01-28-2010, 12:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Arrowwind09
I think if I were going to go to the trouble I would want one that works well with a camera. So thats about 4,438 in US dollars.
Can you explain a dark field condenser? I assume one could be purchased that is better than what you had?
How did you learn how to use it? Take a class?
Doing such work in the US is risky buisiness. The only person allowed to diagnose is a medical doctor or a licensed naturopath. I have known quite a few people over the years who have had their dark field scopes confiscated and its why I have stayed away....but I'm feeling a little more agressive these days now that the kids are on their own.
Its such a great tool, to be able to actually see what is working and what is not. My neighbor gets his blood done once in a while and they can even tell what nutritional deficiencies that you have by looking at the blood. I think they wait until the blood drys then examine it, how it cryrstals and patterns seems to tell them quite a bit.
The condenser I had was OK but the microscope light was not strong enough to illuminate. I did not realise that I could have just upgraded the light source until all my new stuff arrived.
The condenser is attached to an external light by a flexible light tube so really all I needed to better my old scope was this attachment.
As for working with my scope, I now live in Cyprus where we still have more or less our freedom. Unlike living under the UK Dictat, the peoples voice here still counts.
Our local papers are run by real people who actually are willing to print things they consider of interest to the public and the few police that are here are part of the community.
For example-the No smoking law came in on Jan 1 with ridiculous fines and threats,(all due to Lisbon). The local police now inform many of the local publicans what day and time they will be around to check they are sticking to the law.
How long we will hold out I do not know. The nefarious Lisbon Treaty came in on Jan 1 with enough rules to drown the whole of Europe. Cypriots like the Greeks will not take their tyranny lying down which is why I moved here in the first place.
As for dark field microscopy I have just finished an online course as well as spending a week in the UK with a N.D doing a hand on course.
If I do not understand something I see I email the N.D and he usually gets back to me within a day explaining it to me.
The reason they take peoples scopes in the US is I think due to the fact that the real reason behind disease is easily spotted as is the damage caused by antibiotics and other medicines.

01-28-2010, 11:05 PM
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can you tell me please when you used 17 drops of MMS how many drops have you used of citric Acid solution?
i am little confused about it

01-28-2010, 11:08 PM
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can you tell me please when you used 17 drops of MMS how many drops have you used of citric Acid solution?
i am little confused about it
Originally Posted by caroline45
Recently I was diagnosed with Intestinal Candida, I also found out at the same time that I had some rather exotic parasites probably picked up in India while working with street children. I started taking black walnut for the parasites and threelac for the Candida as well as changing my diet.
I had two colonics which produced much mucus revealing that the Candida was fairly aggressive. I had just purchased a dark field microscope which had first alerted me to the Candida. Being a fairly novice user I went to a specialist whom confirmed my findings. I was checking my blood daily and was horrified at the disgusting parasites I was seeing in two out of three tests. I felt that if I was seeing them in nearly all my blood tests that I was must be riddled with them. The parasites never moved so I believe they were in my blood because they were dead and probably slipping in via leaky gut. That obviously meant there were many more alive in my gut.
I had a bottle of MMS that I bought a few years ago when Jim Humble first talked about it in Nexus magazine and decided to give it a try. I started with 6 drops but very quickly jumped to ten then 15 drops all the time watching my blood. My neutrophils and other white blood cells had been virtually comatose being overrun with all sorts of bacteria being produced by my own acidic terrain. Within 24 hours of taking MMS my white blood cells were viable again. Although I was getting a bit of the big D I was delighted with my wbc's and upped my doses.
Beginning on a Monday I started taking mms every 2 hours @ 15 drops (always on empty stomach)Tuesday morning I took 17 drops followed by another 17 two hours later, I then did an enema with ozonated water and a few drops of 35% peroxide, I never got to finish the enema as I had to dash to the loo. I had massive big D and quite fierce stomach pains, I was a bit concerned I had gone over the top but decided ridding my body of these nasty critters was worth it. At this point it was really the parasites I was aiming to rid my body of. Ten minutes after the big D eased up I had gripping pains similar to labour pains. On going to the bathroom I passed massive amounts of blood and mucus, this happened 4 times in the next hour, each time quite painful but the mucus and blood eventually lessened. I placed a tiny amount of the bloody mucus on a slide and was astonished to see it full of Candida fungus. The losing of mucus and blood carried on most of the day and night, mostly in small amounts. It was only the first few large discharges of mucus discharge that had Candida the rest were full of various wormy looking parasites.
The next day I had to cut the mms back to 7 drops for the day as my stomach felt really sore, as if it had been ripped inside. It took about 4 days for the soreness to wear off. Despite the soreness I was still feeling, the following day I got back to the 15 drops taking it every 4 hours. On testing my blood I found the biggest worms I had seen to date and they were blood red not transparent like I had seen before. They had increased in numbers as well, two or three in each sample. I tested my urine which also showed up smaller parasites. This turned out to be the last time I saw any parasites. This all happened two weeks ago, I have taken daily samples of blood, none show parasites. My stool and urine are also clear. I am hoping they have all been killed off and are out of my body. I do not know if all the Candida fungus came away that first day, I can only hope it has. I would estimate that I discharged half a liter of mucus and blood altogether.
Tuesday this week I had a colonic which produced no mucus at all; my doctor was really surprised due to the large amounts being removed in my previous sessions. She also said my colon was moving fine unlike the action during the previous two colonics For a while I intend staying on mms in case of parasite eggs that may be lingering somewhere. When and if proven clear I will stay on small weekly doses which I can see help my immune system. My blood is in a much better condition and does not deteriorate as it did.
I have uploaded a few of the pictures I took via my dark field scope. The first 4 are a parasite in my blood x 40. It was to big to fit in one view. The last is candida fungus.There is a three minute unedited video on youtube showing just the fungus. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37qDeF0NMrE

