Originally Posted by jfh
Maybe so, but when you know a dozen people who drink coffee every day and are still diabetic, then I don't see it offering much protection. Then again the majority of people who drink coffee add sugar and milk.
I read the article and it said you have to drink at least 4 cups of coffee, so to me that says drink 5 cups of coffee and it protects 50%? What LOL
"the UCLA School of Public Health and the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, show that women who drink at least four cups of coffee a day are less than half as likely to develop diabetes as non-coffee drinkers."
So if I drink 5 cups of coffee I would have a less than 50/50 chance of gettting it. I mean that to me is not a reason to drink coffee when you are only a little bit less than half likely to not develop diabetes.
I think coffee drinkers justify how good coffee is for them, just like I do with wine

Or it's the coffee industry...