� #16
Old 10-10-2012, 01:12 PM
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Most myopathy heart attacks are caused by being deficient in selenium, while vitamin C deficiency is a close second, both of which fall under nutritional deficiency rather than toxins.
I'm aware of the nutritional aspects, I was merely trying to create a simplified example that would be easy to understand. In reality it is never just one factor, it is almost always all four. And yes, in this case nutritional deficiencies is one of the more important ones.

Interesting post, especially about the sun, although sun exposure is very linked to skin cancer so we keep hearing, and supposed to be bad for the eyes as well.
The danger of the sun is highly over-exaggerated. It is only bad for you if you get burnt, but as long as you don't it has many many benefits. Sun exposure has been proven to substantially reduce your risk of over 19 different cancers - including skin cancer.

I've also heard recently that suncream is bad for you
It is, very much so. Few people know that when sunscreens became popular the rate of skin cancer skyrocketed. It also prevents you from producing vitamin d.

"25 MAR 2008 A new study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that 97% of Americans are contaminated with a widely-used sunscreen ingredient called oxybenzone that has been linked to allergies, hormone disruption, and cell damage. A companion study published just one day earlier revealed that this chemical is linked to low birth weight in baby girls whose mothers are exposed during pregnancy. Oxybenzone is also a penetration enhancer, a chemical that helps other chemicals penetrate the skin." https://www.ewg.org/analysis/toxicsunscreen

^ Just one out of dozens of toxic compounds in sunscreen. Remember, toxins are one of the main causes of EVERY disease.

ie do you agree/disagree with using a natural sun cream protector? And does anyone know anything else natural that protects from the sun?
I don't use one myself, I used to burn if I stayed in the midday sun for a couple hours but now I can stay outside all day in the sun at the height of summer and never get burned - I attribute it to all of the antioxidants in my diet.

Coconut oil would be my sunscreen of choice if I did use one, though.

Only thing I can't wrap my head around is sunglasses. I like my sunglasses
You are actually able to create vitamin d from sunlight hitting your eyes, and the process seems to be much more efficient then sunscreen on your skin. But the most important reason not to wear sunglasses is that positive electromagnetic energy form the sun enters your body through your eyes and alkalizes energizes your whole body. It also awakens mostly dormant portions of your brain like the pineal gland, but "sungazing" is much more powerful then just getting indirect sunlight. But you have to be careful and follow the rules or else you could permanently damage your eyes.

UVB tanning beds.
Best to avoid tanning beds, they do allow you to produce vitamin d but there is A LOT of harmful EMR entering your body form all of those bulbs so close to your skin. And tanning lotions are highly toxic.

What about when driving your car?
The only time you should wear sunglasses. Go for the darkest most opaque ones you can find. Even better is to practice driving with your eyes closed to to prevent being blinded by the headlights on other cars.
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� #17
Old 10-10-2012, 01:23 PM
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Very important information regarding vitamin D:

"After Sun Exposure, Be Careful about Showering!

It's important to understand that vitamin D3 is an oil soluble steroid hormone. It's formed when your skin is exposed to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation from the sun (or a safe tanning bed). When UVB strikes the surface of your skin, your skin converts a cholesterol derivative in your skin into vitamin D3.

However, the vitamin D3 that is formed is on the surface of your skin does not immediately penetrate into your bloodstream. It actually needs to be absorbed from the surface of your skin into your bloodstream. The critical question then is: how long does it take the vitamin D3 to penetrate your skin and reach your bloodstream? If you're thinking about an hour or two, like I did until recently, you're wrong. Because new evidence shows it takes up to 48 hours before you absorb the majority of the vitamin D that was generated by exposing your skin to the sun!

Therefore, if you shower with soap, you will simply wash away much of the vitamin D3 your skin generated, and decrease the benefits of your sun exposure. So to optimize your vitamin D level, you need to delay washing your body with soap for about two full days after sun exposure. Now, few are not going to bathe for two full days. However you really only need to use soap underneath your arms and your groin area, so this is not a major hygiene issue. You'll just want to avoid soaping up the larger areas of your body that were exposed to the sun.

