I saved most of the links when I was doing research if you are interested. Here is some of what I found.
Great info on Stabilized Oxygen. Remember, MMS is simply a more concentrated solution of the same mineral, sodium chlorite ...
Here is a patent application that uses an INTERNAL chlorite solution, injected intravenously, to kill HIV and other pathogens.
Very interesting.
Experiments by Dr. J. Berg, of Stanford University support the work of Dr. L.P. Hager, University of Illinois (USA). Namely that the chlorite contained in our Stabilised Oxygen significantly improves the efficiency of the two enzymes, chloroperoxidase and peroxidase, as well as utilizing myeloperoxidas in the leukocytes. There are two interesting outcomes of chlorite utilisation by these enzymes. The first is that the immune system may be directly enhanced by the increased rate of oxidation of foreign material by the leukocytes. The second is an increased ability by all metabolically active cells to scavenge free radicals. According to a report by S. Harakeh Ph.D. of Stanford, the rate of removal of the superoxide radicals by superoxide dismutase (SOD) will be increased as the peroxide removal is enhanced by the chlorite CLO2 . The resultant increased efficiency of the removal of free radicals is interesting in light of the contemporary theories attributing the cause of disease debilitating aspects of aging and onset of cancer to excessive levels of free radicals. The source of free radicals may be environmental or metabolic. Toxic free radicals are harmful free electrons which researchers feel can join with other atoms thus producing mutations which are harmful to the body. Leading researchers also concur on the theory that toxic free radicals may be responsible for a vast range of human ailments.
The chlorite, a major constituent of Stabilised Oxygen, and one of its reaction products (Chlorine dioxide) are extremely effective viricides, bactericides, and fungicides. Chlorine dioxide has been shown to be extremely effective against pathogenic agents such as legionella and enteric viruses such as the poliovirus in our laboratory. Its effectiveness against other viruses has also been demonstrated.
In 1983 Dr. James D. Berg at the Department of Medical Microbiology, at Stanford University School of Medicine, completed several studies on Stabilised Oxygen. Dr. Berg is the holder of two doctorates in medical microbiology and environmental engineering. He had been asked to explore the reasons why Stabilised Oxygen is so successful in treating human and animal disease conditions and in maintaining good health. The scientific literature on other chlorine chemistry is extensive, but studies on the chlorine ion and its role in human biochemistry are limited. Nevertheless, Dr. Berg�s conclusions more than adequately support the existing literature.
The following passage is by Dr. James Berg Ph.D.
I shall summarize some potential mechanisms for Stabilised Oxygen as a therapeutic agent. The hypotheses that follow are based on my research with chlorine dioxide and stabilised Oxygen, the research that has been conducted in other laboratories, and the hundreds of testimonials that have been obtained describing the efficacy of Stabilised Oxygen in the treatment of a variety of disorders.The first hypotheses addresses the topical application for the treatment of burns, abrasions and allergic reactions. The other two hypotheses primarily describe potential mechanisms following the ingestion, or when applied topically for the treatment of bacterial and viral infections.When applied topically Stabilised Oxygen may act as an osmotic agent similar to the application of Epsom Salts . The concentration of salts in the S.O. even when applied in a 1% solution, is quite high. The ensuing osmotic gradient would be a sufficient driving force for the removal of toxins and allergenic substances from the skin. The same gradient may in a similar way promote healing by increasing the rate of transport of factors involved in healing in the case of abrasions and burns. The aforementioned mechanism may appear simple, nonetheless it may partially explain the promotion of healing and desensitization of burns and rashes that have been documented.Secondly, in either topical or internal use the Stabilised Oxygen can act as a non-specific biocide. The chlorine, a major constituent of Stabilised Oxygen and one of its reaction products, chlorine dioxide, are extremely effective viricides, bactericides and fungicides as demonstrated at our laboratory. At a physiological pH, the predominant chemical species will be chlorine ion. The chlorine is biocidal, yet less effective against pathogens than chlorine dioxide since it is a less powerful oxidant in the ionic form. At the pH of the stomach (pH 3-4) one can expect chlorine dioxide to be produced from the chlorides. This will be a transient phenomenon ultimately yielding chlorine ion again. This will be absorbed by the body, passed through the lower intestinal tract and excreted by the kidneys. If a substantial dose of S.O. has been taken one could hypothesize that the chlorine and chlorine dioxide would act against any pathogenic microorganisms in the body. This may explain the increase in the efficiency of the enzymes known as peroxidases which are a important component in the immune system since they are involved in the oxidation of foreign material such as viruses and toxins. Our experiments with Stabilised Oxygen were modeled after the work of Dr. Lowell P. Hager at the University of Illinois on chlorine and our results support his findings. That Stabilised Oxygen or the chlorine it contains significantly improves the efficiency of the two enzymes chloroperoxidase and peroxidase. The reactions of another model system utilizing myeloperoxidase and peroxidase in the leukocytes is shown to increase the activity of this enzyme.
Additionally, Dr. Anderson Peoples, Professor of Pharmacology, University of California wrote of the Stabilised Oxygen as follows: I have concluded that as a bactericide and or fungicide, it works primarily on the basis of oxidation, apparently able to supply stimulus to the organism�s own physiological response as well as offering oxidative capacity at a cellular level.
His report concludes with the following statement :
We consider the Stabilised Oxygen where utilised in vivo, combines with the natural body functions and immune responses to become an effective medication with virtually no toxicity or side effects.