01-28-2010, 11:54 PM
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The ratio s five to one so I would have used 85 activator drops.

01-29-2010, 12:11 AM
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so you mean 85 drops of citric Acid solution,
and 17 drops of MMS
Is that correct?
Originally Posted by caroline45
The ratio s five to one so I would have used 85 activator drops.

01-29-2010, 04:55 AM
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Originally Posted by NEKTARIOS
so you mean 85 drops of citric Acid solution,
and 17 drops of MMS
Is that correct?
Yes. That was the mix I used.

01-29-2010, 12:10 PM
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So now how are you feeling?
you took something else to cure the candida?
thank you for all information
Originally Posted by caroline45
Yes. That was the mix I used.

01-29-2010, 12:17 PM
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The interesting thing that is happening in the US is that Naturopathic Doctors are starting to use the dark field scopes more and more. In time it will turn out to be the direct confrontaion to allopathy, a smack in the face so to speak, the staw that breaks the camels back.
Thank you for your discussion on the scope Caroline. It may motivate me to get back to work so I can pay for one.... but I could sell my ozone machine..... hmmm...
MMS has pretty much replaced my need for it.
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01-30-2010, 11:59 PM
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Doesn't Candida live in the small intestine? If so a colonic won't get rid of it. Also how does leaky gut cause acidity? Or does acidity cause leaky gut? There are many causes of acidity, such as acid foods, wine etc.
And another very effective, although slower, way to get rid of the bugs and candida is different herbs and spices, garlic etc. There are special diets for leaky gut. Food sensitivities cause it too, due to inflammation which opens up the gut.

05-24-2010, 05:41 AM
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Hi Caroline,
I'm humbled by your experience with the mms, ozone, peroxide and the works. I'm suffering from candida almost 30 years now and have tried everything from natural to conventional. Thanks for this breath of fresh air. I'm a med tech and was just about to get out of the field as I am bored and a friend just introduced me to blood analysis, so I'm searching for a school and in the meantime just learning as much as I can from her. Thanks again. God bless. We have a herb here in Jamaica called semi-contract, we use it for parasites. I just learnt that it can be used in combination with coconut milk to rid the body of those nasty critters. Use the rife as well to zap them while you poison them and keep up with your colonics and enemas to rid your body of the toxic release.

