Lipid Panel
October 9,2008 Cholesterol 200,Triglycerides 182,HDL 27,LDL 143 and Non-HDL 173
April 1,2009 Cholesterol 249,Triglycerides 243,HDL 37,LDL 184 and Non-HDL 212
June 29,2009 Cholesterol 240,Triglycerides 173,HDL 32,LDL 184 and Non-HDL 208
October 9,2009 Cholesterol 239 and uncertain about Triglycerides,HDL and Non-HDL.Haven't picked up copies of my Labs.
My Physician Prescribed Prevastatin/Prevachol BEFORE allowing me time to lower.At my Appointment 2 Weeks ago,he asked about the Statin.I simply told him,"I don't take the crap,and there are reasons why!"