about the ozone machine you use. What is the brand? I have never used oxygen set at 1/2 LPM. The setting for my machine require much much lower, like 1/16 or 1/32. With my machine the higher the oxygen concentration, 1/2 lpm the lower the concentration of ozone you get per each individual setting on the machine.
I have never even used 1/8 lpm.
Of course you should go by what the manufacturer of your machine recommends to get the correct gamma.
I have come to the conclusion that all the concerns over direct injection comes from fear mongering from the medical profession that does control ozone in Europe. They want it to remain in the hands of the medical elite... do be aware that there is a medical elite that is endeavoring to control alternative therapies in Europe.
If it ever becomes an issue for you contact Peter Jovan and talk to him... A ug of 30 to 60 gamma or so will not lyse red blood cells via external applications. IV it should be around 27 gamma. If you inject slowly into a vein there is no harm done. The fear mongering is just that. Jovan has whitnessed many hundreds and hundreds of direct IV applications.
Now, because of the fear mongering all ozone doctors are afraid to speak and do the truth because if any untoward effect happens the whole ozone community will come down on them for doing a practice that they have wrongly condemned... It is an act of repression through group hypnosis. Of course given sufficient time people come to accept the lies as truth and you have medicine based on fear, control, superstition, and lies instead of the truth... but hey, thats what we are use too, right?
With immediate contact of pure ozone at a gamma of about 30 to 40 the ozone immediately connects to the red blood cell. Same as if you did MAH. If you can put ozone directly into a container of your own blood hanging on a line over your head then reflow it directly into a vein, why can you not put the ozone directly into the vien. It makes absolutley no sense. If the dosage and applicaton is correct. It must be correct. But the same for MAH. You can put too much ozone in that bottle of blood also or at the wrong gamma.
With saline therapy the amount of ozone actually going in to the solution is less absolute as it does not really bind onto anything.
Saul Pressman believes that rectal insuffalation is as effective as IV if you can manage it. Remember, with rectal insufflation you have contact with the portal vein through the whole mesenteric vascular system. Some people just cannot do it... and I am one of them because of a spastic area in my colon that is difficult to get past.... but being a woman, vaginal insufflation does much of the same thing... and here is one for you. Some people do vag. insufflation for 5 and 6 hours at a time at a gamma of 40 with no ill effects. Now that ought to blow a few theories.
In my literature it is recommended that hepatitis used with direct AHT (autohemotherapy) has been demonstrated countless times as being effective. "By doing this procedure at lest 15 to 21 days, we've been ale to see hepatitis completley wiped out."
The article goes on to say that keeping the organs of elimination open is essential because ozone creates so much trash in the body that must be eliminated. .... I would say that the best way to deal with this is coffee enema daily, skin brushing. sauna and drinking lots of water. I would also be taking the Heel homeoapthic remedy Lymphomyosot 3 x day found at www.iherb.com This is one area of consideration and treatment that too many ozone practitioners overlook.
Since the life of ozone is short in the body, don't remember exactly how long but something like 20 minutes max, you would do well to take lots of antioxidants at the end of your day to help clean up, that is halfway between treatments time wise. Lots of free radicles will be produced that need distruction and elimination. I think you know what free radicale scavengers you need already.
and if you are ready for another wake up call go to the site www.ozonatedoliveoil.com (if this is not correct).. I put a link in another post, and talk to Paul about his expericences in breathing in high powered ozone during his manufacture of ozonated olive oil.