07-21-2010, 07:31 AM
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Originally Posted by Arrowwind09
Great story. Hope others here who are dealing with this issue find it.
Hi there. I have seen some of your posts and you appear to be in the know. I hope you can help with a few questions I have.
I have studied the MMS material for 4 months now. I bought the ingredients and make both MMS1 and MMS2 .
I have been taking the MMS1 for around 4 weeks now. Layed off in week 3 completely as I ran out. Then started to make my own.
In the beginning I started on 3 drops activated every 2 hours 8 times per day.
After day 4 got D. Week 4 I started again with 3 drops MMS1 and started on 1 tablet MMS2 and was ok for two days.Upped the MMS2 to 4 pills a day. Then started to feel a pain about one fist length above the naval. It felt as if the MMS2 tablets were burning up my stomach. That night I was awake most of the night with pains in the gut coming in waves, allowing for little sleep.
I stopped the MMS2 but continued with 4 drops MMS1.
It took about 5 days to rid get the pain and raw feeling in my stomach.
Since then I was ok at 5 drops MMS1 so upped the dose in the next two days to 6 then 7 then 8 and got D again. Went down to 7 then 6 and today had 2 doses only at 5 drops, as I have serious D. It appears my level is comfortable around 4 drops, say 6 times a day MMS1 only.
Q: How come my partner can handle easily 10 drops MMS1 activated without D. She also didnt react harshly to the MMS2 pills.
I am generally very healthy having not relied on any drugs for Pharma except for the odd Grandpa headache powder, for about 25 years now. In the same time only had antibiotics 3 times and two of them were mild ones because of absesses in the mouth.
My reason for starting MMS is to detox (rid myself of all parasites or unknown to me , any negative bacteria, virusses, fungi or pathogens and possibly heal many skin problems I might have i.e. skin cancerous areas, also to rid myself of a few warts, I have osteo arthritus in my one knee and a little concerned that I might be prone to Rheumatoid Arthritus,
as my sister has it for 4 years now, but under control.
I am concerned about my body's reaction and that I cant get my dosage up to 12 drops every 2 hours , say 7 or 8 times a day for 2 weeks as is stated by Jim to be a good method for a complete detox. Could this mean that I have a serious sickness I am unaware of at this stage?
What is happening in my stomach when I take the MMS2 . Is it eating my walls away. Must state I took the two glasses of water with every capsule but the feeling of nausia cramps and then severe stomach pain was unbearable.
Your thoughts please.
I am motivated to make this work no matter. I understand that I have to understand how my body reacts and manage this program based on that, as well as continuous study to use MMS effectively and comfortably.
Regards and thanks in advance

07-21-2010, 10:21 AM
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Hi Eugene and welcome to the forum
I have absolutely no practical experience with MMS2 but I will say that if you are having the reaction you state I would stop it and work with the MMS1 only.
If you are generally healthy and have enough energy there is no reason to push things. Its not like you are fearing death from some dreaded disease this week.
Take you time.
MMS1 has demonstrated to cure many many things on its own.
If you do have some latent condition in your stomach that mms2 aggravates I would advise to let it be and just let the mms1 do its work.
If is my experience that the more toxic someone is the less tolerance there is for the treatment. Many people are quiet toxic but still feel healthy. They just haven't hit their wall yet. The body will work diligently to maintain homeostatis in very adverse conditions. This is why people will seem so healthy for most of their lives then suddenly come down with severe and dibilitating disease, often more than one.
Continue to educate yourself regarding nutritional support including green drinks and whey.
You may possibly have some lesions in your stomach, perhaps along the lines of a mild ulcer. Ulcers are extremely painful and if mms2 aggravated the lining of your stomach it could cause pain. It may not be the best way to go.
If mms1 does not give you this pain I would continue with it. Do not worry about getting to high dosages. Stay at a dosage that you can function with. Its not a race it is a detox process. You may have many areas that are congested and need time to flush out. MMS will also stimulate the detox of some pretty heavy duty chemicals also, so you are making a lot of demands on your system. It is better to go slow.
The next time you decide to take a break from mms I would advise looking into sodium bicarb treatments. go here. www.imva.info Dr Sircus has the best info on how to use bicarb treatments.
Becasue of your symptoms I am going to assume that there is a mild ulcer situation going on but I can not be sure.
You will have to make some decisions. Sodium bicarb I feel is not he best choice for a detox protocol if there is an ulcer issue going on although it may help relieve pain temporiarly if you are having ulcer pain. It would be good if you knew for sure. Your docotor can do an H-pylori test via blood sample. This will not difinatively rule out an ulcer if it is negative but if it is postitive then you know for sure how to approach it. Not every ulcer is H-pylori but all are caused by a microbe of some sort.
Stomach ulcers are caused by not enough acid in the stomach... so this is why sodium barcarb may not be a good choice initially... but may be helpful for other things you talk about. When there is not enough natural acid in the stomach bacteria or fungus can take up residence in the lining of the stomach. Fungus is almost impossible to diagnose but if it is fungus then sodium bicarb will help killl the fungus. But if it is bacteria, and most likely it is, then other options are better, like ozonated water, grapefruit seed extract, cabbage juice, raw coconut oil by the tablespoon a couple times a day. All this should be done till all symptoms are gone for at least a week. I would think that the mms1 will get it all too eventually. I think these things will kill fungus too.
The bicarb is a double edged sword for ulcers. It will decrease the stomach acids impact on tissues so that they can heal and that is good and it is the reason that prevacid is always prescribed during ulcer treatment with antibiotics. On the other hand sodium bicard reduces acid which is your main normal defense against microbes lodging in the stomach. When using natural therapies to treat bacterial infections in the stomach I would use it only when there was pain. When using ozone therapy to heal ulcers those I have guided have been able to stop the prevacid in just a couple of days, as opposed to the many weeks a doctor would have you do with antibiotics. If the pain is gone the wound is healing... but it may not mean that all the bacteria is yet gone.
A simple test you can do it to take a tablet of betaine hydrochloric acid. This is a digestive supplement, similar to stomach acid. If you take one or two of these on an empty stomach and you get pain then you probably do have an ulcer. Make sure you have some baking soda handy to take in water if pain does come so you can dilute and nutralize the acid right away. If your stomach is OK your gut will feel warm, heated, but there should be no pain.
If it is in fact an ulcer, after you get it healed, you then need to look at taking digestive enzymes and betain HCL for a while. If these are natually low that sets you up for getting an ulcer, as I previously explained. Lots of times taking these types of products is only temporary, they can kick start your own system into making a normal amount of stomach secretions.... unfortunately that is not true for everyone.. some people need them long term.
I think the important thing is not to make this work no matter, but to carefully analyse the stituation and use the best products as you go through your process as detox symptoms indicate.
Other things you would do well to investigate are the uses of Lugol's iodine, enzyme therapies like wobezyme, serrapeptase. Searching this forum will bring up articles and Dr Sircus teaches on iodine therapy also.
Then last but not least make sure your vitamin D3 levels are at least 60. Your doctor can do a blood test for this. D2 is not recommended. Only D3. Biotec is the best brand.

