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� #1
Old 03-23-2013, 12:38 PM
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Default Joint Clicking/Popping/Cracking - How can I cure it?

Hi all.

I've had minor clicking of my ankles since I was a child, but 3 months ago all my joints started clicking like mad. Now I can't walk without making noise. The clicking affects my heels, knees, shoulders, elbows and some quiet clicks from my wrists.

The clicking causes no pain. I'm 26 and have no other medical conditions.

My doctor says it's normal. I disagree most people's joints don't make noise.

Has anyone cured this problem?
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� #2
Old Yesterday, 01:14 PM
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Taking Quinolone antibiotics such as Cipro and Levaquin can cause these problems. A common side effect of these drugs is deterioration of tendons causing joint problems. The drug has a black box warning about this, but doctors still prescribe it for innapropiate conditions such as UTI's and prostatitis.


You can still absorb the drug through the food chain even if you dont take the drug, as it is still widely used for pigs and poultry in the agri business in the animal feed to prevent herd infections. You may well be getting a low dose from food which causes the joint popping without any associated pain, even if you have never taken the drug.

Magnesium has shown to help against Cipro side effects.

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Old Yesterday, 01:48 PM
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I don't know for sure if fish oil would help or not, however it can't possibly hurt.

I would try a couple grams per day of a good quality fish oil capsule, from a reputable company that distills the oil to remove any pcb's or mercury.
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� #4
Old Today, 09:36 AM
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Could be many, why not get a doctor to check it out?

If there's no swelling or pain then I wouldn't be that worried personally. Many weight lifters I know take MSM and fish oil to help with any joint issues, but they are putting high stress on their joints, compared to what you are describing.
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