Many will dispute this recommendation as "conventional" thinking teaches that vitamin D is formed in the skin, but this research is based on Dr. Michael Hollick's work, which is over 25 years old. New evidence suggests the current view on how vitamin D is formed is inaccurate. At this time no one has ever tested whether vitamin D is formed in human sebum, the fat that your skin produces. The only study that supports that vitamin D3 is formed in the dermal epidermal junction was done in humans where the sebum was removed from the skin.

However, this has been extensively tested in animals and that is precisely where the vitamin D3 is formed. In fact that is where most of the oral vitamin D3 in supplements comes from�the lanolin and the sebum-like material in the skin of sheep and cows.

Additionally, you can rub vitamin D3 on your skin and it easily penetrates into your bloodstream (assuming you don't wash it off for 48 hours). This is also likely the reason why surfers in Hawaii who are in the sun and water continuously don't have vitamin D levels comparable to lifeguards that don't go in the water. The surfers typically have levels in the 70s while the lifeguards and others who are in the sun as much without going into the water will have vitamin D levels around 100. The bottom line is that washing the sebum off of your skin is NOT ideal and should be avoided when possible. You were NOT designed to use soap on your entire body. It is fine to wash areas that are prone to bacterial overgrowth such as your axilla (armpits) and groin, but it is in your best interest to leave the sebum that was designed to be on your skin, on your skin." - https://articles.mercola.com/sites/ar...-exposure.aspx

A very good video about vitamin D: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HH1rB-Ya2UQ

An interview with Dr. Michael Holick, the most knowledgable man there is when it comes to vitamin D:

Also watch Dr. Holick on youtube, he has many good lectures there.
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� #18
Old 10-10-2012, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Living Food View Post
Therefore, if you shower with soap, you will simply wash away much of the vitamin D3 your skin generated, and decrease the benefits of your sun exposure. So to optimize your vitamin D level, you need to delay washing your body with soap for about two full days after sun exposure. Now, few are not going to bathe for two full days. However you really only need to use soap underneath your arms and your groin area, so this is not a major hygiene issue.
Yeah. Uh-huh. Right. Like that's going to happen. Swimmers apparently get no benefit. Neither do beach-goers. So it is best to take a D3 supplement. One must also beware about the inactive D2. It will work only if you have excellent liver and kidneys for the conversion. And those taking statins, probably millions, need to be aware that such conversion also need cholesterol.
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� #19
Old 10-10-2012, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Solstice Goat View Post
UVB tanning beds.

Sun in the early afternoon gives you the highest UVB to UVA ratio.
Thanks for the tip! Just heard about UVC rays today, do you know anything about them?
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� #20
Old 10-10-2012, 10:10 PM
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Never heard about C.

The whole showering thing sounds kinda strange too. This reaction takes place below the epidermis.
I'd rather meander for the prevention than race for the cure.
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� #21
Old 10-11-2012, 08:54 AM
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I can recall doctor Mercola stating you shouldn't shower for at least 20 minutes after being in the sun, (I can even believe up to a couple of hours) however, not showering for two days or showering without soap is not going to happen.

I am quite familiar with doctor Holick, as I have read all his material and watched his videos on vitamin D, and liked it, especially the part where he says even superman gets his power from the sun..
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Old 10-11-2012, 12:40 PM
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Default Stress

Originally Posted by Audi View Post
stress is unavoidable even if you live on a paradise Island away all pollutants and have the healthiest diet with no electricity , stress is an integral part of life it is a survival mechanism
I agree!!wish I could avoid it but life is full of it! I know prayer helps! God gives us peace that surpasses all understanding.
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Old 10-11-2012, 08:01 PM
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Originally Posted by jfh View Post
Yeah. Uh-huh. Right. Like that's going to happen. Swimmers apparently get no benefit. Neither do beach-goers. So it is best to take a D3 supplement. One must also beware about the inactive D2. It will work only if you have excellent liver and kidneys for the conversion. And those taking statins, probably millions, need to be aware that such conversion also need cholesterol.

Those taking statins need to stop.