08-16-2010, 04:06 PM
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I'll try to answer your question about the unit etc. that I have....I've got the duel ozone machine by Synergy, it puts out 120ug./ml which is the reason for the 1/2 LPM flow rate I guess?...
The 1/16 or 1/32 that you use... it sounds like you have a plasmafire?
The ozone production rate is about half that of the Synergy. I don't know what model that you have though... they have the Alpha3 and Beta3 now also... and so the ug/ml rate varies a little between those two units too... Such as the Alpha3 @ 1/16 puts out 60.ug/ml and the Beta @ 1/16 LPM puts out 45.ug/ml.
The Synergy system lacks in the controls of it's own regulation of ug/ml. but with it's high output, it has be regulated with the LPM setting, so the 1/2 LPM was suggested to me for my use...
This is where the Plasmafire units are better, as they have better controls..but cost more too...
I'm still learning about this of course.... and I've seen it mentioned about the gamma, which you also referred to, but I don't understand how all that is factored in... and if it wasn't for the ug/ml chart on the Plasmafire units, which I copied down, I'd be in the dark about how to figure out the ug/ml to the LPM settings....
~So I've deducted that the lower the oxygen flow rate, [LPM] the higher the strength of the ozone output... depending on the type of ozone machine of course...
Maybe you can help me figure out precisely what the 1/2 LPM would be with the machine that I have?... which puts out 120ug/ml ....180gamna or 450 ml/hr.
At this same output, what would be the gamma or whatever if the oxygen flow was set at 1/4? or 1/8? or 3/4?
I hear what you're saying about the fear mongers... though I think most of them who we blame are just puppets on a string, doing the bidding of just a very few mega wealthy families who control almost everything in the world..but who knows! I'm just trying to kill an immediate invader which is the virus within me...:-}
You make a good point of view about putting the ozone in the blood hanging over your head verses putting it directly into the vein... I'm not sure...but the only thing that I can think that might be a concern, is that the ozone~blood is done by a calibrated mixing machine is it not? Whereas the application by direct injection is more manual and leaves more room for human error and possible damage or reactions.
Personally, I'm not for nor against any certain method...but I am for taking care of ones owns health issues instead of sitting back and doing nothing...
Several times over the past 1 1/2 years, I've been told by a doctor that the disease that I have is going to kill me...and every time I look em' square in the eye and tell them that that is what they say....but I say NO it is not!! I can not help wondering how many others across the lands has been told that they are terminal and just laid down and let go.....so what do we call that?....professional suicide at a rate of $250. per hour? I don't understand it...but my ole' bones tells me it isn't right..
You mentioned~ if you can stand that rectal thing... or butt wash... or whatever...maybe I was born is a gas-backwards generation....I'll stick to my homemade chili beans...that always cleans me out good..
If ya want, I can send you a bowl of my chili, it might give ya a new outlook on life, If not...the hindsight ain't bad either! :-}
A little smiling therapy here......
Hmmmm....still trying to picture those gamma readings that you're talking about, I sure would like to learn how to calculate all that...
When you mentioned the 15 to 21 days of HCV treatment, aren't you suppose to take a break in between treatments? Like doing the ozone every other day or twice a week or ? To allow the body time to clear the toxins out etc.... What are your thoughts of this?
I also had the thought of doing 1/2 or about 250ml of the IV drip in AM and wait until later in the afternoon and doing the other 1/2, to finish out the day with the 500ml IV treatment... And if it really does not hurt to do daily IV's then it sure would be better to just leave the IV hookup in for awhile to save the extra pokes.... You seem to know quiet a bit about all this..so was wondering what your take in on it....

08-16-2010, 10:45 PM
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Who are you getting your saline protocol from?
I will look around and see if I have one somewhere. I keep thinking that the protocol may be written in Ed McCabe's book, but I can't look cause the book is in storage.
120 gamma is very very high. I got my training from Dr Shallenburger and I have exactly the same machine he has, its a Longevity. It does go up to 120 gamma but I cannot think of any reason in the world to use it except for making perhaps ozoanted olive oil.
My machine has 10 settings. There is an inverse ratio and when you think off hand that you would be getting more ozone because you are putting in more oxygen actually the opposite happens. So on my machine if I use an oxygen gas delivery of 1/2 LPM the absolute most gamma I could get out of it on the highest setting is 50.
If I select 1/32 LPM on my highest setting (being a 10) I would get 120 gamma which translates to 120 gamma per ml of delivered gas. At the setting of 1/32 the machine will deliver 31 ml ( or cc) per minute.
If you are not clear on things I recommend you call the manufacturer of your machine and get clear on stuff
I'm not sure what kind of info yo want but this came with my machine
1 ug/ml means one microgram per millileter
1 lpm means one liter per minute
1 cc;min means one cubic centimeter per minute
1 gamma = 1 ug/ml = 1mg/L
1 LPM = 1000 cc/min = 1000ml/min
1/2 LPM = 500 cc/min = 500ml/min
Total volume in ml. = FLOW (cc/min, like I use 1/32 lpm frequently which equals 31 cc/min) x Time (min)
Total Ozone = Total Volume (ml) x Ozone Concentration (ug/ml)
You may want to look at this website: https://www.medozons.com/calculation-...c1f0b008636c32
you said "When you mentioned the 15 to 21 days of HCV treatment, aren't you suppose to take a break in between treatments? Like doing the ozone every other day or twice a week or ? To allow the body time to clear the toxins out etc.... What are your thoughts of this? "
This is a report on a protocol in my text from a Dr. I have no further information. Again, I would do detox assist as I mentioned in the last post. Generally how often the treatments are done depends on how you react to them. Some people can do it every day, others every 3rd day, or weekly, etc. Depends on how toxic you are.
Actually the higher your LPM setting the lower your gamma will be according to what I have learned. This is why a pediatric oxygen regulator is used.
Here is a PDF from a vet. Leave it to a vetinarian to tell the truth! In many ways old time vets are so superior.
I can't find that saline ozone protocol. I guess it was on my old computer that went down or perhaps in notes that are in storage.

