Hi Sally I agree with you that MS is caused by a fungus/bacteria or something like that as the MMS is working very well for me. It is not easy - I really have to motivate myself twice a day when I take the MMS but it is working so stopping is not an option. I don't necessarily agree with the gluten. I have been off gluten for 5 years and it hasn't made a difference. Elise
I have used MMS three times, the first time just to see what would happen, and the second and third time for maintainance. Wow, the first time I used it I puked up all kinds of weird "stuff" and also got rid of some pesky parasites, tape worms to be exact. Really!!! I totally agree with you that it is very hard to tolerate. I too get nauseous just thinking about it, although I plan on using it again soon.
If MS is caused from fungus, Doug Kaufmann at Know the cause Home Page Hosted by Doug Kaufmann says that it takes decades for fungus to show symptoms. So IMO if that is true, than it will most likely take a very long time, maybe years to kill it and become well. We also need to change our diet and stop feeding the fungus with grains and sugar. Even if we manage to remove/kill the fungus from our bodies, if we don't stay on the right path with out diets, we will become infested again. It is also in the air. Sheesh, I believe it is a never ending battle if we wish to have good health. I highly recommend Doug Kaufmann's antifungal diet. You can check it out at his website. His recipe book has his Phase 1, 2, and 3 diet in it. I was on the Phase 1 Diet for three months, and IMO it was a lot easier than taking MMS!!!
My brother has MS and I have been trying to help him get well. In the past his Neurologist has given him Prednisone IV, which is made from toxic fungus, and some experimental drugs which has only had some very bad side effects. I plan on visiting him next week to try and get him to use the MMS. He is eating only organic food now, he was a junk food junkie up until a year ago and he is 50 yrs. old. Good luck with your progress!
I have used MMS three times, the first time just to see what would happen, and the second and third time for maintainance. Wow, the first time I used it I puked up all kinds of weird "stuff" and also got rid of some pesky parasites, tape worms to be exact. Really!!! I totally agree with you that it is very hard to tolerate. I too get nauseous just thinking about it, although I plan on using it again soon.
If MS is caused from fungus, Doug Kaufmann at Know the cause Home Page Hosted by Doug Kaufmann says that it takes decades for fungus to show symptoms. So IMO if that is true, than it will most likely take a very long time, maybe years to kill it and become well. We also need to change our diet and stop feeding the fungus with grains and sugar. Even if we manage to remove/kill the fungus from our bodies, if we don't stay on the right path with out diets, we will become infested again. It is also in the air. Sheesh, I believe it is a never ending battle if we wish to have good health. I highly recommend Doug Kaufmann's antifungal diet. You can check it out at his website. His recipe book has his Phase 1, 2, and 3 diet in it. I was on the Phase 1 Diet for three months, and IMO it was a lot easier than taking MMS!!!
My brother has MS and I have been trying to help him get well. In the past his Neurologist has given him Prednisone IV, which is made from toxic fungus, and some experimental drugs which has only had some very bad side effects. I plan on visiting him next week to try and get him to use the MMS. He is eating only organic food now, he was a junk food junkie up until a year ago and he is 50 yrs. old. Good luck with your progress!
I have said this once and I will say it again. For myself I really dont mind the herx reaction of loose stools (if you can even call them that with MMS- You all know what I mean *yuck*) and nausea when I know there is an end in site and that it is the end of some nasty microbe or illness leaving my system for good. Its the really painful ones that some of us get from time to time.
Back on topic I noted even Doug Kaufman has recomended the use of Nystatin which more than 10 years ago I discovered in my early candid research is a big NO. Basically because it too is fungus based. Doug Kaufman is worth listening to though. I have only just come into contact with him in the last few days and already I am an avid follower and oredered his books.
Health Salon has a page adressing MMS, MS and colloidal silver. There is a testimonial there about a woman who cured her MS using colloidal silver by IV. It is a great read and a true story.
So this would indicate that there is a microbial component. You know the cause by the cure. But I wonder, could MS be like crohns? That there is a immune malfunction somewhere that allows for microbes to take over? In the testimonial though, the woman seemed to be completely cured without further treatment.
Colloidal silver is incredible, as I've found a lot of information on them from Purest Colloids or something like that. MesoSilver 20 is supposingly the best, beating others out by being about 800x more potent or something like that. It's not meant to be taken nonstop though, as you take it on a 10 day streak then STOP completely.... What I recommend is to take it that 10 days, then take a lesser potent one for maintenance, and only take the MesoSilver at the first sign of a major illness.
Colloidal silver is incredible, as I've found a lot of information on them from Purest Colloids or something like that. MesoSilver 20 is supposingly the best, beating others out by being about 800x more potent or something like that. It's not meant to be taken nonstop though, as you take it on a 10 day streak then STOP completely.... What I recommend is to take it that 10 days, then take a lesser potent one for maintenance, and only take the MesoSilver at the first sign of a major illness.
I actually have discovered Molecula Silver very recently and much prefer it. Only snag is that it is not as easily available especially for me in the UK and costs more.
If you are unfamiliar with this I suggest you do a google search on its benefits. Its basically Colidial Silver but is more easily absorbed into thwe system and does not lead to any silver build up in the system. It actually works like a gas.
Also Arrow if you could explain to me more how Crohns Disease is down to a microbial infection taking over. I am very interested in this for some reason.
MS is like Crohn's in the respect that the immune system has an ineffective defense for certain bacteria or other pathogens. That is why Low Dose Naltrexone helps both diseases. Its only action is to trick the immune system into working more normal or possibly boosting it somewhat.
The likely pathogens behind Crohn's disease are Mycobacterium avian subspecies paratuberculosis. This is found in milk and dairy products. It is not killed by pasteurization.
Additional suspect pathogens, and likely co-infections are certain strains of E-Coli, H-Pylori and yeast.
The immune system dysfunction behind both of these diseases is likely complex and certainly not fully understood. Just because the cause is complex, does not mean the solution has to be equally complex. Many people give up because they get caught up in complex discussions, studies, etc using big technical words and think they do not have a chance of getting better.
Just because there are a thousand complex factors that can cause the road in front of my house to become icy, all I have to do is not drive my car and I am OK. I do not have to know everything about the condition and what its numerous causes are. I just need one good solution.
LDN will usually help with the immune system dysfunction for a long term solution. MMS will kill or greatly reduce the offending pathogens even if we do not know specifically which ones are responsible.
I am still symptom free of Crohn's using these two cheap and effective products.
Colloidal silver is incredible, as I've found a lot of information on them from Purest Colloids or something like that. MesoSilver 20 is supposingly the best, beating others out by being about 800x more potent or something like that. It's not meant to be taken nonstop though, as you take it on a 10 day streak then STOP completely.... What I recommend is to take it that 10 days, then take a lesser potent one for maintenance, and only take the MesoSilver at the first sign of a major illness.
I agree, Colloidal silver is awesome. Unfortunately, I haven't developed a habit yet of drinking it often.