I can go two days without showering, and typically I do just wash the 'heavy duty' areas with Dr Bronners soap.
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� #24
Old 10-11-2012, 09:08 PM
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I could NEVER go 2 days without showering. I have to shower every day. The only exception is if I shower before bed, I may go the rest of the day without one and shower as soon as I wake up the next day, but that is ONLY if I have not worked up any kind of sweat. I can't stand that feeling and won't get into bed knowing that any part of me (mostly groin and pits since they sweat the most) isn't "up to par".

Now, I can see going without soap. I sometimes just soap up my pits and groin and wash my hair (what little of it there is since I shave my head) every other day. I at least need to get a good rinse on my torso and face in order to not feel dirty.

Thanks for the info on vitamin D. So, 2 days is for max absorption. I wonder if waiting a day is fine? At least to get SOME of it. I know one thing, being out in the hot sun and sweating like I do, there is NO way I'm going to bed without taking a shower. Just not happening.
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� #25
Old 10-12-2012, 07:33 AM
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It just goes to show how unrealistic this " garden of Eden" scenario is.

Sure, you can reduce your likely hood of getting ill or developing a disease, but that is limited in effect and only as practical as your circumstances allow.

It does not even account for genetics, which certainly influence the likelihood of acquiring some diseases.

It has its merit but it is limited in the practical application, and may help somewhat with an existing condition. I doubt you are going to cure too many serious diseases by this alone.

It is somewhat like a seatbelt. It can reduce the chance of injury and death, but does not eliminate the possibility of either.

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� #26
Old 10-12-2012, 12:06 PM
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Those taking statins need to stop.
Absolutely. Nearly all drugs are more harmful then beneficial but even out of other drugs statins are horrible.

It does not even account for genetics, which certainly influence the likelihood of acquiring some diseases.
Genetics does play a role, but diet, lifestyle, exercise, thoughts + emotions all influence which genes are turned on or off. With the right lifestyle you can almost entirely neutralize any genetic shortcomings.

I doubt you are going to cure too many serious diseases by this alone.
I beg to differ; I know many people who have done just that (some on their own and some under my direction), and I also know quite a few people who have cured* dozens or hundreds of people of many serious diseases just by removing those four factors. It works EVERY time; the only times it won't work is if someone is too far gone or with certain genetic defects people are born with (and technically you can fix the genetic defects too, but that requires powerful energy energy medicine so isn't practical for most people).

*Technically you can't cure any disease, rather you remove everything that is hindering the healing process and allow the body to heal itself.

A lot of people don't think that they can go 2 days without showering, and that's ok. You'll still benefit from being out in the sun. I can easily go for 2 days without showering and never use soap - what you put on your skin ends up in your bloodstream. There are safe soaps to use but I don't see the point, because I never have an offensive body odor no matter how much I sweat. Truly healthy people don't.
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� #27
Old 10-13-2012, 12:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Living Food View Post

A lot of people don't think that they can go 2 days without showering, and that's ok. You'll still benefit from being out in the sun. I can easily go for 2 days without showering and never use soap - what you put on your skin ends up in your bloodstream. There are safe soaps to use but I don't see the point, because I never have an offensive body odor no matter how much I sweat. Truly healthy people don't.
Before cleaning my diet up, when using what I call my 'hippie' deodorant, I would get what I called 'cat piss' armpits in twelve hours. Glad those days are gone.

Truly interesting info on the vit D, thanks.

Exactly why I wanted to get away from fluoridated steroids for eczema flareups.
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� #28
Old 10-18-2012, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by Solstice Goat View Post
Before cleaning my diet up, when using what I call my 'hippie' deodorant, I would get what I called 'cat piss' armpits in twelve hours. Glad those days are gone.
What's your 'hippie' deodorant? I've been wanting to try alternatives to normal deodorant although I would probably also need to clean up my diet as also don't want cat piss armpits! lol
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Old Yesterday, 09:16 AM
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Get the alumina free stuff with the ingredients you can pronounce. Do not be fooled by companies that list 'purified clay' as an additive. Clay = alumina.

I use Herbally Clear by 21centuryhealth(sic)
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