Any alternative to coffee/caffeine to combat drowsiness?
Yesterday while driving to work I started feeling drowsy. I thought nothing of it since I have gotten drowsy before at the same time, at the same relative section of road. But this time it was different, I literally could not keep my eyes open, despite my best efforts. Eventually my eyes closed and I woke up to the noise of a crash as my car drifted across the yellow lane and hit an incoming car. It was not a major crash, as the speed limit there is 50 mph, but most go at least 60, I would have been badly injured or dead if it was more than superficial.
Does anyone know a good alternative to caffeine/coffee for wakefulness?
Good buddy, I can't help you there because I once fell asleep at a red light and woke up to the blair of horns. But I can tell you this: When you get to be ninety, look out. So far the best help I found is weight lifting. Other wise I'd be asleep 26 hours a day.
Ginko biloba and exercise. Avoid large meals or carbs, avoid sugar. Drink plenty of water. I would bring a bottle of water with me while driving and take a sip whenever I started to feel sleepy. You can also tune your radio to an annoying talk show which should make you irritated enough to stay awake.
Stop eating sugar and bread in the morning. I stick with nothing but protein and onle ONE cup of coffee or tea with not sweetener. Also, cardio exercise with big al. Remember what you put in your body is what comes out. Put good in get good out.