� #16
Old 12-03-2011, 07:20 AM
Join Date: Apr 2006
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spiders and geckos eat mosquitoes... I would rather have a few spiders hiding in the corner then all the mosquitos!!!

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� #17
Old 12-03-2011, 01:35 PM
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Location: central New Mexico
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dogwoman is on a distinguished road

My mother was an English military brat, born in 1928. Her father was sent to British occupied Aden (aka Saudi Arabia) soon after my mother was born. The family went, too. One of my mother's earliest memories is watching a maid sweep down the walls each morning. She was sweeping scorpions into a bucket of water to drown them. The windows in the house did not have glass or screening, they were deeply set to keep rain from coming in. There was nothing to keep the scorpions from coming in. To this day, my mother shakes out her shoes before putting them on, because that is what she was taught as a young child in case a scorpion might be in a shoe.

Mom gave me a lengthy lecture on scorpions, when I moved to New Mexico. I haven't seen any in my nine years here, although I live on the northern end of the Chihuahuan desert. One time, I found something in the earth, when I was sitting on the ground digging. It might have been a baby scorpion. I just moved it away from where I was working.

Another one of my mom's memories of Aden is a goat herder coming to the door each morning with a small flock of goats. My grandmother would hand him a couple of empty pitchers. He milked the goats on the steps to the house entrance.
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� #18
Old 12-03-2011, 02:07 PM
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Originally Posted by dogwoman View Post
My mother was an English military brat, born in 1928. Her father was sent to British occupied Aden (aka Saudi Arabia) soon after my mother was born. The family went, too. One of my mother's earliest memories is watching a maid sweep down the walls each morning. She was sweeping scorpions into a bucket of water to drown them. The windows in the house did not have glass or screening, they were deeply set to keep rain from coming in. There was nothing to keep the scorpions from coming in. To this day, my mother shakes out her shoes before putting them on, because that is what she was taught as a young child in case a scorpion might be in a shoe.

Mom gave me a lengthy lecture on scorpions, when I moved to New Mexico. I haven't seen any in my nine years here, although I live on the northern end of the Chihuahuan desert. One time, I found something in the earth, when I was sitting on the ground digging. It might have been a baby scorpion. I just moved it away from where I was working.

Another one of my mom's memories of Aden is a goat herder coming to the door each morning with a small flock of goats. My grandmother would hand him a couple of empty pitchers. He milked the goats on the steps to the house entrance.
I hear it is really odd. You can live 1/4 mile away from someone and they get infested with scorpions and you get none.
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� #19
Old 12-12-2011, 12:44 PM
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Scorpions are my fear. Rats, snakes, mice, no problem. Love lizards. Just seeing a kid's drawing of a scorpion will mess me up.

Originally Posted by dogwoman View Post
They used to have a show with young "eco friendly" people which constantly had me LMAO. Those cool kids were so uncool! One time one of the guys bought an expensive house in a fancy neighborhood. The cameraman was following the young man, WHO CLAIMED TO LOVE NATURE, around the extensive backyard on a hillside as the young man pointed out how he was going to turn the area into a food garden. The young man spotted a snake, exclaimed in fear and began to walk fast in the opposite direction, practically running away. Then he turned to look to see where the snake was, saying "Is it following me?!" Those people were ridiculous. However, I believe the show lasted for two seasons. I can't remember the name of the show.
This must be the people that that Gas commercial was targeting--forgot the name of the company but it had a group of young people talking in a college classroom after class about how environmentally friendly the gas company was and had one person ribbing the other for not knowing that, silly. If you're not really into the environment but just want to sound cool then maybe you won't research it and come upon FRACKING.
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