Originally Posted by Arrowwind09
I would think not. Inflammation is a sign of one of two things, infection, or mechanical injury. The only thing I could think of is that there is lympatic disturbance going on due to the infection or increased demand for drainage. Typically in wounds that are being sucessfully treated with antibiotics swelling will not increase. It will decrease, and fairly quickly. Is there anything in the way of the wound doing effective drainage such as peripherial vascular disease?
I have done more funneling than bagging and found that very effective, and never any swelling. It is also very good treatment for pain at times.
But I will tell you this, I have really backed off from the use of my ozone machine since MMS came around.
I tried bagging a whitlow on my sons finger. After three sessions there was little to no improvement. He went on to cure it in just two days by applying activated MMS topically.
I bagged my daughters hand a couple of times over the weekend due to a concern about a cat bite being infected. I did it at a very low rate for only 20 minutes a time. The hand swelled up a lot and her neutrophils were shot to pieces.
Yesterday morning I started giving her MMS - she is now up to 20 drops without a reaction.
If she had an infection surely she should have had some kind of reaction?
There is not any reason that she should have poor drainage.