08-23-2010, 10:49 AM
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I just don't know how to figure out any calibrations for your machine. There is not enough information.
Gamma is always important. It is the amount of ozone gas that is used. A low gamma and no effect, a too high gamma and it damages red blood cells.
If it gives 120 on 1/2 leter oxygen it probably is ok for making saline but I am not sure. I suppose it would depend on how long you bubbled the ozone in. A high concentration of ozone in your saline you just require you to infuse it in slowly.
Some people feel when the ozone is too strong. It is described like they are feeling scorched on the inside so watch for that and turn it off if you feel that.
With rectal insufflaton or ear insufflation I would be quite worried to use a 120 ug.
With cupping it might be OK for a shorter period of time. the high concentration it would put out into the room would be hard to take on the eyes as even the lower concentrations can be bothersome but does not deter me.

08-23-2010, 11:04 AM
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Ok, I went to this site https://synergyozone.com/
by the photo of the machine it says they have a 0-10 out put dial providing a range of ozone up to 140 gamma.
Now what I want to know is what gamma does a setting of one deliver, a setting of 2 deliver, etc. I am assuming from what you said that they want you to use a 1/2 lpm delivery of oxygen.
What setting were you planning on using to ozonate your saline? Does the protocol make a recommendation on what gamma to infuse into the saline?
Do they not tell you what each setting delivers in gamma?

08-23-2010, 10:14 PM
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I've been trying to figure the formula out and just can't quite make the connection of all of this... The Saline protocol is the one used in Russia.... here is the link to how to figure out the dose...but it sounds like some kind of algebra or trigonometry or one of those weird forms of math problems..
The 0-10 knob on the ozone machine that I have isn't accurate, turn it down to 1 and it puts out about 3/4 of the full 120 ug/ml max. setting... so users just leave it at the max. setting and regulate the 120 ug/ml with the oxygen LPM flow rate...
It was recommended to me to use the 1/2 LPM flow rate, but nothing was explained as to what the ug/ml would be at the 1/2 LPM oxygen flow... So I'm just assuming that I should figure that 1/2 LPM would account for the max. output of the 120 ug/ml of the ozone machine...
From what I gather from the above link site~ is that whatever the ozone ug/ml flow rate into the saline bubblier, the result of ozone in the Saline would be 20% that of the 03 input..
In other words, if 120 ug/ml was the input of ozone from the machine into the Saline, then the IV-drip would be 20% or 24 ug/ml of the machines input...
I'm sure you'll make more sense of all of this than I can... and again...thank you very much for your help!!

08-24-2010, 09:50 AM
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Well it seems that on your machine turning the setting to a 1 to a 3 will deliver a ug that is somewhere between 30 and around 50 which is what is used for most non IV applications.
I would be so throughly annoyed with the company support from the machine you purchased that I would sell it. But I do suppose that you purchased it for its abilityt to deliver 120ug which is likely what is needed to saturate saline.
My machine came with pretty clear instructions and company support but I paid through the nose for it.
The link to the graphs that you sent show that you will get better saturation if you keep infusing the ozone as you deliver the saline IV. Is that what you intend? More caution is required with this application. I assume saline can only saturate 100 percent and that this is routinely delivered. If that saline in your bag runs out you will get direct ozone into your line as there is a pressure from the machine into the bag which will push the pure gas into the line. Make sure this never never happens. Dont allow yourself to fall asleep. Set a timer so that it rings before you anticipate the bag to get close to empty, just in case.... even if you believe that you could not ever possibly fall asleep. Take this advice from a well weathered nurse with lots of IV experience.
If you do not saturate your saline as you infuse remember that the ozone has a 30 minute half life so you will not want to delay. Wasted time means you receive less ozone. Have your IV site ready to go, flushed with saline and ready to connect the second you turn your ozone machine off.
Since you have received such poor support why don't you call Paul at this site and have a chat and see if he knows anything about your machine. He may possilby be able to refer you to further help in a number of directions.
Peter Jovan knows a lot too but he hates most ozone machines other than the one he pushes, with good reason, he pushes the very very best, but I could not afford $5,000, so I settled for what Dr Shallenburger uses and has a long history of clinical use.

