12-28-2006, 10:01 PM
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fear of driving in cities.
I have a silly question, I am wondering, if some fears can be caused by a nutritional deficiency....
I have a fear of driving in cities... I cant drive in cities... I get so scared, that I literally get sick of the idea of driving in a city. When the ex was in an accident during our marriage, I told the hospital that if they were gonna have to take him to another hospital, that they couldnt take him to houston, because I wouldnt be able to get there.... So they took him to galveston instead... (which there is a road that you can take straight to the hospital, that isnt city driving) While I have learned to live with this, and so have my children... I have recently discovered that my sister two years older then me, has the same fear... She cannot drive in the city either....She said that when she goes to her childrens house, she will get to a certain point, call them, and they have to come and get her..... Now I dont talk to my family often, so I dont see how this could be a family trait. I havent been living by any of my family since the early 80s. I dont remember any traumatic experiance that we had that would make us that way, but..... I do know, that she has thyroid problems and weight problems and so do I.... Is there some significance here.....And while, I would really like to get rid of some of these very recent anxiety attacks that I have been having lately (bridges scare the hell out of me!!!!) I am not really wanting to ever be brave enough to do city driving... but I would like to know that if I ever had to evacuate without the help of my children, I want to be able to drive out of here without fear of freaking out the minute I have to get on a freeway.... When we had to evacuate last year... my daughter in law found round about ways for us.... (almost) we did have to hit a couple of freeways for just a matter of minutes, and my back and hands were hurting so bad from the stress of it. I couldnt imagine driving those roads everyday... I would be a basket case!!!!
So, I guess my question is, what would cause this... could it be a nutrient deficiency? an over loaded liver or gall bladder or something???? Anybody got any ideas????
God is and all is well
~John Greenleaf Whittier~

12-29-2006, 03:35 AM
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Nutrition and fears
New Year's eve in Manila, Philippines is marked by lots of very loud firecrackers, the ruckus even starting as early as sunset, increasing in intensity and frequency all the way to midnight. Dogs' ears are really sensitive and so lots of dogs are known to go into an almost uncontrollable panic.
I had a German shepherd bitch who was such a one, and she would try to "run away from herself" as the noise increased. We couldn't do anything for her. Even if she's allowed into the "innermost" room of our house, the noise would hardly be muffled.
One yearend, she was pregnant, and I was giving her extra vitamins, composed of a preparation with 500 mg vitamin C and a comparatively high dose of B-complex (I think 100 mg of B1 and B6, plus 100 mcg B12). To my surprise, she was able to tolerate the noise come New Year's eve!  It was really something, and I really believed that it was the extra nutrition that allowed her to tolerate something intolerable. And she whelped her litter come mid January -- I would think that if she suffered the panic she did in previous years, she would have surely suffered a miscarriage/abortion.
Unfortunately, I was not able to repeat the test the following year because we transferred out of Manila to a place which was virtually deserted in the yearend holidays. But I've been telling this to my students and some have tried it on similarly sensitive dogs with good results.
I would think that it would be the same for humans.
However, I would recommend that you also look into EFT to get rid of your fear. Some links are posted in the "Links" section:
As Craig would say, the cause of all negative emotions (including fears) is a disruption in the body's energy systems. EFT is a way to remove this disruption and balance the energy system.

12-29-2006, 07:16 AM
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Fear of driving on X-ways!
Possibly Not a bad fear to have, just me - these days! 
Possibly a Healthy Fear
I no longer take them either, but my problem is my
poor vision. However, even before my vision deteriorated,
I was leaning toward less X-Way driving, even main roads
driving too.
Traffic is usually high volume, huge trucks moving in and
out of lanes, :x Over-sized vans, 4x4's, etc. blocking my
views of other traffic, excessive speed, impatient drivers,
idiots using cell-phones. I'm sure you can think of a few
I sympathize and empathize
I'm happy staying on the main drag w/occasional
traffic lights. They do seem to slow down the
"I'm in a rush - get out-a-my-way." insane drivers.
May you always have..Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!

12-29-2006, 09:50 AM
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Fear usually generates alertness, so it can be a significant benefit on any highway. I would bet that lots of accidents are caused--at least in part-- by overconfidense and lack of fear.
Just my humble opinion . . .
Imagined knowledge kills learning . . .
The cure for boredom is curiosity...there is no cure for curiosity..

12-29-2006, 04:23 PM
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I would bet that lots of accidents are caused--at least in part-- by overconfidense and lack of fear. combined with lack of ability.
just me:
I can sympathize with your not wanting to drive in city traffic. I do not have anxiety attacks and don�t mind driving. I life in suburb of Chicago, but I will only drive in down town area if I have absolutely no other possible alternative. It is definitely not on my list of great ways to have a fun time.