07-21-2010, 10:56 AM
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Thanks so much Arrowwind for the effort in giving me more than I was expecting. Much appreciated. I will digest this as best I can, but will start with patience in the dose I take. I think I will try one tablet MMS2 per day, only in a week from now and if the same symptoms show, I will persist as you say with MMS1 and let it do the magic. If it's an ulcer as you say the MMS1 should clear this up by then.
The MMS2 as you know is calcium hypoclorite which when mixed with water creates hypochlorus acid. Could this have burnt the stomach as I stated above, if I am naturally acidic that is? The logic being that if I have more acid than is normal and take a hypochlorus acid producing pill, logic would mean an overload in acid, possibly causing burning walls. Or is it as you stated that not enough acid in the stomach assuming it's an ulcer. Would it be that the hypochlorous acid being alkaline, reduces the acid in my stomach, thus producing the pain which is evident of not enough acid as you stated, hence an old issue with a stomach ulcer that has never been treated.
I heard what you said in the above and thank you for the effort.

07-21-2010, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by InCause
magic. If it's an ulcer as you say the MMS1 should clear this up by then.
The MMS2 as you know is calcium hypoclorite which when mixed with water creates hypochlorus acid. Could this have burnt the stomach as I stated above, if I am naturally acidic that is? .
See, I told you, my attention to mms2 has been lacking. Hypochlorus acid is essentially the same thing as your normal stomach acid which will really burn badly if an ulcer is present. If it burned you it is because the lining of your stomach does have errosion, an ulcer... at this point the specific cause unknown, most commonly h-plyori.
Ulcers can be caused by stress and the way this works is that under stress, the fight or flight hormones turn off stomach acid secretion, making you vulnerable to a pathogenic invasion of the lining of the stomach.
The mms1 may heal it. But for any wound you need to give it a good 20 days of healing before considering the tissues to be of totally repaired integrity. So I would not repeat the mms2 until then and only if you have had no pain in the interm. Taking coconut oil will speed things up probably a little. It is known to cure ulcers also, aside from that its very good for you. the ulcer will only heal if the bacteria causing the problem is eliminated so if you get pain again look for a different treatment. Resume mms2 after it is fully healed as you do not want to reaggravate a leasion that is not fully healed. The normal healthy lining of the stomach is resiliant to hypochlorus acid.
Also if any particular foods give you stomach pain cut back on that till you are well. Often in ulcer cases the doctor recommends an antacid pill and to cut back on acid stimulating food like meat and dairy, as the acid is required to digest them, but will also digest the lining of your stomach though the ulcer wound. Since you generally don't have stomach pain you probably don't need baking soda or an antacid pill, but a mild diet that does not stimulate HCL release is helpful until healed. Perhaps you are just on the edge of developing ulcers.
Your first line of defence to pathogens coming in orally is the acid in your stomach. It should be high. So after all is done you will need to figure out if you need supplemental enzymes and Betain HCL supplements for a while as I said in my other post so you don't get another ulcer/infection.

07-21-2010, 10:33 PM
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Great !! Thank you again.
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