08-24-2010, 10:05 PM
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Thanks for the concern about precautions...I know it does pay to be careful for sure!
Here is what Dr. Saul Pressman's opinion is on the I.V's with Saline;
"There are a number of advantages of direct injection over autohemotherapy :
• there is no need for heparin, which can damage the liver and is immune-suppressive
• there is no need for an expensive vacuum-flask kit
• there is no contaminated equipment to dispose of, just a needle
• the needle used is much smaller, and is in the vein for a shorter time period
• there is no need to take time to mix the ozone into the blood, or wait for the reinfusion drip
• there is no chance of uncontrollable bleeding caused by using too much heparin
• there is no chance of a blood clot caused by using too little heparin
• since the heart will pump all the blood past the point of injection, all of the 8 pints of blood is cleaned, instead of just 300 - 500 cc
• a fine needle produces tiny bubbles of ozone that can easily mix with blood because of their large surface area. AHT has a large volume of blood, producing difficulty in getting contact, necessitating thorough mixing.
• injecting an ozonated saline solution removes any question about embolism.
• it is much easier to deal with a visible liquid than an invisible gas.
I understand what you are saying about the conveniences of having a finely tuned control knob on your machine...but this is a minor sacrifice when considering the drastic price difference between my machine and yours, yet my machine does produce a very powerful 120 ug./ml rate of output.
Not bad considering it out preforms the output of other models which cost 3 times more...
I weighed all these issues out before I got it, and if it comes right down to it...it's the reliable output of the machine that's of primary importance...not the window dressings so to speak...
Just my opinion..[my opinion is swayed with the size of my wallet too], I know that some people, [like my son-in-law], has to have the best of everything, ~fine...he can afford it...:=}
If my machine puts out 120 ug/ml max. output, that at the 1/2 LPM it should put out 60 ug/ml which is what I am looking for with IV treatment... [At least to Not exceed 70 ug/ml which would hinder the immune system]
The link that I posted with the calculation of dose for the Saline, I thought was informative, but I found it hard to understand the formula that they are using to calculate the rates of ozone in relation to the volume of Saline being used.. such as the 0,2x1000=200mcg03, but this formula appears to be based on the 20% absorption rate too, if I am understanding it correctly?
And within the formula, it does not clarify the ug/ml rate that brings about the 200mcg of 03 in a volume of 1 liter. [1000mcg/L ]
Still trying to make heads or tails of this... guess I'll have to give him a call as you suggested.

08-26-2010, 05:56 AM
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Play it safe and do ozone through rectal insufflation. Don't be messin' around with stickin' needles into yourself and run the risk of all the complications involved with that. Rectal insufflation is easy, safe, (from what I understand) effective, and the complications are minor. I do ozone through rectal insufflation.

09-03-2010, 02:31 PM
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DOES ANYONE KNOW THE EXACT INGREDIANTS IN AN "OXIDATIVE THERAPY LIQUID" CALLED DIOXYCHLOR? i used to take it *to help my energy levels) but noticed it has been discontinued and replaced with something else- i beleive this new product does NOT have all the same ingrediants of the "Original"..i'd like to know the ingrediants in the original thx <LINK REMOVED>

09-07-2010, 05:08 AM
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I've done ozone by rectal insufflation several times.
I have an oxygen concentrator and an ozone generator.
I went that route because of an understanding I gather from research:
Ozone gas breaks down in about twenty minutes.
Having said that, I don't know if it's true or not.
If it is true, seems that an IV drip would be ineffective due to the breakdown of ozone before it has time to enter the bloodstream and do its job.
I have done 30-day ozone insufflation treatments of 1/2 LPM for 2, 3, 4---and the last one of 5 minute---sessions.

09-07-2010, 07:20 AM
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Ozone is very effective by IV application in saline or in ones own blood. Do the research. It may be one of the most effective applications Hobo can do at home. Many people cannot tolerate the rectal insufflation anyway. Although rectal insufflation is highly effective it is not for everyone.
If you know what you are doing the risks of ozonated saline by IV are minimal. Anyone with half a brain can learn how to do it.
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