12-29-2006, 05:52 PM
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Thank you all for the help... I am a country girl... thro and thro.... but, this isnt a matter of just not liking to do it.... I cant do it, I cant drive in cities... I have never driven in houston, just the thought of I might have to do it a couple of times has literally brought me to tears. I have cancelled doctors appointments until I could find someone to take us. When my daughter had to use a houston hospital for surgury to remove a kidney stone, I stayed at the hospital with her the whole time.. we never left the hospital until her father in law came and picked us up when she was released. I have been able to go on the outskirts of the big cities, but by the time I get off that freeway, I am shaking, and usually have to stop and rest and regroup for awhile before I drive on.....
I started having a problem with bridges within the past five years or so.... all of a sudden one day, I came to a bridge that I had gone on thousands of times, and freaked out so bad, that I pulled off to the side of the road, just to get my whits together (do people still use whits?) And since then, I have to force myself to go over them.. I keep reminding myself that the bridge is safe, and that there will be another side of the bridge there when I get to the top, and that there is no way that it can go straight down, it has to have a slope!!!! But boy, I usually have white knuckles by the time I get to the bottom on the other side!!!!
I dont like driving anyway, there's just something about the concept of being able to make that massive pile of metal go so fast and knowing that one simple mistake by anyone (driver, other drivers, animals mechanic, bolt making factory worker) can mean the end of me and many others around me... just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.... You wont ever catch me on carnival rides, I just value my life too much!!!! Anyway, thank you for the suggestions and the support, I really do think you all are great....

12-29-2006, 08:09 PM
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I can feel for you! Driving in the city makes me sick to my stomach and my back and neck so tight they HURT! I can do it if : I know exactly where I'm going, or my husband is with me. I've been doing all the driving since my husband 's adrenal fatigue crash in Feb of 06.
One of the reason's we passed up going along to the cabin with friends over this week end is because I'd have to drive on big highways - and on mountain roads- if it snows I am in a panic. I hate driving in snow. I believe for me, driving in snow is the worst thing ever. I'm just hoping the snow holds off till he is driving again. He is driving partway to work in the morning, then pulls over and lets me drive the rest of the way. We have about a 2 minute drive.

12-30-2006, 05:28 AM
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Unusual Fears!
Just me - Your fear of bridges reminds me of my fear of
Escalators in Dept stores and large Malls. If there isn't an
Elavator I can take, "I Don't Go!"
And I too hate Any kind of high Carnival rides.
But then, I've had a fear of heights since I was a late teen-ager.
Snow doesn't bother me, but ICE sure does, and there's
often Ice under the Snow  I'd had some close calls years
ago on Ice, so I consider this one a Healthy fear

12-30-2006, 01:40 PM
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Looks like a job for EFT!
Applied correctly, it can really do wonders for fears/phobias. And almost instantly at that!
I hope you get to learn and apply this simple technic. Links are listed here.
And no, you don't have to spend anything. Although the DVD tutorials are excellent and helpful, we can learn everything from the free manuals that can be downloaded almost instantly.
Click here for the free Get Started Package. :wink: 8)

12-30-2006, 03:04 PM
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Here is a something you might try to help with the fear of driving in snow. If you can get past the initial anxiety attack.
After a moderate snowfall find a large empty parking lot. Drive to the center and stop, turn the steering wheel all the way to the left/ (or right). Hold it there then slowly start accelerating, at some point the car will start to slide, (Weeee)  at that point take your foot off the gas and note how far you continue to slide. Do this a few time till you get the �feel� of it. Now do the same thing but this time as soon as the car starts to slide quickly turn the steering wheel in the other direction. You will note that you have decreased the amount of sliding and quickly regained control. 8)
So if you do this a few times what you will learn is just what are the limits of your car and how hard can you push it before you actually lose control.

12-30-2006, 03:09 PM
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Speaking of irrational fears, mine is heights. Sometime back went up to the observation deck of the Sears Tower, nice view but no way I was going to walk right up to the windows to get a better look.
As a kid a friend and I were into Ham radio. My friend�s parents had a two-story home that had a porch on back that allowed access to the roof. Spent a lot of time up there, of course I never went anywhere near the edge, but after a while I was quite comfortable so long as I stayed near the center.
Then one day crawled up on my parents two car garage roof, it was basically a flat roof maybe one third as high as my friend house. But there was no way I could stand up even in the center of that roof, the best I could do was to crawl around and hands and knees, thinking how totally irrational this was.

12-30-2006, 04:01 PM
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C'mon, guys!
All this talk of fears is whetting my appetite to see if EFT really works. EFT developed to deal with exactly these types of issues. Haven't you all learned about this simple technic?
While I have tried it effectively on some of my own emotional issues, they were not really major, and so I'm applying EFT more for "physical" conditions, and it's also proving to be effective. The fears being mentioned in this thread are "tailor-made" for EFT! So why not go for it?
I hope you're not just being repelled by the simplicity of the technic.
If you still don't know about it, go to the links mentioned in this thread. Or click here to go directly to the page to download the free manual. You have nothing to lose, and you only invest a little time to learn about the technic. The technic itself is done in less than 3 minutes -- it just takes longer to study and describe.
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